Do Wolves Like Sugar Foods Like Dogs Do

Can Wolves Eat Dog Food?

They can eat it, but if it turns into their normal diet it can kill them.

Dog food is made for domestic dogs and not wild wolves... the diet they require is very different and if taken off such a diet it can cause major health problems if not kill the animal.

If wolves are carnivores then why are dogs classified as omnivores?

This makes no sense to me. Their internal digestive system is built the same as wolves so why in the world are they listed as omnivores and not carnivores? Also, last time my dog ate a carrot, it came out looking exactly the same, except it was chewed. It wasn't even ALMOST digested!

Are they listed as omnivores so that dog food manufacturers can get away with putting veggies and grains in their food? Sure doesn't make any sense to me. Sure, dogs are opportunists, they will eat anything if they're hungry enough (i.e. bark, berries, grass) and sometimes my dogs are ornery and will try to eat sticks and rocks. It doesn't mean it's good for them?!

I have nothing to do with dog food. I am going to raise my own meat and feed my dogs that way this summer (they are on a PMR diet but I don't like feeding them supermarket junk with all of those hormones and stuff). I was just wondering. My dogs have never been interested in veggies although some dogs enjoy them as an occasional treat.

So if a wolf is a carnivore, how is a dog NOT a carnivore? Their insides are the same. So I don't see how they can claim they are omnivores.

" If we look at the dogs physiology, it tells the whole story.

Teeth: Sharp, pointy, and scissor-like, ideal for tearing flesh and crushing bone. Not flat, like the molars of cows and bears, which are used for grinding plant matter.

Saliva: They have no amylase in their saliva. Herbivores and omnivores produce this enzyme to help break down vegetation.

Digestive Tract: Dogs have a very short and acidic digestive tract, ideal to process meat and bone. Not nearly long enough to get any nutritional benefit from vegetables.

Dogs have the internal anatomy and physiology of a carnivore."

My dogs eat period blood?

I noticed that my dogs goes crazy for the pad/underwear that has my period blood. Its gross, and I didnt know she goes to my trash and get them out...
Will eating blood turn her into her wolf instinct????

How did dogs live and eat before they were domesticated?

Wolves have about 99% of the same DNA a domesticated dog does. The only difference is the size, shape, color, and temperament. Although on the outside, a dog may look completely different to a wolf, the genetic makeup is mostly the same.

They weren't blood thirsty animals. Wolves are very misunderstood. They lived in packs, and to survive, they did indeed hunt.
However, they only eat when they needed to and chose the weakest animals. Before wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone, the deer were becoming sick because there wasn't enough food, and even the weakest animals were reproducing because there weren't any predators to pick them off.

A wolf won't kill an animal needlessly. They hunt BIG prey such as bison or elk. If they just went around killing any animal whenever they fancied it, they risk being injured. Badly. So they will avoid hunting until they need to.

Wikipedia has a fantastic page on the Gray wolf... it's a very long and thorough read, but interesting. There are a lot of books on wolves too.

Is Pedigree dog food good or bad for your dog?

If a dog foodstays inside the dogdoes not cause the dog to eat grass all the timedoes not cause elevated blood valuesis affordableis climate-friendlydoes not contain obscure ingredients like fantasy fish names or “algae”does not contain superfoods that cause botanists to have laughing fitsTHEN IT IS GREAT DOG FOOD!If Pedigree works fine for your dog, so be it. (Dear fellow quora users, a dog food does not have to contain 80 percent Wagyu beef….)Hills and Royal Canine are best if your dog needs a veterinary diet. (My 16-year-old labrador bitch would already be dead without strict “low fat”- diet. Rest of that dog is quite healthy but we could use a new pancreas… The 10-year-old has lymphocytic IBD and has to be fed a vegetarian diet. He gets severe diarrhoea from any kind of meat but is fine with his Hills/RC diet.)Please do not feed large amounts of meat. Dogs aren´t wolves and do not need this. Dogs ARE meant to be fed with corn, that is what most of them got the last 2000 years. A lot of meat does them more harm than good. (With the exception of working Greenlandic sled dogs, but I guess you do not live in Greenland and your dog isn´t an extremely wolf-like breed living outdoors in arctic winter.)Also, we do not want the human species to die out within the next 200 years due to extreme global warming, so any dog food with lots of meat is out of question. (Sorry, no Japanese beef for Fifi.)I also want to inform you that the non-scientific term “algae” applies to about 10.000 aquatic, autotrophic, pro- or eukaryotic organisms that are as closely related as myself and Ziggy The Cute Spider. If you feed your dog “algae”, you do not know what you feed (Photoautotrophic bacteria? Rhodophycea? Plants?), where it comes from (Fukushima?) and how it was harvested. (But of course we can always declare that dolphin, turtle, sea lion or drowned bird as “OceanWolfWilderness Premium Dog Food with tuna and algae” and print a wolf on the can. After all, shit happens.)I am certain your dog can do without chia seeds, sunflower tubers, powdered Aloe vera-leaves, Ginkgo fruits and … such. I haven´t yet seen a European wolf hunt for chia seeds and doubt very much our ancestors wanted Captain Cook to find new superfoods for dogs in Tahiti. (“SouthernSeaWolf with wild boar and bread fruits, wheat-free”… How does that sound? I think I might start to produce FROZEN RAW PREMIUM DOG FOOD. Some fellow quora users will pay me a fortune…)

Why feed grain free dog food?

dogs dont really digest grains. They are nothing more than fillers.. you're paying money for dog food that mostly just fills your dog up and does not provide as much nutrition.

Grain free is more properly digested.. because there's more nutrition to it, your dog eats LESS of it. Your dog also poops less and has smaller poops.. dog food that is grain based creates larger poops that are mostly bulk that your dog did not digest!

Dogs are CARNIVORES, not omnivores. Even their teeth are designed for eating meat, not vegetation!

I think some people want to believe that their dogs are omnivores because they want to try to humanize their pets as much as possible. They just dont want to think of their dogs as a killing meat eating machine.

One person pointed out that dogs eat grass.. ya, but they also ussually THROW IT UP! Our pet dogs may eat fruits and veggies, their TASTES have altered to accept the same foods we eat.. they know that we eat it so it must be food, that doesnt mean that their body actually digests it and makes use of it. My dog will eat cat poop and diapers if given a chance, should I consider that part of his diet?

Berries may be readily available, but wild canids only resort to using vegetation matter as food when MEAT cannot be obtained. Meat is far preferred. Things like berries are nothing more than "filler" to stave off hunter until a real meal can be found. It doesnt mean the dog gets any nutritional value from it.