Do You Agree That A Communist Country Can Never Be Liberal Or Forward Thinking

Can I ask a serious question about Communism and Liberalism?

This is a question for liberals and democrats.

I go to a pretty liberal college in California, most of the people I know profess to be Democrats but would not hesitate to vote for a Communist president or politician if they were given the option.

I often hear the phrase "Communism is good in theory, it just hasn't been done right".

Now, from what I know of communism I just can't seem to find anything that I would consider "good" about it. That way of life just doesn't appeal to me. I realise that in a completely, pure communist society everyone would have what they "need", but that's about it. With communism, the government decides what you "need" and there really isn't any room for discussion on the matter.

I like competition, at my job I get promoted and paid more the more work I do. But under communism you get paid according to your "need". But again, the government is deciding what you "need". I like having the money to take my daughter to Disneyland or buy expensive clothing or electronics or whatever I CHOOSE to buy with the money I have earned.

And before anyone says to me "Go to a communist country and you'll see how great it is", I have. My parents were diplomats and we often traveled to places like Russia (before and after the fall of the USSR), China, and Vietnam among other places.

I went to Russia back in 2009, and I found out that doctor still, even after the fall of communism, get paid about double the a cashier at a McDonald's in the USA makes. They don't make exactly the same, but similar amounts. IDK about you, but I would hope my doctor was getting paid more than that.

In addition, in China I saw as many, if not more, impoverished people than I do here in the USA. Once you get outside the major cities like Bejing it is total squalor.

So what exactly is so great about communism? Why would it be better than living in a republic or a democracy? I just don't understand this line of thinking.

Does liberalism lead to communism?

Indirectly.Liberalism is not a left-wing ideology however it does espouse progressive views on democracy, equality, and universal suffrage, and when you expand democracy it will always favour the majority. The majority under capitalism being the labouring class which means they will vote in their own interests, not the interests of the elite capitalist class.This poses a threat to bourgeois society because it gives power to the majority. The answer therefore is to divide and conquer the working class or to restrict democracy (Fascism). This in essence was Trotsky’s analysis of fascism; the ideology of dying bourgeois society. In his words “Fascism is nothing but a capitalist reaction”.Enough about fascism though, the point is that universal suffrage leads to less power for the bourgeoisie. People inevitably vote for their own interests hence why fascists like Hitler famously said “Democracy inevitably leads to Marxism”.Liberalism leads to greater equality and democracy, and greater democracy leads to greater power in the hands of the larger working-class, and greater power in the hands of the larger working-class leads to positive change that goes against the interests of the bourgeoisie.You either enjoy that greater power, like me, or you see it as an affront to capitalist society and therefore attempt to protect the establishment of capitalism.

What can people look forward to in a communist country?

There is no concern or confusion about the differences in the dogma or platform of multiple parties as there would only be one. You don’t have to worry if you are electing the right person for the next four years.There is no concern about selecting your religion as the state regulates religions very tightly. You don’t have to worry about speaking up with concerns about state policy and practice because you already know the impact of that opposition.You don’t have to work real hard because the state will give you a job regardless. You don’t have to worry about working day and night and being underpaid as an entrepreneur because that process is for Capitalist only and the government controls all business.Since there is no competition among firms, each is given the same amount of money and each worker is paid the same, with the same expectations of each. Competition the workplace is frowned upon but is encouraged within the Party.Populations tend to be treated homogeneously, meaning that common goals or sets of rules will not apply to different segments of the population and community. Everyone, except Party officials, are treated equal.Without a price mechanism, supply and demand are difficult to balance perfectly over time so you won’t have to worry about such economic complexities.You can expect a modest pension if you toe the Party line and work consistently all your life.

Why are you Liberals (Socialists) trying to turn America into a Communist country?

This is Socialism's last stand, and they know it.

The complacent way that fellow democrats have given up their ideals of free speech (even for Republicans), free expression (even for Tea Party-ers), freedom of religion (including for Christians) and freedom of the press (even for FOX news) is very disturbing.

They have traded them in for socialism, fed to them under the names of Liberalism and Progressive Politics, and they don't even realize they are being used.

I have, as an old-style democrat, been told:

1) That the party is not turning socialist.
2) That I am not a democrat because I don't support the (socialist) goals of the party.
3) That socialism isn't so bad.
4) That it was always socialist.

This all by fellow democrats.

I'm a democrat, not a socialist.
Our young democrats are in denial, or active in supporting a socialist agenda.
It makes them useful tools to socialism, ignorant of our party's history, and ignorant of how they are being used.

Read the membership list. One of YOUR representatives is on it.

Worse, President Obama turns out to be a former member whose membership has been hidden.

And here is the historic record of how the Socialist Party of America has used my party for their own purposes.…

Read the part about how they decided to use the Democratic Party as a front.

We have too much socialism as it is.

We are looking at a Socialist Nation in YOUR lifetime.

Do the research, KNOW where we turned away from freedom and equality and instead embraced political bigotry and socialism. I've been fighting this battle for decades.

I'm tired of my party being used. They can go back to their own party. They can even have an animal of their own: I nominate: The Duck.

If it swims like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...

They have four years. If they fail, they will NEVER get another chance.

We are seeing the death, or the rebirth, of socialism in our world

YOU decide.

Is Obama turning this country into some kind of socialist/fascist/communist cocktail of a country?

No Broski, the opposite of socialism is capitalism, socialism is a (half baked) economic theory.

Fascism puts the nation above the individual. That sounds a lot like Obama's rhetoric. It's also about severe economic control and forcible suppression of the opposition. Ask Rick Wagoner about the severe economic control and ask Humana about suppression of the opposition.

This administration is fascist by definition.

Do we have a communist on Mt Rushmore?

American history has always been skewed.
George Washington was a slave trader whose main motivation behind the War of Indepenence was to maintain the status quo regarding slavery.
Thomas Jefferson forced himself upon his black slave women. Yet these men are stupidly revered by the American public.
Anyone today who stands up for the poor and downtrodden in society is immediately branded a communist!

As a Chinese citizen, what factors of communism do you like the most?

That females are equal to male, who can hold half of the sky. Arranged marriages were discarded. Forcing the kids to marry into an arranged marriage was outlawed.That untouchable class (Jianmin) was outlawed. Although not big in population, China did have untouchable class who were not allowed to hold a job outside of prescribed occupations. They could only took death related jobs, such as cemetery work or perform on funerals. They didn't have a home, usually living in the ancestry shrines of local clans (big clan family provide their ancestry shrine to homeless as a form of charity). They could only marry among themselves. Mao wiped the untouchable class entirely and they could finally got education and take a normal job.