Do You Agree That Traditional Conservative Values Is What Keeps Our Nation In Good Standing

Do US conservatives think "a strong national defense" is a traditional American value?

With the notable exceptions of pacifist sects like the Amish and Jehovah's Witnesses, no American thinks our nation should be a sitting duck. However, that there are conservative and liberal approaches to a strong national defense.When he was running for president in 2012, Mitt Romney talked about building up our armed forces until they were so strong, no enemy would ever dare attack America again, as if one or two more battleships would really deter a fanatical foe like ISIS or al-Qaeda.  Such braggadocio surely warmed the hearts of defense contractors, but what he left unexplained was how, in the absence of universal conscription, he'd find actual people. The most sophisticated and expensive weapons are useless without highly trained and motivated individuals to operate them.  In the Iraq-Afghanistan wars, the manpower shortage was solved two ways.  First, GIs were sent into the war zones for repeated tours of duty, straining their family ties and exposing them over and over to death and serious injury.  Second, we hired private mercenaries like Blackwater, who were paid far better than the GIs, but who were not under the control of our military--with predictable consequences.The true winners of the Iraq-Afghanistan wars were companies like Halliburton and Blackwater.  But it was not their CEOs, or the CEOs' children and grandchildren, who came home from the front after being raped or left with permanent injuries and PTSD.

What are the key differences between traditional Conservatism and Fascism? Aren't they remotely similar?

This is a good question. It is true that Fascists and Conservatives share many of the same values, such as patriotism, a belief in God, upholding the family, and self-reliance. However, most Conservatives are strong supporters of laissez faire capitalism, whereas Fascists, believing in free enterprise and private ownership, reject the notion that Capitalism should have no restraints. That way lies waste and economic ruin. Why do we need people who own solid gold toilets, especially while there are hardworking people who are starving? We uphold the rights of the Worker, but we reject unionism. Unions exploit the worker. They extort ever higher wages from employers until the employer crates up the jobs and ships them abroad. Then the union, that great champion of the Worker, leaves with them. Then the State must borrow money from the finance capitalists to subsidize the unemployed so that their buying power doesn't fall to a level where the manufacturing capitalist would have to go without his solid gold toilet. Fascism, unlike Conservatism is, as you can see, actually a rather detailed doctrine. Oh, and real Fascists draw the line at bigotry. Conservatives may be against bigotry, but true Fascism upholds the belief that EVERYONE can play a vital role in fulfilling National Destiny. I seem to have rambled a bit. Hope I've answered your question adequately.

Do most Native American tend to be Liberal or Conservative?

I don't think this Right/Left polarity can really be applied to an entire ethnic group and less so with Natives. I know many that tend to vote republican in Oklahoma and the intellectual types that go Democrat. But fortunately, many still retain traditional values that fall outside of this binary political affiliaion (e.g. that you are either a "Lib" or "Con"). For example, you could be very "conservative" in some aspects and still value the notion that the group takes care of its individual members and wealth isn't something to be amassed and hoarded. Many tribal nations disburse a portion of tribal revenue to tribal members, for example. This worldview would be sacriligious to a good "Conservative" though. ("That's socialism!"). And most Natives I know don't have a strong faith in any party or political affiliation, for obvious reasons. But you gotta work within the political framework you have. So, it is a more pragmatic approach I would say. This means fostering connections with both parties and pursuing the ULTIMATE political strategy, which is tribal nationalism. Sovereignty: not just a catch word.

I can tell you for sure that tribal nations donate to both Democrat and Republican candidates and causes, although a higher percentage goes to Democrats.

By the way, the only enrolled Native in Congress today is a Republican. Tom Cole from Okahoma (Chickasaw). And previously you had Sen. Campbell (Cheyenne), who SWITCHED parties, which is quite telling.

Do you think conservatives are angry because they are history's losers?

You speak but all I hear is -6 db of white noise.
Your words have been digitally re-mumbled for inaudibility


Liberalism? Conservative? What do these really mean?

Wow...good job! Pretty much sums it up and yeah...prepare to be attacked with namecalling. I'm sure they are on their way!

What separates classical liberals from conservatives?

The liberal vision for the world is one of a colorless, godless and consumerist culture with many freedoms and open borders for everyone to partake in the marketplace. They wish for the most amount of freedoms possible, even if that may danger certain peoples or individuals. They have a more chaotic outlook, an adventurous Dionysian character which can often be at times anarchistic.Conservatives, in the traditional sense, have always been realists, or at least anti-Utopian idealism. They see the world as it is, life as suffering, and truth as truth. They value above all order. Order in the family, the community, in the Nation and in the world. Obedience, hard work, virtuous living, family life are all big focuses from a traditional conservative point of view. Another thing they value much more than a liberal outlook is connection with a higher power. Most traditional conservatives are religious in some way, while many liberals reject God.