Do You Agree With The Following Statement .

Do you agree with the following statement?

"Any one of the systems documentation procedures, such as a DFD,can adequately document a given system"? explain.
by another word There are numerous systems documentation procedures: e.g., Data Flow Diagrams, Flow Charts, Narrative Procedures. Are any or all adequate in documenting a given system. Yes, No, and explain.

Do you agree with the following statement or not, and why: corruption at highest levels in India has disappeared?

It is because of the leaders like Modi who doesnt encourage people in these things and there is a fair play of politics  going in the states .E.G:telangana state !!

Which of the following statements do you agree with the most: "we are all different" or "we are all the same"?

Neither. I disagree strongly with both, as they are extreme oversimplifications. Believing in either one is likely to cause problems for the believers, or for the people around them.We are similar in many ways, and different in many others. Often we are different in areas where we think we are similar, and similar when we think we are different. We may be similar to some people in particular ways but widely different in others.Anytime we are dealing with other human beings, it's important to remember that we don't perfectly understand the situation. None of us even fully understand our own selves, let alone what is really going on inside other people.But that shouldn't mean we give up! We can improve our understanding of other people by communicating with them. Communication is a skill we can learn, even if we aren't naturally talented at it.And yes, sometimes we have to think about people in groups or categories, but we shouldn't ever believe that categories tell us everything we need to know. They are starting points; rules of thumb that we use when we have nothing better.Any of us who believe we have a full understanding of people are fooling ourselves. Especially if we believe too strongly in absolute statements like “We are all the same” or “We are all different.”

To what extent do you agree with the following statement, "Rationality is necessary, but not sufficient"?

That’s an interesting question.The problem is, we so very often think we are rational when we’re absolutely not. Rationality would likely be quite sufficient if it were actually rational ….Here’s an example.The current alleged high priests of rationality - perhaps Richard Dawkins, Michael Gazzaniga, et al. - all insist they’re über-rational, but are they? They are for instance drawing definitive conclusions about consciousness by analysing it with tools that were developed to study chemical reactions. Does it make rational sense?As it is, there is incontrovertible proof that consciousness cannot be emergent from matter, and therefore cannot be apprehended with the tools designed to analyze molecules, atoms and particles (that’s another, long story, but here’s a pointer : ) Analysing consciousness with such tools then becomes pure circular reasoning: “consciousness emerges from the brain because it’s all we know.” We’re very far from rationality here, although some may believe we are not.If we were good enough, rationality alone would likely be enough: the world is ultimately logical. But we are never: claims of rationality are routinely hijacked by ignorance, by people with an agenda, by things we don’t even know we don’t know, by things we cannot conceive of from our limited perspectives. To paraphrase Shakespeare, there are more (logical and rational) things in heaven and earth than are conceived of in our philosophies. So we need to always take claimed ‘rationality’ with a grain of salt, because we don’t own rationality, and we’re very far from knowing the whole story yet.

Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? explain your answers.?

1) no price of good 1 rises, demand of good 1 falls. if demand for good 2 increases. It is a substitute

2) no, price change is a movement along the demand curve and not a shift.

3) no if supply to the same extent as demand price will remain unchanged.
similarly if supply shifts by a lot and the shift in demand is minor, prices will fall.

haha, all nos

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement,"You are a certain kind of person, and there is not much you can change about that."?

That statement has no truth to it.Read this: Basics of Identity“Identity is never “final” and continues to develop through the lifespan. Knowing one’s identity accurately increases self-esteem and reduces depression and anxiety. When people are doing what they think they should be doing, they are happy.”I’m happy to expand if you have a more specific question.~ John

If you are a liberal, do you agree with the following statement?

Dear Michael Allen:You are asking if I agree with “the following statement.” Here is the statement, copied verbatim from your answer:“I’m sorry that it hurts your feelings to be called out on your ignorance, but please understand that from the perspective of an educated person, watching you spout your ignorant nonsense is straight up infuriating. This is the entire crux of this question - you think your baseless opinions are just as valid and worthy of respect as the opinions of people who are experts in the field, and that is nonsense. Simply put, you are not educated enough to have an opinion on these subjects, and insofar as you continue to spout your opinions anyway, the best you can expect from intelligent people is a patronizing pat on the head for how adorable it is that you want to play pretend that you are a mental grown up. Your opinions are exactly like the opinions of a 5 year old who thinks he should have chocolate cake (and only chocolate cake) for dinner every night - it’s couched in ignorance and short-term, short-sighted self interest, and not in what is actually best for anyone.”Do I agree with what, now?I definitely do not agree with the tone of this statement. I guarantee if that someone said such things when commenting on this answer, I would delete it without hesitation. I would also consider blocking the person.Do I agree with the facts? The only thing I am hearing is that you have an opinion about X (I don’t know the topic; it isn’t given) and someone strongly disagrees.Unless you are God and you know everything, you will have that experience often. In my case:I know something about art; but an expert can always correct me should I be mistaken.I live in the Netherlands; someone who has lived here longer can correct me in my views on Dutch history or the Dutch language.I know something about China and Chinese history; anyone who is an expert in the subject, or who lives/has lived in China, can correct me if I’m wrong.Et cetera.But a reasonable correction would include: “Your statement X is wrong. The truth is…”The correction you got may (or may not) be deserved. But even if deserved, it was completely unreasonable.It reminds me too much of the commentors who said they “roll their eyes” at me and think that I must be weak because I refuse to listen to comments such as the statement you quote.And I think I should stop there.Yours truly,Chrys Jordan

Do you agree with the following statement? Are there any scientific studies for the same?

Brains are not muscles; brain cells and muscle cells are very different. Muscle cells do not communicate with each other. However, one can use the analogy of the muscle to explain some behaviours of the brain. There is a lot of literature that physical exercise is good for your muscles and for your brain—here they are analogous. It has been shown that aerobic exercise can produce new neurons in the hippocampus and produce connection of the newly generated neurons to the existing neurons.If you use your muscle, it gets stronger; if you are bed ridden, muscle gets weak. The same is true of the brain. The brain is plastic, which means that it is capable of changing. Assuming constant number of neurons, the strength of your brain depends on the connections between neurons and the strength of each connection, namely, the number of synapses and the strength of each synapse (connection). When you learn something new, new connections are made; when you practice something the synapses are strengthened and new synapses are also formed. Famous experiments have been done in the visual system. If you put a patch on one eye of a kitten, the connections of that eye to the brain are not made, or the ones which are made die. If you remove the patch just before a certain time, the connections are made again. Hence, if you want a strong brain, use it to read, do your taxes, learn new things, etc. Do not forget to exercise. The brain cells can use only oxygen and glucose for nutrition. When you exercise, increased blood flow brings nutrients to the brain and remove waste products.In conclusion, both for the brain and the muscles, one can say—use it or lose it!