Do You All Support Obama Only Because He Is Black

Black people are sheep. They all voted for Obama in 2008, why? Just because he's black?

96% of blacks voted for Obama in 2008. Wow. Can't black people think for themselves? Did they?
solely vote for Obama, just on the qualification that he was black? That's pretty sad if you ask me. what do you think? What's the matter blacks, you can't think for yourself and vote your own conscience? You have to vote for someone based on the sole qualification of skin color. Didn't Martin Luther King say that you should "judge a man, not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character?" It sounds like you only judged and voted for this man based upon the color of his skin. Am I wrong?

Do all Trump supporters hate President Obama?

Yes .... and for good reason... He is the first president to have less than 3 % GDP growth during his terms - that is a Big deal ... He divided the country and caused people's health insurance rates to more Han double. Lesser informed people love him because it's the cool thing to do. Lesser informed people were not as motivated to come out to the polls and the people who have gotten the shaft over the past 8 years rejected his legacy and gave President Donald J Trump a mandate on Novemer 8th of 2016 via an electoral landslide. Voters in California stayed home due to the low chance of turning the state red, which led to a popular vote advantage for Clinton. Voters are suppressed in Illinois, NY, and California due to the greater than 60% inner city democratic lean. Trump voters were self motivated to show up to the polls, whereas Clinton supporters were packed in buses and offered free pizza and alcoholic beverages in turn for their vote. Despite polls being open extra hours and voters being issued false ID's, democrats failed to garner enough votes in key battleground states, ultimately resulting in the reversal of Obamas executive orders - Obama's legacy is 8 years of Donald Trump, and further, a place between Buchanan and Carter in the history books.

Is Oprah Backing Obama Because He's Black?

then why isn't she sharing any support with Clinton.It would be a change too,and with keeping everything in mind,i think Hillary is a much better choice,not because shes a woman,not because shes white,but because shes had experience in the white house,and politics.Were not living 70 years ago,its 2007.Everyone needs to grow up and stop with the racism.Its just getting old now,i understand what happened to blacks many years ago was horribly wrong.It doesn't happen in todays society,and there is a reason for it,because its wrong,we ended it.Even more so,say our ancestors thousands of years ago,they used to resort to cannibalism. Do you think they were racist?Do you think they attacked based on color?I know im rambling on and on.But the racism issue needs to end.There are whites,blacks,asians,arabs,mexicans,cana...
In the United States,we need to think as a Civil
Society,not a color map.
If your still that obsessed with colors,go back to elementary school art class!!!!!

What percentage of the Trump supporters hate Obama merely on the fact that he is black?

I am a Trump supporter, and like many of my friends and family, I was also an Obama supporter. My state swung 9% points from Obama to Trump, and when I was a volunteer for the Obama campaign, left wing friends shared my posts and expressed their admiration for me, but when I supported Trump and agreed with the right that the anti-white rhetoric had gotten out of hand on the left, and that limiting mass migration to preserve our rights and culture and not allowing criminals to use race as a pretext for escaping justice were fundamentally good ideas, I was defriended, blocked, or branded a racist.There is an old saying that left wing movements always consume their own eventually, and sometimes I think there is truth to it. I am an Atheist, a former 13 year member of the ACLU (they went off the rails too), a supporter of legalizing marijuana, a supporter of legal abortions, a supporter of universal single payer healthcare, and according to many Democrats, a “deplorable” racist Trump supporter. I do think that America’s largely white cultural identity and traditional white majority should be preserved, and I despise the endless racial attacks on “whiteness” from the left, as well as their hatred for gun rights, and these two issues *alone* have forced me to support candidates like Donald Trump, despite that undermining many of my other political positions.So it is impossible to know how many people hated any public figure for their race, ethnicity, religion, or anything else. Probably a tiny minority. But the left has alienated a lot of their former supporters like myself and my family with their radical policies on race, culture, and attempts to restrict civil liberties like gun rights and free speech.

Are black people biased toward Obama because he's black?

Yes, of course and rightly so because he is a shining example of smarts, community service, leadership, and compassion, and he's globally astute and popular. We in the black community needed him. He arrived and conquered at a most desperate time. We are a beautiful mix, a glorious group of people with magnificent ancestry that by a sick twist of fate have spent the last 300 years being squashed, in every way, enslaved, financially held back and murdered. Today we have President Obama whose very presence shines forth our innate beauty and abilities if given a fair chance and support. Thankfully we have this shining example of leadership, grit and grace. All against a monumental amount of pressures and stresses and injustice. I say shame on the people responsible through history all the way to the present.  Denigrating anyone because of their differences is a sin. A tragic sin and despicable. Humanity can do better. Must do better. Obama is loved deeply by the minority few within our community who feel the opposite? I say they are jealous it wasn't them who became our first black President.

Why did President Obama call black people who won't vote for Hillary Clinton an insult to his legacy?

I like to believe in simplicity, so I’ll answer this in a brief manner:It’s commonly known that African Americans and other minorities were denied the right to vote up and until the passage of the Civil Rights Act. There are still several cases of states attempting to impose voting regulations that disproportionately affect minorities (look at the recent court in North Carolina where the Court ruled that the law “targeted minorities with almost surgical precision”).A vote is a citizen’s greatest strength, second only to running for office. It is the means through which you may make your voice heard. And I know it may not feel that way because politics tends to breed cynicism, but your voice is powerful. If it weren’t so, then people wouldn’t have attempted to silence it.Thus it is an insult to the legacy of the first black POTUS that people who have had to earn the right to vote, a right that hundreds of thousands were killed or beaten or jailed to earn, don't exercise their vote. As is the same with any citizen who doesn't exercise their right to vote. In the paraphrased words of MLK, what we pay for isn’t the hate or the vitriol of the bad but the silence and inaction of the good. Not voting is akin to voting for the ideologies of those with whom you disagree. People fought tooth and nail to give minorities a voice. And what President Obama means more than anything else is this: use your voice and have it impact change. That’s the only way you will ever truly see a government by the people, for the people.

"What about the black community, Obama" banner at his St. Petersburg townhall speech?

Saw a clip on CNN today from Obama's speech at St. Petersburg, Florida. All the way at the back of the hall at the top of the bleachers were about 3-4 black men holding up a white banner with the caption "What about the black community, Obama?" The banner *appeared* to have a Website link on it also (CNN started to zoom in on it but I couldn't read it). After a short period of time, a bearded white guy appeared to be trying to take the banner from the black guys. Anyone have any idea what the banner's all about and what their beef is? Answers from Floridians preferred here...

Do "black" people feel obligated to vote for Barack Obama?

Not this one....

I wanted Fred Thompson or Mitt Romney