Do You Believe At The Existence Of Extraterrestrial What Do You Think Of The Sightings

Do you believe in extraterrestrial beings?

There may be intelligent life on other planets—but if so, the Bible doesn't mention it. If there is, it is because God put them there (just as He put us here), and their purpose is to glorify and serve God (just as ours is).

While it's interesting to speculate about life on other planets, it's important to remember that God is everywhere, and although our planet is very small, God has not forgotten us. He made us, and He provided for us by making the world so it would sustain life. Never forget the opening verses of the Bible: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. ... God saw all that he had made, and it was very good" (Genesis 1:1, 31).

But something happened to the perfect world that God created—and that "something" was sin. Adam and Eve walked with God—but in time they gave in to the temptations of Satan, and they turned their backs on God. And when they did, sin—like a lethal cancer—destroyed their fellowship with God and brought death to the human race.

But God did not abandon us! God loves us, and He was determined to bring us back to Himself. He did this by coming down to earth in the person of His Son, Jesus, who died so we could live. Do you know the God of the universe in a personal way? You can, by opening your heart to Jesus Christ today.

Do you believe extraterrestrial life (aliens) exist?

i've got faith that that's incredibly probably that extra beneficial-terrestrial existence exists. i've got faith nonetheless that assuming it does exist it may be; a. no longer in many massive call structures b. unlikely to be smart c. in assessment to any earth based existence even with the incontrovertible fact that existence could desire to be ubiquitous throughout the universe, and already responsive to our existence. we do exactly no longer recognize. on the Christian attitude The theology of Christianity replaced into created till now our present day theory of area and encompasses in basic terms the earth and what could be seen from it (The Heavens), on the time the favored theory did no longer embody the prospect extra beneficial terrestrial existence. there replaced into in basic terms one worldwide that any one knew approximately. i'm uncertain of how a fashionable Christian perspectives the question of extraterrestrial existence. i could assume that salvation of the human species replaced into what worried them.

I’m going to be noncommittal on the subject, but I’ll give you good arguments for and against the existence of extraterrestrial life.Those who believe it’s out there feel that way because there are something like a hundred billion stars in our galaxy (the number’s probably risen since I last heard a figure) and about a hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe (and this figure may have gone up). When you factor in the number of planets orbiting all those stars, you get sort of a big number. Well, more than sort of, you get an unbelievably huge number. So the odds of there being life are high (a bit lower for intelligent life), but there’s an if here.The IfThose who believe there isn’t extraterrestrial life, especially intelligent life, point to the fact that we - meaning every living thing on Earth that’s ever existed - have gotten incredibly lucky to escape all the disasters that could have wiped life out at any time. But even before that, life had to start. Some random combination of chemicals and (probably) environmental factors had to mesh up in just the right way, allowing the first-ever cell to spring to life.So extraterrestrial life almost certainly exists… if… it started to begin with and if… it wasn’t wiped out early on.So, sorry to have to escape without committing myself to a position, but for me it really does seem like a 50/50 proposition based on very valid from both sides of the debate.

Atheists: do you believe in aliens or extraterrestrial life, and if so, with what evidence?

I think there is some possibility that there is life elsewhere in the galaxy.

The difference between my thoughts about the non-existance of God and the potential existence of alien life is basically this: Life on other planets (or the lack therof) is a scientific question. It's purely a matter of whether life, *which is known to exist*, might be more widespread than we are aware of. There's nothing so far to suggest that our planet is so unique that the same kind of thing couldn't exist elsewhere, so we can posit that there might be life on *other* worlds. That's speculative in that we don't have much factual data to back it up *yet*, but it is a matter of ordinary fact. And, here's the important bit-- althought it would be quite hard to prove that there's life on any other planet, there are some, ordinary, factual bits of evidence we can look for, through such means as spectrographic analysis and SETI. In the distant future, we might even have more direct means

God, on the other hand, is quite different. In the strict sense, you can't prove that there isn't an Invisible Flying Hippo Army. However, I'm prepared to bet you're pretty comfortable with dismissing the idea out of hand on the basis that I just made it up. That's how I think about God-- I don't have to put that idea in a special non-concluding pattern any more than I do with Invisible Pink Unicorns or Russell's teapot. There's not even any kind of measurable evidence we could look for. They're just things that humans made up, and I can dismiss all of them.

So, the point of all that is that there's a difference between a matter of fact that is hard to get evidence for and an idea that is made out of whole cloth and designed to resist examination by ordinary means. Alien life is the former, God the latter. One is scientific; one is not. I hope this makes sense for you.

“Do you believe there is extraterrestrial life in the universe? Why or why not?”To me, it’s not a matter of belief.I think that given the size of the observable Universe and the amount of stars and planets in it, the odds of life emerging in other places than here are very high.Ergo, extraterrestrial life is a huge possibility.Intelligent life and advanced civilizations (like ours or beyond), have a slightly lower chance of emergence, but definitely not a negligible one.Therefore, extraterrestrial life is very much possible, and it’s probably out there asking this very same question.However, will we ever find this other life?Probably not, because of the same size of the Universe.

In other words, what proof do we have that intelligent, alien life exists? Our biggest stumbling blocks to answering this question, are the current limits of human perception and understanding. Just like asking the question, “is there a God?” the answer to the alien life question may (currently) be incomprehensible. There's a strong tendency for us to subject such questions to our cognitive map of experience and understanding. Unfortunately, that map has evolved over thousands of years for the sole purpose of human survival…and it isn't much use in navigating such “alien” territory (sorry). How can I make such claims that we are (currently) incapable of arriving at a useful answer to the intelligent, alien life question?…because all of our scientific efforts to date (SETI, etc.), would suggest we are alone in the universe. I do believe the reason why we appear to be alone in the universe, is because many of the prerequisites of understanding needed to tackle the search for intelligent alien life, are grossly lacking. Prerequisites of understanding, such as, what is life?; what is intelligence?; Is there an objective reality beyond our perception?; How much of our perception of reality is “tailored” by our genetics?…all of these questions need to be reexamned. I do believe, as we continue on this anthropomorphic search for “Space men,” we are, by and large, not doing much more than searching for ourselves.

No. If signs of life are detected on another planet it’s big news.Intelligent life almost certainly exists in other solar systems, but they’re not visiting us. The people who claimed to be visited were either lying for attention, or had frontal-lobe seizures. In more primitive times, people with seizures saw angels and demons. Now they go more Sci-Fi with aliens.It’s no coincidence that “alien visits” stopped as soon as everyone started carrying cameras in their phones.

ATHEISTS: Do you believe in the existence of aliens?

I imagine the universe as teaming with life, sadly if earth is any example intelligent life is rare or non existent.

Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving
And revolving at 900 miles an hour
That's orbiting at 19 miles a second, so it's reckoned
A sun that is the source of all our power
The sun and you and me, and all the stars that we can see
Are moving at a million miles a day
In an outer spiral arm, at 40,000 miles an hour
Of the galaxy we call the Milky Way

Our galaxy itself contains 100 billion stars
It's 100,000 light-years side-to-side
It bulges in the middle, 16,000 light-years thick
But out by us it's just 3000 light-years wide
We're 30,000 light-years from galactic central point
We go round every 200 million years
And our galaxy is only one of millions of billions
In this amazing and expanding universe

The universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding
In all of the directions it can whiz
As fast as it can go, at the speed of light you know
Twelve million miles a minute and that's the fastest speed there is
So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure
How amazingly unlikely is your birth
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space
Because there's bugger all down here on Earth

Atheists: do you believe in the existence of aliens?

Based on the number of things that need to go correctly in order to create life on a planet, the odds of it ever happening are extremely low. However it has obviously happened here so it is not impossible. If I then take into account the enormity of the universe I'd say that we are almost certainly NOT the only life in the universe. I'd also guess that it is quite unlikely that we are the only intelligent life in the universe.

If you mean aliens who have visited earth...that probably has never happened. The distances between stars is incomprehensible. It would take such amazing technology to be able to travel to other inhabited worlds and we have no evidence that E.T.'s have ever been here. However, if an alien species possessed the technology to travel deep space, they very well may have the technology to keep themselves hidden. So it is POSSIBLE that we are being observed by an ultra advanced race, but extremely unlikely.