Do You Believe Destiny Can Make Two Ppl Fall In Love

Do you believe in love at first site?? or destiny?

like when little things happen to you and the guy you like.. like REALLY strange things that bring you together.. do you think its fate or just a coinsidence? .. for me i think it is fate..>.<' .. i dont want to share my story because it might sound silly to others... but id LOOOVE to hear YOUR stories if u hv n e like even little things that made u happy and so that i know it aint just me feeling like this.. xD .. and i know like most ppl think love at first love isnt love and its just infatuation but i think it can develop from there..

at first when i kept seeing this guy i thought it was just coincidence after coincidence and i thought he was cute and thats why maybe I kind of felt something w/ him, but like i didnt really analyze wat i felt that time cuz i think a lot of guys are cute n i wasnt really interested n so i just ignored it for a while (during the summer) but then other things happend after school began and now i think its fate or something cuz its just been really weird lately and everytime I see him its like were so close to each other or something, i havnt talked to him or n e thing but i did catch him looking at me today n like dis whole week its just been so weird but we never said n e thing to each other! we just KIND OF look at each other and then i give him a friendly smile but like i wanna say something to him.. lmfao its just too weird n im getting all happy wen i see him (=

Do You Believe In Fate? True Love? Destiny?

I believe in fate and destiny, in the sense that we all have a path that we were meant for, but I believe that path can change, and also, that we don't have to necessarily follow that path, or have to follow it to be happy.

I also believe that we may be "destined" to be with someone or something for a short while, before that changes, perhaps to lead us closer to the end result.

More power to those who find it, because I don't believe many people do.

What do you believe about 2 people being destined in life to be in love?

I don’t believe in destiny in that exact fashion.I do believe in destiny in a much more general, and a far more mechanical way. I was born human, so I am “destined” by my DNA to be no more and no less than whatever the mechanics of DNA control.But people finding themselves in love? No, that involves a humongous degree of magical control of the universe by a highly detailed force which no evidence exists to support.I have seen far more tragedy and confusion and pain result from belief in “love destiny” than I have seen positive things. People who don’t find a mate who believe it, feel logically that the universe and whatever force controls it, specifically despise them. And people who are fortunate enough to find a good mate, often fail to appreciate just how lucky they are, and don’t cherish the person and value them as they should.So no.

Do you believe that destiny brings people together?

yeah, in the movies.

Do you believe destiny can bring people back together?

I believe we each have someone we are meant for. I also believe very strongly in the free will, the choice God has endowed each of us with as well. Perhaps He has meant the two of your for each other, and if that is the case, God will find a way to push you two in the right direction. But it's really up to you two to make that choice for each other. He may make the decision to move closer to you if he can. Something may open up. You might find yourself closer to him some day. It all depends on the choices you make, and what you want to happen from here. I believe very strongly that, no matter how things are now, with a little faith and effort, they will get better. It's up to you, and him, to make the choices to lead you there. Good luck.

If you're an atheist, can you believe in love at first sight? Aren't the two mutually exclusive, considering that 'love at first sight' is closely related to concepts such as destiny, soul and a higher power?

Why on Earth would anyone get the whimsical idea “ 'love at first sight' is closely related to concepts such as … a higher power”As to “destiny or soul”, atheism is solely the lack of belief in a god or gods. Neither destiny nor a soul is a god so are not a factor with regard the position of an atheist.I write from experience, for I did fall in love at first sight, aged 7 and not through thought of destiny nor soul but at the first time my eyes fell upon a classmate at my new school. My only thought was her spellbinding beauty later augmented by finding she was super clever which gave a frissant of intellectual competition.Though we stayed friends through into our twenties, we were never more than friends and sometimes barely that. As for destiny, we are no longer in touch and have not been for decades.Do I still believe in love at first sight or that childhood love is the real thing?I guess I would have to look at how long it took before I ceased to have any feelings for her, or think about her, or in those thoughts not feel sadness. 52 years on, I have yet to know that day.