Do You Believe Elite Theory Exist Today And Why

Do you think the elite theory is true?

I think the elite theory is mostly true. It was true 2000 or more years ago. It was true 1000 years ago. It's true now. The reason why the elites are in big positions is because they were born in an elite family, have money to go to the best schools, and have connections. It does not mean they are anymore hard working than other people. However, this is not to say that there aren't any rich people who worked hard for their money. There is. But there's even a divide among rich people. Sometimes the "Old Rich" will want to keep the "New Rich" out of their little groups.

When I think of what you just said, I think of WASPS. ( White Anglo Saxon Protestants. ) Not everyone can be a White Anglo Saxon Protestant, or from an old Colonial Family. So even a person who let's say is from a working class Catholic Italian/Hungarian background decides to start a business, it succeeds, and the person becomes a multi-millionaire, well, then they might still be secluded from Blue Blooded activities.

However, I'm not saying all elites are the same. There are down to earth elites from blue blooded families, or families that were rich for hundreds of years. And there are elites who do care about humanity. But I am just speaking in general.

What are some of the conspiracy theories you believe?

Most people consider the list I'm giving you conspiracies but I beieve the to be real …..Sasquatch, UFOs, 9/11 inside job, people living under earth crust, Raptilians under earth's crust, Giants pass and present, killing of John Kennedy and his brother and son, Viet Nam stated on purpose, all wars controlled by elite group along with banking industry, pharmaceutical industrial complex third most corrupt group in US, government trades technology for flesh with Aliens ,US elite have power sources from aliens unused because their elite controls oil and gas industries , Marilyn Monroe was killed by US men, Clinton's most evil couple in decades, Obama is a Muslim and his partner is a tranny , end times with 9 years, Kolbrine Bible is truth , we consist of body and spirit and the intelligent spirit has always existed….thats enough for now ..

What is "Elitist Thinking"?

well it depends what you are referring to. If you are referring to Elitist in the sense of Elitist theory then they would see the elite people as, like you said, the smartest. This would include the top 1%. They believe that we are to dumb to make our own decisions. That is initially why the elite created the electoral college. Because they don't trust the average man. they pretty much believe that they are invincible and they will never get caught because they are brilliant.

Conspiracy theory : Is it true that there are any elite organizations secretly carrying out plans to depopulate the world for a New World Order?

I tried to watch the video. I really did. But it almost immediately descended into self-parody. Everything from ominous music, anti-vax nonsense, Agenda 21 paranoia, etc. And it appears that at least some of it comes from that bastion of ignorance and fraud, Natural News Dot Com (don’t want to give them a link)—a sure sign that it’s entered The Land of Woo, and that any factual information is there purely by accident. I could feel my brain cells leaping to their death, so I had to stop.It’s fascinating to me how many conspiracy peddlers who are supposedly on the “left” politically seem completely unaware of (or worse, indifferent about) swallowing huge amounts of nonsense that originated with the most virulently paranoid (and often anti-Semitic) right wing. The John Birch Society (the Koch family patriarch was a founding member), W. Cleon Skausen (the Mormon fantasist who claimed intimate knowledge of the Communist Conspiracy, most of which he made up out of whole cloth, and whose work was rescued from well-deserved obscurity by Glenn Beck), and the ugly anti-Semitic lies of fascist sympathizers like Henry Ford. All were reflexively anti-government, convinced of the existence of a massive conspiracy of shadowy—cough!—Jewish puppet-masters who rule the world.It’s a shame that so much time and energy is wasted “fighting” imaginary problems, when there are so many real ones that need attention. The environment, especially concerning climate change; the continuing poisonous legacy of slavery, civil war and racism (including widespread racist efforts to disenfranchise poor and minority voters); public health, including the risks of epidemics due to the deadly anti-vax conspiracy nonsense; the corrupting influence of money on our politics; actual misbehavior by corporate and government bad actors (as opposed to the imagined crimes touted by conspiracists)—and so much more.When proponents of conspiracy theorists show at least as much skepticism about the actual sources of their “facts” as they do for “the Official Story,” I might start listening to them. I’m not holding my breath.

Why do people actually think the Illuminati exist?

These celebrities arent the Illuminati. Thats all BS. Those symbols and signs in music videos are put by directors and producers. These actors and singers would'nt be knowing all that illuminati stuff.
In the modern context the Illuminati means the "ruling elite" they are the International bankers like the Rothschild etc and Royal Families of Europe. The Order of the Illuminati which has nothing to do with modern elite was disbanded in the year 1785. The Elite wants to implement a New World Order. Read this awesome article describing who they are , what are their plans and why their agenda keeps on pacing.