Do You Ever Wish You Were A Different Person

I Wish I Was A Different Person..I Hate Being Me?

I feel like no one cares about getting to know me, and I think everyone uses me for different reasons.
My ex boyfriend was verbally abusive, and since then I've felt like I wasn't good enough for anyone or anything. I am constantly judging myself, and have grown extremely paranoid. I have a new boyfriend now, and I'm so scared to show him who I really am, I try to be a different person around him, because I don't like myself, and wish I was a different person, so I try to be someone he would want.I don't know how I can stop feeling like this.

I wish i was a different person?

I just feel like im uninteresting, and not good enough for anyone. I am constantly judging myself and feel like a bad person all the time. I make mistakes and just wish i didnt but i dont think and i dont like being me. I also get easily jealous of all these gorgeous people i know who seem to be loved by everyone and i dread to think what people say about me :(

last year i had a bad experience with people who didnt like me and in the end admitted that they didnt know why they didnt like me, but they're my friends again but i have trsut issues now and i am paranoid of everyone.

Do you ever wish you were a different person in a different body?

Oh my god yes!As a kid, I always wondered why I was me. Out of every physical body out there, why was I in this specific one? I wanted to be that popular kid who had a bunch of friends and cool parents. I wanted to be cute and liked. Instead, I was just me.I know now that was because I had really low self-esteem and barely any friends. At 18 now, I am very pleased with who I am and the body I am in. I sometimes wish I had the life other people had, but I never wish to be someone else anymore. I know I am in this world for a reason, and I should no longer question that reason.

Anyone ever wish they had been born a different person?

Hi Celt,

both your recent questions, i relate to so much. Yes I do feel that way, i am never sure wether its due to depression but i often feel isolated from everyone and like as though i am not accepted properly because..sometimes i don't feel i fit with the way other people behave and don't share the same interests..I guess I just hope that someday that will change....hopefully we all belong somewhere..we just have to find out where!

I wish i had a different you ever wish you had a different life?

Hey, you are you for a very special reason, my friend... Honestly, until a few years ago, I didn't know who I was at all.. I lived in a ghetto until I was 9, living around smokers, dealers, and bad people... Never once did I know why I had to live there. My parents were abusive, my friends were always getting into bad stuff, and I just didn't get it... I moved to a better neighborhood, where my Mom started to not be abusive, but my parents divorced, and all the kids at my school were prissy and I couldn't handle the stress of being around people like them... I always got in fights, barely passed elementary, and went on through 6th grade with severe depression problems, behavioral disorders and mental issues. In 6th grade I started playing drums and working out, those were the first productive things i had ever done in my life. by 8th grade I started meditation, philosophy, full on volunteering and work during summer, being leadership of symphonic band in my school. Today, I am just finishing my 9th grade year. I am a philosopher, a respected percussionist, a person who can fit in any group of people, a lucky kid with a great handful of friends I never could replace, a kid who fought through depression, oppression, discrimination, abuse, and a horrible childhood... I have had a terrible start, but I found my way through, and I am sure I have a purpose in this life, and no matter what I would never ask for any other life but my own... No matter what you have been through, you have the ability to choose your fate. Never forget that, and never forget how much you mean to the people you love, and who love you back. Have a good day!

Do you ever wish that you were someone else or lived in a different world?

I wish it all the time. I tell my husband in my next life I will not be human. I am tired of hearing all the completely avoidable pain. I lived in a beautiful part of Mexico. Food grew on trees. The weather was always perfect. Cortez actually asked the king of Spain to give it to him for his own domain. The people are miserable. One woman told me that festivals are their only escape from lives of misery. Husbands beat wives and that was acceptable. Mothers raised boys to be macho. People took advantage of one another and poverty was widespread while a few families were rich but corrupt. Why was it so? There was no reason for it to be so. Humans find ways to make it so.