Do You Fart A Lot How Much Fart A Day Is Healthy

Is it normal to fart alot the day after anal sex?

Depending upon the size of the penis, the length of time you had anal, and how relaxed you were, your anus can be stretched. The farting is more likely from something you ate, and you are just much more aware of it since you just tried anal for the first time.

When I drink beer I fart A LOT the next morning. Do I have a health condition?

Alcohol denatures enzymes that are essential to proper digestion. When those enzymes become ineffective, it causes different symptoms in different people. In your case, it causes you to have more gas. Just because your mates don't get it as bad simply means, you're slightly different in your physiology. If I was you, I would stop drinking, because aside from digestion troubles, alcohol also does damage to the liver and brain cells. It affects your posterior pituitary gland which secrets the antidiuretic hormone for your nephrons. That's why you become dehydrated when drinking alcohol. Long story short, just don't drink and you'll be fine.

How many times is it normal to fart in a day?

Depends what you eat, and what's you weight and organism. I guess it also depends on who in the room with you (like the other one said).

Is farting normal or does it mean poor health?

Most of us have been there: experiencing excessive farting that feels out of our control and causes a whole heck of a lot of embarrassment. While the average person farts nearly every day, some people deal with a bloated stomach and excessive flatulence more often than others. One of the most aggravating things about having gas is that it can seem impossible to minimize and to narrow down the exact culprit, considering dozens of different things can potentially be to blame.What is a fart exactly? A fart, also called gas, “passing wind” or flatulence, is caused by the internal buildup of gases that are formed during the process of digestion and respiration. The causes of farts and how they develop within the digestive tract vary considerably depending on the person and circumstance.As you’ve probably experienced firsthand many times, some farts can be pretty foul-smelling and noisy, while others easily slip below the radar. Wondering how much farting is too much? A mostly healthy person might pass gas 14–18 times per day, sometimes not even realizing it because the farts are mostly silent and odorless. (1) Rather than how often you fart, however, you might want to take a look at the smelliness of your farts and to examine other digestive symptoms present in order to determine if it’s really become a problem.

Is it normal to be farting at least 30 times a day?

Good question. Do you eat a lot of bananas? I do, and the make me fart big time, but the smell is relatively benign.

Get some Beano if your farting is bothering you, it really works. I actually like to fart and smell my own farts, so I don't get too bothered about it if I am burning the fabric so to speak.

How many times a day do normal people fart?

The average person farts 14 times per day. It is normal, however, to fart between fifteen and twenty three times. You sound like you do fart quite a bit...but as long as your stomach doesn't hurt, there is nothing in particular to be concerned about.

Girls: How often do you fart a day?

From what I've read in your other questions, you seem to have an obsession with flatulence and feces.
Could this be a possible fetish you have?

How many times do girls fart in a day?

The general and best answer is - girls fart more than boys because of the following reasons;They are ain't able to drink enough water because they shy away from peeing too often.Because, they don't drink enough water, they suffer from constipation.Because, they suffer from constipation, they fart more and it's pure Hydrogen Sulphide or a rotten egg or a dead ratA normal human being has to generate about 2.5 - 4 litres of gas or farts in 24 hoursMinimum is 2.5 litres in 24 hours or in a day.We all have to fart a minimum of 15 times and a max of (depends on what you had. Beans=up to 50 farts/day).Just keep in mind. Females are 'Farting Ninjas' and 'Hiding Ninjas' and 'Holding-In Ninjas'.

How many farts a day would be considered 'normal'?

The human digestive system evolved without the appropriate enzymes to digest certain foods, for example Legumes (beans) in general and cabbage-like vegetables like Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts etc. Hence, we have a huge population of intestinal flora like bacteria and yeasts that handle that for us. These organisms generate lots of gasses in the process, like CO2, Methane and, unfortunately, Hydrogen Sulfide. H2S has the "Rotten eggs" odor that most people abhor (for good reason, it is highly toxic). So, depending on your intake of foods like those mentioned, your gas volume will vary all over the place. It sounds like Seain has evolved with all the appropriate enzymes to cover the problem. BTW, if you take antibiotics for another problem, you can expect potential digestive trouble because they will kill your auxiliary digestive bacteria. Women are generally aware of that issue because it can also lead to yeast infections.