Do You Feel Economy Is Getting Better Or Results Falsified. Will Recovery Last

What kind of jobs might be created as a result of outsourcing?

low skills jobs are eliminated - manufacturing, call centers

high-skill jobs are created - design, sales, customization, installation, maintenance.

Obama is going to be the first "president" since Carter to complete his first term in office with a NET LOSS?

of jobs in the work force compared to when he started. And even though President Bush inherited a mild recession from Clinton, America still went on to experience six years of uninterrupted economic growth and a record 52 straight months of job creation that produced more than 8 million new jobs. Oh, and during the Bush presidency, the unemployment rate averaged 5.3 percent. (Of course, the same lamestream media that worships Obama today were wringing their hands over how supposedly rotten the economy was back then.) Real after-tax income per capita increased by more than 11 percent. And from 2000 to 2007, real GDP grew by more than -- read it and weep, pal -- 17 PERCENT, which is a gain of nearly $2.1 trillion.

Im obligated to ask your thoughts to make this a question

How can I recover my emails from my Gmail account?

Absolutely yes. If you just need to feel better, get everything that might makes you more sad or depressed AWAY, and everyone who puts your issues on the spot as well! listening to sad music, talking to the wrong people about what makes you feel really sad, going to places that are related to bad memories, all of that can make your depression worse. Talk it out man! Write down everything. Whatever are your feelings ACCEPT them, see and understand what is their purpose and why do you feel this way! find a way out of it. Help yourself. Talk to new, fresh people. Go to new places. Try new clothes with new colours. Discover yourself again. Put your hand on heart, feel that heartbeat, and be grateful for it. Believe me if you give up to depression it will eat your soul. Whatever your age, you have a great life, you just can't see that well. And it's just a decision, remember that. You're the one who decides whether to be sad and let depression mess with you or to change something and get your life in a good, bright direction.What are you trying to clone.Cloning a lot of plants is very easy, you can take a cutting, place it in some compost an the cutting will develop roots. you now have two genetically identical plants.With some plants like most berries or vines it is even easier, just peg a part of the plant onto the ground and it will develop roots. Once it is rooted you can simply cut the vine connecting the new plant to the old.With mammals things are more difficult, you need some basic lab equipment. Basically you have to remove the nucleus (all the genetic material) from an egg cell and replace it with a cell nucleus taken from the animal you wish to clone, fuse the two together with a electric shock and then implant the clone embryo into the womb of a female animal so that it can develop to maturity.If you are trying to clone a hard disk, use a linux boot disk and a program called gparted.