Do You Feel Pain When Your Unconscious

Can you feel pain or anything at all when you are unconscious?

depends what you mean by unconscious, if you mean like when you go to a dentist to get a tooth pulled or something and they give you that gas that makes you go to sleep, no, you cant feel any pain. and if you mean like when you go to bed, thats kind of hard to answer because it depends on how deep of a sleeper you are and stuff. sometimes you wont feel pain while you are sleeping but usually the pain will wake you up, and if it wakes you up, obviously you felt it. and finally, if you mean if u hit ur head and u get knocked out, no you cant feel pain.

hope that answered your question pretty good.

If you're knocked unconscious, can you feel pain?

No, I am not suicidal.

Someone unimaginably precious to me passed away in this manner. I just need to know if he was in pain. I intentionally left this information out because I was afraid people would just give me the answers I wanted to hear.

How do we know that unconscious people do not feel pain?

This would be a great answer for an anesthesiologist. But as a surgeon, I can do my best. A slightly better answer would be" How do we know that unconscious people do not experience pain?" Pain, as the sensation of an unconscious stimulus, is blocked by general anesthesia. Patient's that have surgery don't sense the unpleasantness on the conscious level. That's where pain is really felt and experienced. And most importantly, remembered. Certain neurons might fire in response to painful stimuli along the sensory cortex, but the conscious part of the brain that remembers, that reacts emotionally to pain, is unattached and thus, unaware. Curiously, we don't really know how general anesthetics work. But we do know that patient's can safely undergo surgery and have no recollection of the experience.

What does it feel like to be knocked unconscious?

i felt a lot of pain then nothing, wake up in the ER and there u feel numb

What does it feel like to be knocked unconscious?

I was unconscious for a whole week in intensive care, I can't remember what it felt like, to me I'd just been asleep.

Does someone that is drowning while unconscious still feel pain or suffer?

As I have never met someone who has drowned...... I would guess its peaceful other than your thoughts before you pass out, thinking "oh poo.... not getting out of this one".

Eventually you have to attempt to breath, breath in water, vomit, etc and you continue your breathing motions, you just don't retain oxygen. Eventually pass out......then eventually decease.