Do You Find It Concerning That There Has Been Such Heavy Impeachment Rhetoric Against The Last 3

What do you think about president Richard Nixon and how he was like as a president?

Had it not been for Watergate, Nixon would have an entirely different image.

I didn't learn this until a couple years ago, but President Ronald Reagan often sought Nixon's council on foreign affairs.

Nixon was paranoid, but not without reason. There really were a lot of people always biting at his heels. He wanted approval, but was not a very likeable person. He wanted his legacy to be that he opened up China, which he actually accomplished.

Nixon thought in big, sweeping terms. He wasn't some tiny detail- obsessed person like Carter.

As President he made some brilliant moves, and some mistakes. In retrospect, the gas price freeze during the OPEC oil embargo was probably a mistake, but it also might have been a necessity at the time. We didn't know how long the embargo was going to last, and if oil companies started price gouging, it could have had serious repurcussions for the economy. What about all the goods transported via rail and truck? It could have sent the economy into a huge recession. We will never know.

What would need to happen for Donald Trump to get impeached?

First, Trump would have to something impeachable (done,many times over). The House then would write up articles of impeachment. Then, the House votes. It only takes a simple majority to impeach the president. Now, here’s the fun part - the passed articles of impeachment now goes to the Senate. These republican Senators, as the other person said, “get some balls” and not care what the trumpters say and consider the facts of the impeachment. The Senate now debates the impeachment and then votes. There must be a 2/3 (67%) of the Senators present voting to indict the president. If the 67% is reached, the Senate informs the president and others that the president of the US has been impeached and indicted. If the president is in the WH, armed guards will go, with the indictment and grab him by his orange hair and drag him out of the WH. They will toss all his junk into a moving van and haul it away. Since he’s no longer the president, the law (federal and state) will haul his orange bottom into court and try him on all the crimes he committed. He gets no pension, no goodbye party…..It’s best for him to resign before the senate vote. Then he would be able to have a pension, a trip on a helicopter or plane to someplace…. but he still could brought up on charges with the states and federal (if Pence doesn’t pardon him).

What does Rush Limbaugh mean when he speaks of the "drive by media?"?

Just as "gangsters" commit their "drive-by shootings" without thought of consequence, the media is guilty of "drive-by reporting", where they take pot shots at whatever topic strikes their fancy at that particular moment, without researching for all the facts. Basically the same way that politicians "shoot" at each other during election campaigns.

Influence of Edmund Burke on conservatism and Canada?

1) Analyze President Bill Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention.

1) Analyze President Bill Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention.

2) Analyze the speech as an argument and write an essay about the writer’s effectiveness considering the context in which and audience to which they were delivered. Essays should identify and explain the rhetorical strategies that the author deliberately chose while crafting the text. How did the author's rhetoric evoke a response from the audience?

3) Carefully consider the author’s deliberate manipulation of language. The thesis must be arguable and take language into account; it may not merely tout the general importance of the speech or the valiance of the speaker.

4) Stay focused on the speech as an argumentative text. There isn’t ample space in this essay to carefully detail every aspect of the historical context in which this speech falls. It’s critical to know about the events that led up to the speech, so it is probably necessary to include pertinent details. However, it is not useful to delineate every detail leading up to the speech.

5) Include content from multiple (2-3) secondary sources that effectively and actively support your thesis. You must have a References page in APA format that includes the speech and additional sources.

can anyone help me with understanding what this is asking of me. i have the paper dues the end of this week, i just need to know what the question is asking