Do You Have A Feeling About Raw Tomorrow Night

Going out tomorrow night, lost drivers license..will my passport work?

So its not like im planning on getting pulled over by the cops, so me having the DMV issue me a new drivers license isn't really that high on my 'To Do List'. However, I am a college student and I will be going out with my friends this weekend to some clubs and pubs in the city. What im wondering is if showing my passport with a valid picture and birthdate will be good enough to get past the bouncers? I understand that BOTH a DL and a passport are government issued so I don't think that would be a problem, right?

Last night I ate brownie mix before having green diarrhea all day..what do i do to get rid of it?

if there were raw eggs in the mix and you continue feeling sick you may want to see a doctor to rule out salmonella

Raw skin where cold sore was..Need to heal by tomorrow night! Please help!!!!!?

I really need help. I had a cold sore (i think, i dont really know because ive never had one before) and i put toothpaste on it and zovirax, and it sort of turned into a very thick scab.

I spent about 2 hours carefully picking the scab off with a needle...yes i know i shouldnt have..
and now this is what it looks like..It is quite gruesome, i am soooo sorry, but i really need help!

Its pretty much just raw skin now.. I really want it to heal by tomorrow night because im going out and im going to have to put makeup on it to cover it up without it looking chunky and cakey :( I apologise again for the horrifying photo, but someone please tell me what i can do to get rid of the redness and make it heal at least a little by tomorrow night :(

Braces tomorrow? tips or what to expect?

You have a good attitude going in, that's great.

You'll have to give up certain foods while you have the braces: sticky, chewy foods (gums, caramels, starburst, laffy taffy, etc); hard foods (pop corn, corn nuts, ice, hard candies, toffies, peanut brittle). The foods you'd normally sink the front teeth into for bites (apple, pizza, burgers, sandwiches, corn on the cob) should be either cut up or torn up, etc. Also it's just easiest if when you cut the food, that you cut them into smaller bites. You want to be sure the teeth are doing the chewing work, not the braces.

Your hygiene will need to be stellar so that you don't get the white marks on your teeth - this is called "decalcification" or "demineralization". It's what a person gets before they get a cavity & it's totally preventable. Simply keep the teeth brushed well. Flossing is important too. If the gums puff up, it can cause gum disease, bad breath, cavities under the gumline (that don't get caught until it's really bad) also if the gums get puffy it can actually slow down tooth movement.

Follow your ortho's instructions to a tee. Ask questions (this is a big one to me). The more you understand what & why something is happening, the more invested in the treatment/outcome you'll be.

Initially the teeth will ache - they're all moving through bone all of a sudden. It makes sense when you think of the achiness associated with braces when you remember they have to go through bone. So remind yourself it's progress. Until it settles down, eat a softer diet & use advil or tylenol if it's OK with your parents (that is, if you're a minor?)

The gums and lips will feel pretty raw at first - the tissues will toughen up in time. Until then rinse multiple times a day with warm salt water (to soothe) and use the wax the ortho gives you (they'll show you how to use it).

Keep your lips moisturized, so they're not splitting/bleeding when the ortho/staff are working on you.

And your right, your teeth will look great in the end. Also your bite will be better and then the bonus most don't expect - the increase in self esteem will make it all worth it.

What is there to do on a tuesday night?

me and my 2 friends, we're all 14, are having a sleepover tomorrow night, which is obviously tuesday.^^ we're not really sure what to do, we were thinking about going to yogurtville or something but i'm not sure if my mom really wants to drive us everywhere just to get dinner and desert, so what could we do like at my house that's fun, and not typical like "board games" and what not.

What did your first drink feel like?

My first tryst with drinking was with Vodka (Magic Moments, Green Apple)It was during the Rock Fest in our college. My gang of girls decided to get drunk, and enjoy the music. Before leaving the hostel, each of us downed 2-3 pegs of vodka - RAW, not mixed with anything else!The taste was HORRIBLE. It literally burns your mouth, your neck, your esophagus, and even your stomach, as it settles among the other stuff stored inside. And immediately (if you down all of it at one go, without pausing for a break), your stomach roils, making you want to vomit! But the trick is to take a few deep breathes, and not over-think the whole thing. So then, I had drunk 3 pegs of vodka, and managed not to vomit. I was feeling totally normal even - that was until I made an attempt to walk! Whoa! My whole world was spinning. My roommate gave me a queer look, and I laughed at her face. But that was a mistake, cause once I started laughing, I couldn't stop! And the other girls joined me, and we were laughing like crazy. The sober ones tried to calm us down, and together we moved to the college bus which would take us to the venue of the Rock Fest.It was dark, and people were dancing, head-banging and moving all around me. All I could see was blurred moving shapes, but once the music started to play, we let out a shout, and started dancing! And let me tell you, I am basically a shy person, and it takes a long time of adjusting with people for me to dance in front of them. But that day, I danced like there was no tomorrow!One thing I regret doing is this - when my best friend came to greet me, I laughed and fell into his arms (Yes, he is a guy!). He knew I was not in my senses, no he did not mind that. But it was intensely embarrassing the next day.Other than that, my drunk experience was beyond awesome - it was LEGENDARY! (no waiting for it!)My roommate told me later that I kept on telling her - "This is life!" the whole night through. Drinking makes you feel light-headed, great - as if there is no tomorrow. The only moment is the present, and you are lost in the magic of "now".Being a drunkard is bad, but I guess getting drunk is something every person must experience at least once. There is no experience to top that - trust me! ;)

Is it safe to leave raw beef on the counter for hours prior cooking?

Please note that the precaution about not leaving food in a growth temperature zone APPLIES TO READY-TO-EAT foods, usually described as “potentially-hazardous foods”.RAW meats look after themselves. They usually have a large population of “spoilage” organisms which will quickly prevent pathogens from growing. IF you were going to eat the steak RAW, then yes, try to reduce the growth by keeping it cool. Otherwise, you can forget the “2-hours max” advice. If you leave your steak out it will slowly change colour to a brownish shade (a complex oxidation of the myelin protein), and after a day or so, depending upon temperature and initial load, develop surface slippery/slimy feel, and a sour smell.At this stage it is still edible and if properly cooked will be entirely safe. Many people prefer to age their meat to a “gamey” state of early decomposition. This is personal preference and has never harmed anyone. (Most butcher stalls in the developing world have never used refrigeration, and people remain healthy!)Cooked meats, on the other hand, especially moist/wet, are extremely vulnerable to growth of pathogens (because the spoilage organisms have been destroyed by cooking). They DO need refrigeration or eating very soon.

How much brain damage will I get from eating 4 cloves of raw garlic at once and what can I do to lessen it?

Effect on the Brain?I have no idea what impact FOUR raw garlic cloves would have on your brain, as there are a lot of active compounds in garlic.But, I’ve personally ingested one raw garlic clove on numerous occasions and still see fit to think out this answer, render it into the English language with my fingers, and generally read studies on the subject.Effect on Your Stomach?Regardless of the implications for your brain, ingesting FOUR raw garlic cloves at one time will very likely upset your stomach. (I’ve personally felt nauseous after those episodes of single garlic clove ingestion.)Allicin, one of the main active compounds in garlic, is an incredibly powerful antimicrobial that can kill all sorts of pathogens.So if you’ve got some nasties hanging around in your gut (as most of us do), get ready for the garlic to wage immediate war on them. It will make your stomach feel rather peculiar, moribund, metallic — as if it were a morgue for all the gross things you’ve ever eaten, even. Or perhaps like T.S. Eliot’s wasteland. But only for around 10 minutes.Effect on Your Friendships?As other posters like Barry Levine have so presciently mentioned, prepare for your friendships to take a turn for the worse, as if they, too, were harmful pathogens.And, just as you can always replenish the pathogens in your stomach by eating in the normal American mode, you can always repair your friendships by finding other, less odorous antimicrobial substances to ingest. See, e.g. this NIH article.