Do You Have Any Patience For Those Who Doubt You

What do you think of the name patience?

hello, we are having a little girl and really like the name patience, just wondering the general opinion on this name?? her middle name will be in honor of my daughter who passed away (hayley) is this considered okay?
i would likely go with the original spelling, but, does anyone have any other nickname suggestions other then pat?? (although i will call her by her full name nn are usually inevitable eventually)
thanks in advance

How can I learn to have patience with my baby, stop taking frustrations and stop yelling verbal abuse at her?

First of all - no parent is perfect, some may be more patient than others . . . but I strongly doubt that your mom ALWAYS had patience with you.

That being said, as you know, yelling does not help the matter especially with a 6 month old. I have 2 year old twins and lose my patience all the time . . . it is really about how you manage it. I find that counting forward and backwards in my head and breathing deeply in and out seems to help. I also learned that a baby crying is NOT the end of the world, it is ok. So if your little one is sitting in the car seat crying, take a moment, breathe and come back. She is somewhere safe and a few tears does not hurt - I am NOT suggesting leaving her for an extended period of time, just a quick minute to breathe and calm down before picking her up.

Is this happening every day, multiple times a day or are these separate occurances? If it is happening frequently, your doctor might be able to help make recommendations. If it happened the 2 times you mentioned in 6 months . . . stop beating yourself up!

Do you have family, friends, your daughter's father to help? Sometimes, we all need a break!

Good luck!

Patience or what man?

All you can do is wait. Sometimes the morning after pill actually makes some people late, though it more frequently makes people early.

The EXACT same thing happened to me (the 1 minute losing virginity, the pull out, the plan B and the wait) and I ended up having my period. I was very emotional about the whole ordeal and I hope you're okay. I hope you guys agreed to have sex (if you didn't, I'm so sorry... I didn't). If you did, you shouldn't be so hard on your boyfriend- he's probably humiliated as it is. It WILL get better.

I doubt your pregnant, but I feel your pain. The waiting is excruciating.

EDIT- for the people being asses and lecturing this girl- she just lost her virginity and I doubt she expected it to happen this way. She also sounds young. It's true- if she does this again, she should ALWAYS use a condom and/or go on birth control. Though I would assume she's learned her lesson here. The main reason MAP can't be used as a regular form of contraception (besides the ethical arguments people might bring up) is that it dramatically loses it's effectiveness with each use and you should save something like this for absolute emergencies, or you may screw yourself in the end.

How do I have patience for “dream will come true”?

Hope. Hope gives optimism. Hope gives energy. It gives motivation, it gives you courage. Without hope, you become disillusioned and paralyzed and apathetic. Without hope, you will not be able utilize the resources you have at your hand. Actually, without hope, you become blind.That said, hope alone will not do. It will not make dreams magically come true. For that, you need realistic & achievable dreams, have plans & subplans, put efforts and keep monitoring progress.

Why do you feel certain emotions such as irritation, jealousy, doubt and the like even though you know in your mind you’re not supposed to and you have no right to feel that way?

When you feel negative feelings they are telling you that it is time to replace them with love and release the negativity. If you are jealous, understand that you have what is right for you and what others have is right for them. If you doubt that is a lack of faith. Decide to have total faith in your Creator and your life will improve. It you are irritated it is your reaction so you can replace it to patience. These are only energies needing to change into positive. They are energy in motion to move out of your system and thinking. Forgive yourself for thinking those and move on knowing those feelings can be replaced with love and grace. This is called maturity. This is why we are here. Love never fails.

How do I reduce the number of doubts in the JEE coaching material I solve?

The best way in my opinion to remove doubts is by practicing questions. Your process of studying a chapter should be divided into 3 stagesGrabbing basic concepts : This is most basic step where you should focus on understanding each concept. Pea risingPracticing problems: Successful completion of step 1 doesn't ensure that you are done with a topic as without problem practice you won't be able to apply those concepts. While trying to practice problems try to solve a question on your own without seeing solutions. When you are totally exhausted by the question finally look for solution and then see what concept it was which you were not able to grab. Write those concepts on a page . This page would be of use in step 3.Reducing doubts: Now after practicing problems you know about topics in which your concepts are not clear.Now revisit those concepts, rectify your doubts ,talk regarding those topics with your colleagues and teachers and after you are confident with conceptual knowledge of those topics practice questions related to those topics to understand their applications.P.S. Further doubts can be reduced by practicing papers and analysing your mistakes.

Is patience the most important virtue of people who have faith in the divine?

I don’t see much point in distinguishing between people of faith and people without it when it comes to the importance of virtues or the most important one.Which is humility, since all other virtues follow from it.In fact, humility is but the assumption of the real virtue or only good of the expansive sense of self.What I think people of faith should have, besides humility, is its counterpart: a willingness to doubt and question oneself and not be so sure of one’s views.Calling an idea or belief a faith does not exclude it from, as Kant put it, the tribunal of reason. Presuming your faith cannot be questioned is not merely lack of humility but outright hubris parading as humbleness before one’s god.But if you can’t be humble and admit the possibility of error when reason is staring you in the face, then how on earth can you expect any patience from other people when it comes to your intractability?So, effectively, lack of humility or the capacity to acknowledge that one may be in error requires from others a great deal of patience.Ask me questions on my YouTube channel, PermanentWavesTV, or through #AskDrunkJesus and I will answer them directly.Thank you and please Subscribe to stay tuned to answers to your questions!Sankara SaranamPlease Subscribe: winning author of God Without Religion:

Ladies...I have a serious question for you...please any advice would help greatly.?

How do you mend a broken heart? I am not the one who broke it but, I am the one trying to fix it. It's the hardest thing I have ever done in my life but, I'm not gonna give up.