Do You Have To Change Your Surname

Would a boy with a feminine surname have to change his surname to something strong and masculine?

No one seems to have been held back by surnames such as Jane, Lilly, Ashley, Lindsay, Taylor, Kimberly, Darcy or Payton. (Yes, I know some of those were once male names, but they often are not today.) You'd have to be a pretty insecure male to change your family name from something that may be a female first name.

Do you think it would be dumb to change my last name to my grandma's maiden name?

You sound rather young and immature. Changing you name is a serious step and has nothing to do with who your parents are married to.
If you are LEGALLY AN ADULT you can petition a court for a name change and pay the fees a judge will review your reasons and decide if they are valid reasons to change your surname. " Feeling kinda awkward, I feel like I belong to no one so I might as well have my own last name. " is not really very valid and you would not "have your own last name", you would have your Grandmother's maiden name.

This is a legal issue and has nothing to do with Genealogy

I am not willing to change my name or surname after marriage. Can I do this? What difficulties will I have to face? I am from India and working in US.

Question:I am not willing to change my name or surname after marriage. Can I do this? What difficulties will I have to face? I am from India and working in USAnswer:Can I do this? Of course! Why not?What difficulties will I have to face?None. You will have to go through hassles only if you want to change your name.I am from India and working in US:And so is my daughter. She never changed. She saved a lot time and procedural hassles.My son in law and his parents too heartily approved not changing the name, which would have involved going through legal procedures for changing them in her passport, visa, degree, birth certificate, and all her other vital documents.My mom too, in those bygone years never changed her name.I insisted that my wife should not change her name after my marriage.Keep life simple and don’t worry. There will be no problems.GV

Given a choice, would you change your surname post-marriage?

While I am popularly known by my husband's surname in Sri Lanka, legally I still have my maiden name. Prefer to go by both, actually, without the hyphen. Why did I choose to take on the name? Well, Sri Lanka is a small country, and lots of people know each other. With both of us being in the same field, he suggested that I add on his name, when I started working, to make it easier for people to identify me when I first moved here after marriage. I did it, and actually met so many people who went...'Kingsley? You're P....'s wife?' And I used to go, yeah, that's me. It was easy for me to open doors, and get people to talk to me once they had placed me in their comfort zone. Of course, this was some 15 years ago. Would I do the same today? Probably. I love being connected to my husband. However, I love keeping my maiden name also. On FB, I'm registered as Smriti Bhargava Kingsley, yet to extend this elsewhere online. Would I recommend it to others? No. Would prefer to have it as an add-on, but not to change it completely. You would lose your unique identity, so no. Never, never, do it.

Can you legally change your last name because you hate it?

Dude, did you know that would kill your family. They might think your not proud to be who you are.

My name is Marisol Garcia.

Will you change your name when you get married?

Question for the women on Yahoo Answers: will you change your last name to your husband's last name when you get married? For people who are already married, what did you choose to do?

I haven't made up my mind about what I will do but I will probably opt for joining my last name to his last name and having a hyphenated surname. My reason for that is simply because I like my last name and also I think it's more modern these days to hyphenate your name when you get married - that way, there's more equality.

So, what would you do and why? Change your last name completely, keep your name, or hyphenate it?