Do You Have To Get Wisdom Teeth Removed At Basic Training

Wisdom teeth removed before army basic training?

No they wont discharge you, just pull them and follow your recruiters advice by keeping your mouth closed. Better to do it now then wait and have to deal with it in basic. good luck!

Wisdom teeth + basic training?

Okay, to start this off I must say my wisdom teeth have recently started causing me tremendous pain with in the past 3 weeks. I've done tons of research about this subject already, and so far I've basically accepted the fact that they will be pulling all 4 of my impacted wisdom teeth, BUT they wont be putting me to sleep while doing so. I sadly do accept that lol. I can't picture myself going through BCT with this pain :/ But what type of medicine with they be putting me on? I've spoken with a few of my friends, and they say they weren't put to sleep, but some how they felt "Out of it" and don't remember what happened. They were civilians. Will I have the same experience when I get mine removed at BCT? or will they skip a few corners and just barbarically remove them?
Oh yea, I ship in 6 days

Army basic training leave date affected by having wisdom teeth removed?

My son has 1 wisdom tooth trying to break thru and was causing him a lot of pain a few days ago (not near as bad now). He leaves in 20 days to begin basic. His recruiters are saying to wait and let the army take care of it during reception or boot camp. I have friends and family that are in the military that are saying do not wait, will be put on dead mans profile and labeled as a slacker if he does it during basic.
His recruiter is also saying that if we do it now, it may be considered surgery and he may have to renegotiate his contract and could lose his leave date and his MOS. Any advice from anyone who has been thru this?

Navy Basic Training - Wisdom teeth?

ok first of all i am in the DEP program and just realized i HAVE had my wisdom teeth taken out already several years ago.

1. Is wisdom teeth removal technically a "surgery" that should have been included at MEPS even thought i don't remember them asking.

2. If i get to basic training and they see i have had my wisdom teeth removed already and it is NOT on my medical papers am i screwed?

How can I get promoted before basic training?

Your options are kind of limited, assuming you will be at Basic in a short while. Here are the ways that I remember for getting promoted quickly.Education. A few college credits can help.Leading. Volunteer to become a squad or platoon leader if you have the chance. Do a good job get promoted by the end of Basic.Have it in your contract. Oops! Too late. MAYBE. You will be sworn in and given one more chance to quit when you arrive for your final induction. Try negotiating with the recruiter. There may be a way to trade up if they need, for example an airborne 25B. I’m sure 18th Airborne Corps needs 25B’s.Be exemplary in Basic. Become the honor graduate. Be a good teammate, and be known for it. Never hesitate to help a teammate. Do the best you can to max PT tests. If you have your soldier’s manual (maybe you can download it), study your common tasks such as first aid, MOPP gear and symptoms (a handy way to memorize is to start at the head and work your way down - sudden severe headache, difficulty seeing, etc.) , various movement to contact techniques and when to use them, etc. You will be tested on this stuff. Be a first time go on everything. If you have access to an AR-15 style rifle, you can practice the washer techniques for steady trigger pulls. If you can practice 400m shooting all the better. Firing expert will help. Remember you will need to be able to quickly shift your weapon among different targets at different ranges. Memorize the Soldier’s Creed and General Orders.Once you are in, focus on being good, on not needing to be told what to do. In other words be proactive. Be the solution. You will be recognized for this and be advanced quickly. Volunteer for PLDC as soon as you can. Keep studying so that you can acquire more college credits, including correspondence courses (I assume that’s been superseded by on-line courses now). Your biggest challenge will be (if you are a sharp soldier) gaining enough promotion points to become a Sergeant or Staff Sergeant.I entered as an E-1, and I was promoted to the next grade as soon as I was eligible each time. Just because I wasn’t a shit-bird.

Will the U.S Army remove my wisdom teeth before basic? 19D. Will be headed to benning.?

I need all 4 pulled and I can't afford it before basic training. Will they schedule me an appointment to have them pulled at the reception battalion when I have a dental exam?

Do I NEED to get wisdom teeth removed for Air Force?

My dentist that was in the navy said I need to get them removed. and if I don't remove them at home then they'll do it in the military without putting me to sleep. SOUND HORRIBLE! DONT WANT THAT! Yet, my recruiter gave me a call and said he's never heard of that. he knows people that still have them 35+ age and are still in the Air Force and never needed them taken out. I have 2 wisdom teeth peaking through my gums but none of them bother me at all.. My question is will they take them anyway??? thanks for any help!

I leave May 6th and wanted to get them out this Wednesday!

If I have wisdom teeth will they have to remove them in boot camp?

No, they will not. If you want them removed, go see a dentist once you are there and they will evaluate if you need them removed. To be honest though, unless they are causing severe pain, I doubt they would remove them. Army dentist see a lot of patients, and they are forced to work quickly to meet the demand. If your wisdom teeth are just pushing your other teeth, with no pain or real medical issues, they would rather move on to the next patient.