Do You Know Any Weight Gain Pills That Work

---Weight Gain Pills?

I'm not looking to body build, but just gain weight somehow with pills because I am underweight. I eat constantly and have tried many things to become healthy but can't seem to gain a pound.

I was just wondering what to look for with weight gaining pills, what works, and what to stay away from.

I've researched a bit about them but can only really find sites that say how ridiculously great they work or how ridiculously horrible they are.

Anyone know some facts or have experiences with weight gaining pills?

Thank you in advance.

Do cb1 weight gain pills work?

I looked around a lot on the internet to see reviews on CB-1 and almost everything was positive so I bought a bottle. The site that had a bunch of reviews was allwomenstalk, I left you the link below since it seemed to be a lot of good feedback.
In the first few weeks I already had gained 17 pounds. It really helped my appetite so I could eat more and more often. I had never been able to snack before and now I get a bunch of extra calories that way. Paired with working out a few days a week I have put on a bunch of muscle and finally feel confident to take my shirt off.
I just ordred my second round of bottles and plan to put on another 10 pounds. 3 other people from my gym are taking it now and it has worked for all of them too. Hope this helps cause you sound skeptical like I was!

Weight gain pills??

ok, i take birth control pills, and im trying to gain weight, and bc pills dont work. i wanted to know if there are any pills that help u gain weight. i dont wanna be muscle chick, i wanna be thick. I'm already 34D-26-361/2, and i want a big booty llike deelisihis off of flavor of love. and i was hoping that weight gain pills work, plz help if u got any advice, thanks.

Do weight gain pills work?

There are lot of supplements in the market but few of them are good to be used and you may use the best supplement which have no side effects. For this you may use the best Muscle building supplement .It gives the result very fast and good result without any side effects. visit How to Gain Weight, Weight Gain Products, Weight Gainer

CB 1 weight gain pill, does this work?

Are you looking for CB-1 weight gainer reviews? I know a few people who took CB-1 and it worked really well for them. They all put on weight really fast. One of the biggest problems people have with gaining weight is that they can't eat sufficient calories. Even when people feel like they're eating a lot, they're still not eating *enough* unless the scale is moving up. That's the hard part... eating enough to give your body the extra calories it needs to build new body weight, on top of all the calories it needs to keep itself running.

If you have a hard time gaining weight, I haven't seen anything work better than CB-1. Just be sure to make the most of it by having a lot of food around. It's pointless to make yourself really hungry if you don't have food there to eat. As long as you have high calorie foods around, though, you should see great results. CB-1 is all natural (drug free), so you should gain healthy weight. The people I know who took it didn't have any side effects.

If you weigh 100 pounds, the number of calories you need to maintain your weight is roughly 1500 calories per day, give or take a few hundred. To gain 1-2 lbs per week, you'll need to add 500-1000 calories to that number, so I'd shoot for 2000 to 2500 calories per day. If you're still not gaining weight after that, increase it by another 500 calories at a time until the scale starts moving up. I've included some good references below on calorie intake and strategies to eat more. Good luck!

Are there any weight gain pills that you have tried that actually work?

I've seen people have a lot of success with whey protein suppliments to build strength and lean muscle. Olive oils and nuts in moderate amounts can add needed fats.

Do weight gaining pills such as CB-1 really work?

Many of the people have the same questions in their mind. Does Cb-1 weight gainer really works or is there any way to get weight.And i found that most of the bloggers who wants to earn money write reviews in such a way that they only include its good effects and attractions.THough it does not have much effect, i tried to be honest and tried to get the necessary things you need to know like its advantages, disadvantages, how it works and other things in a complete detailed way.So, its not possible to note all those down here instead you can see my review on cb1 weight gainer on this article : article link :-CB1 Weight Gainer Reviews: The truth [EXPOSED]- Weight Gain Pills:) hope this helped you…please upvote my answer so that more people can get to know about it.

Do weight gainers work? Do they have any known side effects? How do they compare against protein shakes for weight gain?

Weight gainers, the good ones, do work. Good gainers, like say- Universal's Real Gains, give you an optimal amount of clean calories which is very important while bulking. It utilizes complex carbs as its main source, which many gainers pass up on, and use simple carbs, which are cheaper, and less effective. You'll want to keenly look at the ingredients list to ensure you're getting what you paid for. Cheap gainers use sugar and stuff for their calories, stay away from them. The semi decent ones have huge serving sizes, like 300 gms, and give you around 50gms of protein. The really good ones, have a serving size of around 150gms, and give you 50gms of protein. Hence the higher price.Bottom line- yeah, weight gainers do work. They provide you with a very easy way to consume the required number of calories in a hassle free, quick manner.However, I must tell you. Mass gainers alone won't do the job. It's meant to ''supplement'' a good diet. It's for those who simply don't have the means or time to have the required number of calories per day to bulk up. Since liquid calories are far easier to consume, it makes sense investing in a weight gainer. But is your diet under control? It sounds to me like you aren't eating enough. Protein shakes can help you pack on muscle, can help you shed fat, but if you're looking to bulk up, gain some weight (and a little amount of fat which is inevitable), protein shakes won't do the trick for you.You must have a calorie surplus. Try upping your calorie intake. If you still see no progress, only then should you invest in a weight gainer. Personally, while bulking up, having whey PWO, and having a 300 calorie excess diet every day, works for me.Do you have a blender? You can make your own mass gainer shake. Skimmed milk, a scoop of whey, some steel cut oats, 2 bananas, 1tbsp peanut butter, and you're done. Calorie dense, muscle building shake. Hope I could give you a lowdown on what your plans should be.

Do people gain weight while taking hormone pills?

Firstly, I'm a dentist by profession, not a Gynaecologist, so please do not take this response to be anything more than a lot of reading on various issues :)Secondly, you haven't specified gender or kind of hormonal pill being used. So my response is more generalized.As far as I know, hormonal pills do not cause weight gain, in general. There are a small percentage of people who do gain weight while on them, but it is difficult to establish a causal relationship. More of a co-relation. If you are noticing a marked weight gain, then my recommendation would be to check the other hormone levels. Esp thyroid levels. Also, some hormonal pills may lead to water retention (and hence, weight gain). Increase your water intake and see if you notice a difference. Lastly, no matter what age or gender you are....lift weights! Helps prevent osteoporosis and helps lose fat. Good luck!