Do You Know What Is The Meaning Of Ok

What is the meaning of "good to know"?

This particular phrase can be utilized differently according to the context,where it is employed. Obviously, the difference is tenuous between the contexts in which it is used.Here are two examples about that phrase. On the one hand, it is used as a delighting response to a enriching piece of information. For instance, when a two friends are revising physics,one of them might say that the earth, for example, retates around its axes in 1000 miles per an hour. So, the other guy would instantly say “oh,it is good to know this important information”. On the other hand, this phrase is used to indicate a response to a news,which is likely to be astounding or unfimilliar. However, it is very efficient since it helps the person cancel something like a trip. For example, a person may hear from a friend of his that their trip is canceled. The person may say “ it is good to know. I was about to squander lots of money that I immensely need for school tuitions.Taking everything into consideration, the phrase “ it’s good to know “ can be interpreted or utilized in various contexts, depending on the way a person perceives it.

What’s the meaning of: “I don't know, I will let you know”?

Logically it means well - I don't know, I'll let you know. But, actually there are a lot of things going behind this ‘simple complicated’ statement.There are many times that meaning lies more in the subcommunication rather than words themselves. If someone is excited and positive and says - Well, I don't know right now but will definitely let you know. It means that they are feeling positive but are unsure about the thing in discussion and will let you know as soon as they get some concrete information. However, their being positive and excited says that they're really hoping for the positive outcome.They might say it in a neutral way. For example, you go to your favorite clothing shopping mart. You don't see the amazing T-Shirt that you had seen the last time (but were our of immediate cash to buy it). So, you inquire about the T-shirt from a sales person. She says - I don't know when it will come, but I'll let you know as soon as it's in the stock. Well this is the above statement said in a neutral tone, because they don't really care about sale of a single t-shirt but would like to maintain their reputation in case they have the stock.Third way is the most common and the deadliest way in which people use - I don't know, I'll let you know. Its tone is either indifferent or negative. If you hear any permutation or combination of the above statement in either dating or interview, rule of thumb is that you're screwed and they'll never let you know. It means that you or the situation you created didn't make them feel good emotions towards you. Best thing in that case is to turn it around by saying something teasing and funny, so that atleast the tension/seriousness is broken. Then change the topic to something else. If that doesn't work out then give it a break of atleast a couple of days and restart the conversation when bad emotions have abated. If it doesn't work out even after a couple of tries move on and find another job or date as more your try to ‘correct’ it more desperate you'll sound.

Do you know the meaning of contentment?


What is the meaning of this sentence, "I will let you know"?

It means that I will tell you once I get to know about it. Or it could mean that I will tell you what I think once I’ve made a decision.Example 1:A: When is Spiderman: Homecoming getting released in India?B: I’m not sure. I’ll let you know.Example 2:A: Will you join me on that trek coming Sunday?B: Um.. I may be busy this Sunday. Anyway, I’ll let you know.

What does "I will let you know" mean (in my case)?

Here's the scenario:

Girl: We should hang sometime, its been a while
Boy: Word when are you gonna be free
Girl: Whenever doesn't really matter to me
Boy: Ok cool
Girl: When r u free?
Boy: Imma have to let you know
Girl: K. just keep me posted

In class though, he's always around me and talking to me. We walk home together and everything.
I may be over-analyzing but he's basically saying no, right?

Plz be easy you guys.....I don't usually ask guys to hang.

Thanx in advance! :)

What does "getting a girl wet mean" and how do you know when you've gotten wet?

Okay when a guy says they get a girl wet basically means that they got a girl so aroused her vagina started "self lubricating." Its kinda what guys do but instead their penis gets hard. So, girls get "wet" when they are aroused by someone or something.

If you are reading and there are words you don't know, is it bad to keep looking for words in a dictionary or keep reading?

Not at all. If you think reaching for a dictionary interrupts your reading flow, then have a pencil ready so you can underline every word you don't know and check for the meanings all at once at the end of the reading session. Meanwhile, carry on and assume what the word means based on the context. If you are okay with going to the dictionary each and everytime, that also works. Suit yourself. Why imposing a restriction on yourself? This surely helps in improving your vocabulary, regardless of the funny looks some people might give you when reading in public. I started out like this as a child, then got hooked on reading dictionary for fun. It works.