Do You Like And Trust Rand Paul

How tall is Rand Paul ?


And wow, I don't even know how to address this question, it just made me unbelievably sad for humanity.

What could you do with 4,000,000 rand?

As weird as this will sound ... R4mil is a lot of money and yes you can get a really nice house with it. At the same time ... it's not a lot. A nice house and a nice car and a good holiday ... great, but then what? All gone.

What would I personally do?
I would buy a modest property for under R1mil and take a nice holiday. The rest of the money would be invested and let it grow. You could make a lit of money off the interest.

Is Rand Paul related to Ron Paul?

Rand Paul is the son of Ron and Carol Paul.  Both have simular political beliefs and both are among the only politicians that I trust.

Why is Rand Paul endorsing Donald Trump?

Rand Paul is, like many former candidates this year, hedging. He is using the non-binding (legally speaking) loyalty pledge he and others signed to explain his support of Donald Trump on the technicality that he is the nominee. This is smart because many of those voting for him in his senate race are likely to be Trump supporters and he needs their votes. However, he risks damaging his brand as the sole libertarian in the party if he positively endorses Trump since their beliefs are pretty much at odd with each other (Paul favors a small government and peaceful foreign policy while Trump is largely pro-entitlements and pro-aggression). It’s also quite possible Paul personally dislikes Trump for the way he was treated by the businessman during the early season debates (being memorably mocked for his hair on at least one occasion). Time will tell if Paul, Kelly Ayote, and others will benefit from this “intend to vote, but not support” strategy.

Could Rand Paul win against Hillary if he were the GOP nominee right now?

With Hillary Clinton’s lifetime of cheat, lies and deceit most any American should beat Hillary. Rand Paul, Dr Ben Carson or Mike Hickabee are class acts but you know how our crazy media controls the masses. Now look at how the big dominate news networks have supported Clinton? It is no suprise Sanders supporters got screwed by the DNC with saying that I don't trust them. With Hillary's background I don't trust her also. Trump is a very strong independent who joined the GOP now the nominee is slowly exposing Hillary and her democratic policies of high taxes, high spending & high debt her ideas is a death march for America.Yes Rand Bernie Ben & Donald should beat her on her own record alone.

What are the issues with Rand Paul's healthcare plan?

I have spoken to Rand Paul about this personally.First, forget the liberals lies, no one wants people not to have health care. That is a bloody obscure lie.Now let’s think about home owners insurance. If your house burns down it pays. If your water heater goes out, it does not.Think car insurance, if you have a wreck and total it, it pays, when your tires wear out it does not.Insurance SHOULD cover things that are catastrophic (big expense) and unforeseen (Car crash, home burning). If you know something is coming, say death, you save money for inheritances and funeral expenses. UNLESS death comes early and you have not had time to save for kids college, pay off a home, etc, thus you use TERM insurance to cover you until you no longer need life insurance.So in health care, routine check ups are not unforeseen or catastrophic. Asking the insurance company to cover them is just pre-paying for those services and giving the insurance company a profit for administering the billing. Same goes for getting the flu, or stomach bug. While these things are difficult, they are not totally unforeseen or catastrophic.This is how Rand Paul sees health insurance, and I agree with that view. I pay for check up with my civilian doctor each year because I don’t trust the VA (I have VA benefits as a combat veteran). I also carry coverage via a health reinsurance ministry. It will not cover any incident that cost less than $500, but covers EVERYTHING that cost more than $500. It’s only $150/month, and no network, no limits on who I get care from, and no cap on coverage. But I have to be responsible, it won’t cover drug rehab, or abortions, or smoking related illnesses. I have to agree not to use alcohol in excess, and do other things that are rather reasonable and do not increase my risk of needing health care.If these concepts were incorporated into health insurance policies prices would crash, excessive testing, over treatment, and the like would largely disappear and health care would be much more affordable, making insurance much more affordable.Yes, there are outlying situations, folks with pre-existing conditions and the like. There were, and can be again, health reinsurance pools that provided benefits in those cases. But instead of treating EVERYONE like they have a pre-existing condition we treated just those with a pre-existing condition as having unique needs and addressing their individual coverage needs.

Why might it have been difficult for the first Christians to trust Saul (Paul)?

Probably because he was a liar.