Do You Like My Poem Why Or Why Not

Do you like this poem???

I like this, too.
I remember the first time I read it was when I was fifteen, and struggling with the decision of abortion or adoption.
A trusted teacher showed me the poem, and I have to admit that it definitely impacted my decision.
The little boy lives in El Paso,TX with his parents, and I get pictures every six months or so.

Do you like my poem?

What is love

No greater man than to give his life

And for what a simple sacrifice

Love is pure a sweet and true.

Will conque all thru and thru

Love to me is simply said

last beyond the grave, and when were dead.

Someday the world will awake and arise

and will gaze into our savoirs eyes.

No more thru stress and grief and pain.

So we can love and pass the grave.

all cause of god and his simple gift.

Ill love Ill love as pure as it is.


Donald Quinn DonTheGreat.................

Do you like my new poem?

gas attacks
and bean burritos
cleared rooms
i stand alone
before my own
judge and jury

take a whiff
of the crimes commited
i have no posession
of judgement day
so as long as women can breath
and drink from thy well
kn'st i ferbreeze the winds
a fresh daisy you shall smell

Why do people like poetry?

Because you can express what you feel, and the tone and rhythm adds up to your expression. Did you know that songs are in a form of lyric poetry? And comparing it to prose, in poetry,you see things in your perspective,and you feel what the poem is trying to let you feel, and suddenly you can relate with it; it is like a friend, who understands what you need to understand. =D

The simlarities of poetry and prose are very hard to think of, but when you thought of it thoroughly, you know that the answer will be obvious: the author of any literary work is based on his own experiences of his life;social,emotional,an physical ones, even other things. Also, a prose is a poem without the rhythm and the rhyme. there, hope i helped! =D

Do you like my random nonsense poem?

me and mr.burrito went to the bar
i heard the jello screaming as it fell from the counter to the floor
where it jiggled with excruciating pain has not yet been determined
the mice live amongst me,i bring them cheese
why arent the keys on a keyboard in alphabetical order i wonder
there is trolls that live on mushrooms,you have to look very close
elves used to live there until they moved and started making delicious mouth-
orgasm cookies
my heart seems to be stuffed with macaroni at the moment
If only cashews could fly,id be rich for some centrifugal moment tomorrow
i dare ya,stick your head in the fire and see what happens
i bet after that you wont be riding the merry go round as often-
due to the lack of doughnut juice that is

Do you like the poem "the Road Not Taken" by Robert FROST?

We all make decisions in our lives--should I attend college or go to work? Join the military or remain a civilian? Go to college A or college B? Get married or not? Have children or not? Accept that job in another city?

When we look back at our lives, we always wonder... what if I had done something else back then? How would my life be different?