Do You Live For Eating Or Eat For Living

What is the meaning of "Living to eat or Eating to live"?

It means "Do you see food as a necessity in life that you must always have (an addiction)? Or do you see it as just an aid to keep your life going?"

Can you die from eating live ants?

No you will not die, you will just digest them and give you a little more protein in your diet.


Why do we eat only living things?

We evolved from a group of organisms that derive energy from breaking bonds of organic chemicals using water and oxygen. We were successful because of the prevalence of those three ingredients in our environment.Before there were organic compounds, however, there needed to be things that "fixed" carbon -- took simple carbon molecules (like CO2), combined them with energy, and built organic compounds (that could be stored and oxidized later to provide energy). Plants did this. They have an entire cellular machine not found in animals devoted to using the sun to push electrons around and act as an energetic pump to build up carbon compounds.The photosystem of plants is pretty complex (particularly today, after millions upon millions of years of evolution). Before the plants, there were organisms that needed to fix carbon without such an elaborate system. Those were the lithotrophs - organisms that oxidize non-organic materials (like iron, sulfur, nitrogen compounds, etc.) in order to fix carbon. Some of those ultimately came up with methods to use sunlight too with simple systems that were precursors of the plant photosystem. These are all microbes, and many live in harsh environments. Today there are lithographic bacteria and archae.We have to eat fixed carbon because it's our energy source. It's far more energy efficient than lithotrophy and the substrate more easy to come by on our planet. Autotrophy would also be difficult for use since, even if we did have a photosystem like plants do, it would be hard for us to fix enough carbon and provide enough energy for ourselves, given the amount of energy we spend moving around and powering our nervous systems. Organic carbon as an energy source is like cheap oil - it's convenient and energy dense.

Can you live on a diet of non-living food?

No, you cannot. Your body cannot sythesise vitamins, carbohydrates and a number of amino acids, and thus requires that you consume other organisms that can.

The reason for this dependance is that there is no pressure to synthesise such things when they are freely available from other sources.

For example, somewhere in our evolutionary history, our ancestors could synthesise vitamin C and did not need to consume fruit which contains it, however somewhere during the split from other apes, hominids lost the ability to synthesise it, probably due to the abundance of fruit in their environment. The biological pathway is more-or-less there, but one component of it is damaged so it no longer works. As a result, all hominids require an external source of vitamin C or they will get scurvy.

Do we eat to live?

No.We live to eat.All of your 10,000 tastebuds were constructed from your RNA with the function to taste your food.Your teeth are meant to break down food into little itty bits.Your saliva is meant to make it easier for you to swallow your food.Your stomach is meant to digest food to extract it of essential nutrients.Your brain’s network of nuerons is bustling away, with their purpose of recording the taste of whatever it is your eating.All this is because we have eaten before.We have seen it’s fundamental needs.So, we continue eating, because we want to live.We want to see all the joy there is in life, and food will help us get there.There is much joy in food, as well as joy in what is yet to come.So while we live to eat, we also live to do so much more.

Do we live to eat or eat to live?

This is one of those: “There are two kinds of people” subjects.On the one hand, we all eat to live, because no one has invented a way to not eat and still sustain life.On the other hand, some people could stand to appreciate what they are putting in their mouths a whole lot more.Some people don’t really get into eating, or food in general. They are not adventurous eaters, they don’t collect ‘dishes’ like bird watchers collect species. These people eat to live. They spend zero seconds anticipating mealtime, or getting that reservation at the hot new restaurant, or trying that new imported fruit. Meals are something they endure, or pay as little attention to as is humanly possible.Then there are people who live to eat. Their meals consume their thoughts. They might plan their meals a month in advance. They will book a restaurant six months in advance. They take pictures of every meal that excites them. They read magazines for food destination vacations, new recipes, new food gadgets, new foods. They love to eat. They spend their off days cooking or shopping for a meal, or lingering lovingly over a three hour lunch.Now, these are the two extremes, and most people fall somewhere in between, but that is the difference between the two. One would be happy as a clam having the same breakfast 90 years in a row, one would shoot themselves rather than eat the same breakfast for 90 years. Variety is the spice of life vs. there is security in routine, and who cares what you eat, it’s all going to end up in the same place, anyway.

Why should we live to eat?

The basic/logical/scientific answer is ‘the glucose or chemicals or whatnot in food is converted by our body into energy that fuels our body and keeps us awake and alert and moving around.’ My answer is- food fulfills the body’s social and physical needs, and it fuels the economy.As I said earlier, food keeps us going. It’s an essential part of survival. Not going into details about the chemical processes- too much explaining. You could find that somewhere else on the internet anyway.Food is a good way to bring people together. Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthday parties, brunches- so many events happen because of food. If not for the fact that you join your friends and family to catch up, gossip, or whatever, you’ve come together to experience the joy of the deliciousness of food. (Food is also a great way to get food-motivated people to do things, like show up at a non-food based events)Food is a major part of monetary exchanges, be it local or worldwide. There are many franchises based solely on food, millions of people relying the food industry for income. To survive, you have to buy food every few days to be consumed every few hours. That’s a lot of money just one person spends on food, which in turn pays employees and keeps the economy in a good place.Side note Food does more than what something like sleep does- you don’t enjoy it simply because your body shuts down when you don’t get it, you enjoy food because there’s so many different kinds of food that can be enjoyed more often than when your organs demand it. And you only have to buy mattresses and pillows and other sleep products every few years, unlike food that has to be purchased several times a month (again, economics). This is why I like depending on food more than sleep.In conclusion, food is great and I love it!!! And as they sang in Ice Age 2,

Why do we eat to live and don't live to eat?

I think this phrase/statement really suites not to everyone but for those who are food lover instead, but it does not mean over-eating is a bad habit. For some people they like to explore different food, so that they can learn about different cultures. It totally unobvious that they are living to just eat and nothing. It has been a norm for some group of people so called falesy to spread false rumor based on their personal opionions depends on more of reality rather than enjoying life.I would say that we should do whatever helps us to persue our life with the most of ourselves, and by not looking over others to live accordingly.