Do You Miss The Time When True Communication Was In Order And One Could Ask Substantive Questions

Can some one answer my questions about Byakuya from the anime called Bleach?

1. I don't think his first name was mentioned in Turn Back the Pendulum (or I just forgot! read Turn back the Pendulum -108 at )
He was captain of division 6 just as Byakuya is present day!

2. Can't remember mate... sorry...

3. hm... that guy who was trying to catch a butterfly before Renji's first appearance in Seireitei... again, the name fails me!(jee, I suck at this...)

4. oh this I know... utsusemi! Its a type of shunpo(flash step)

5. there have been quite a few... disregarding fillers,
Rukia has used,
Bakudo no.1 'Sai'
Hado no.1 'sho'
Hado no.4 'Byakurai'
Hado no.31 'Shakkahou'
Hado no.33 'Soukatsui'

she might also have done Bakudo no.4 and no.9 but I can't remember when...

6. Oh... dude, I can't remember... sorry...

7. which captains?

8. He's in about all the openings except the first I reckon...
in the Arrancar arc, he was there at the end of the episode when Urahara and Isshin have a talk infront of Kon (and Ririn and crew) and mention Soul Society... was it 110?

9. err... not sure... did they say something like this? I don't think so, because there are loads of them we don't know of... and Aizen for example did Hadou no.90 kurohitsugi without an incantation! The highest I've seen Byakuya do is Bakudo no.81 (or was it Hadou no.88?)

Ok, I wasn't much help... so check this:

that Bleach wiki is great!

What is a good opening message to write when communicating on an online dating site?

I was dreadful at messaging when I first started.  I honed my 'cold calling' message and eventually started getting about 30% response rate with one that had these characteristics:Written in proper English, not text speak.Started with a joke/tease based on false disqualification.Made it obvious I'd read their profile.Then just invited them to chat.Here's an example:This was written to a very attractive woman who'd described herself as 'fun loving' and liked 'cooking', 'knitting' and 'scrabble'.  Not much to go on, you might think.---Hi,I had a quick look at your profile and you describe yourself as fun loving but then say you're good at cooking, knitting and playing Scrabble, so I'm not sure our idea of fun totally coincides! Do you ever do anything a bit more lively?Actually I do like Scrabble occasionally. Knitting is totally off the bottom of my fun-ometer though... maybe if we ever met we could put the knitting on the back-burner? Actually that would probably lead to setting the knitting on fire and burning the house down, and I wouldn't want to be responsible for that, so I guess I'll just have to get the old needles out and start practicing. *Sigh*. ;-)Seriously though, you do seem nice, let's talk. In twenty years time when we're sitting by the fire with our knitting you'll be glad we did!Bye for now,Graeme :-)That got a positive response and we ended up dating.  Occasionally I did get a 'how dare you speak to me like' that response.  But really, someone who couldn't see the joke was unlikely to work out with me anyway.

Is it wrong for the guy not to be talkative in a relationship?

Does "talkative" mean he doesn't talk at ALL or just less than you?  I know some men who don't speak a lot but when they do speak it is thoughtful, meaningful and clear that they were listening.  Also, some people have personalities or past social traumas that dictate how talkative they are.  I have no clue what is going on with him so instead I'm going to talk about communication which is crucial to hone in any relationship (romantic or otherwise).We often think that people who speak powerfully and substantively are great communicators.  But, truly (and boy is this one of my biggest life lessons!), powerfully listening is the cornerstone of great communication.  So, I would ask:Is he a good listener?When he speaks is it clear that he has been listening to you, cares about you, wants to connect with you?Does he do other things to connect with you other than via his words?  i.e., physical touch, doing kind things, etc. Most important question:Does it work for you that he is not talkative?  If you enjoy talking, would you feel like you were missing something being in a relationship with someone who doesn't talk as much as you?  In other words, don't worry about him and whether or not it's good for him or your relationship.  Ask what you need/want in terms of communication with a partner.  Go from there.

Is it true that only a fiance or wife can ask for a leave request for a US soldier?

False. Only the Soldier themselves can request leave (using the DA-31 Request and Authority for Leave). Soldiers automatically accure 2.5 days of leave each month, up to a total of 30 days of leave each year. Soldier’s can bank up to 60 days total, after that it is “use or lose”. Many commanders will actually force Soldiers to take leave after they’ve accured the 60 days if they haven’t used it already.There is absolutley ZERO money whatsoever required by anyone in this process, well outside that required to purchase airline/bus/etc tickets through whichever commercial vender you prefer, but that is not required to actually take leave. You can take leave and have a “staycation” in the barracks if you trully wanted to, or road trip to your destination, etc.There is a common scam, kinda like the “Nigerian Prince scam” where the scammers pretend to be a Soldier, meet someone through an online dating site, and after forming an online relationship, the perpetually deployed (often to some secret location) Soldier wants to take leave to meet their sweetheart (the person being scammed) but say their Commander or the Army in general demands payment they don’t have so you (the person being scammed) needs to pay up (nevermind the fact that a real deployed Soldier not only gets several bonus allowances plus no taxes plus they don’t have to pay for food or housing etc)Here’s an article from the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division (CID) about these sadly all to common scams: Online romance scams

My ex texted me after 5 months of no contact. What does he want?

He is doing this to get something from you which you gave him— validation. Anyone who has dated has received the random text, 6 months, 9 months, even YEARS after the relationship ended. If you haven’t had any contact at all, it’s probably because this person wants some validation from you. A sense of “I can still get them to text me back.” Best case scenario they missed you a little, but not enough to make real contact. Worst case scenario, they are just attention-seekers who scroll their their phone contacts seeking emojis now and then. If you are not interested in maintaining contacts with exes, don’t respond to contact that isn’t substantive.Don’t ask him why he did it. It’s obvious why he did it.