Do You Name For A Baby Girl

Do you like this name for a baby girl?

Sariah is such a pretty name for a little girl!Other possible spellings to consider:


That's all I can think of for now! HOPE THEY HELP!!

What do you think about this name for my baby girl?

wow. that is such an exotic name. sounds like a precious gemstone. go for it. her name will sound as precious as she will be.

Can I name my baby girl cancer?

You can name your child anything you'd like in this country; in some countries, some names are illegal. Only, why would you name your child a disease, or a crab? A person may be a crab; it means he/she is constantly in a bad mood. I ask that because of the zodiac sign. I'm not into the zodiac because consider it merely superstition and I'm not superstitious. I let the Lord guide me. A star can't do a thing to guide anybody; it's just gas.

Would you name your baby girl Wendy?

Personally no. I would be hungry everytime i thought to call for her and wendys is an expensive fast food restaurant to be purchasing on a daily bases

Do you like the baby girls name Alani?

I absolutely love that name, especially the way it is spelled! 5 stars!!!!!!!!!

Do you like the baby girl name Cherise?

I love it,I was thinking about using it as a middle name,Cherise Elizabeth is beautiful, great pick

Is Athena a good name for a baby girl?

Yes, I’d say so. Sure it’s unusual, but lots of kids have unusual names – one time I was told that my name, Elizabeth, was unusual by a kid who said his name was ‘Makka’.What really matters is whether or not people are going to tease or be prejudiced against your kid for having that name and, if you’re worried about that, then Athena is probably a good name to choose. It doesn’t sound like anything rude or weird (unlike the popular until very recently, Fanny); it can’t be shortened to anything rude (unlike Richard, which can become Dick or William which can become Willy); it isn’t associated with anybody evil (unlike Adolf) and it isn’t thought of a name for ‘common’ people (we all know some names like this). In fact, since it’s from the name of the greek goddess of wisdom, of anything people will assume your daughter is intelligent and, since it’s a classical name, from a cultured family.

Do you like this name for a baby girl: Hyacinth?

Hahaha I think she would prefer it pronounced Hyacinth 'Bouquet'.

What do you think of the name Raine for a baby girl?

Raine has visual appeal. It is creative, flows smoothly and gives the sense of sweetness. People with beautifully unique names tend to be unique in personalities, as well. They stand out as attractive and popular. From the time I named my children, I always received compliments about the beauty of the name from nurses. My children were popular and tended to be confident. I have a friend named Reina. She is bubbly, beautiful, intelligent, confident and everyone knows her. She gave her child a uniquely beautiful name, and she is a popular, confident child, as well. Go ahead and use the name. It is lovely. It will likely make her a confident little lady.

What do you think of the baby girl name Keisha?

i luv it