Do You Notice This Kind Of Thinking

Do you think pets notice when you do kind things for them?

Of course. I just gave my cat his favorite treat, a Sheba Meaty Stick, then crushed up some catnip for him and set up his fancy four-entrance cat tunnel. He’s happier than Jared Fogle on the set of Toddlers and Tiaras.Cats and dogs are like toddlers. They derive great pleasure from simple things, and more than anything they want our love and attention. Give them that, and try to keep things exciting for them, and they will certainly appreciate it.

Thinking that life is not real is preventing me to have any kind of motivation, how do I overcome this?

I am really interested as to why you have the perspective that life is not real??? Let’s get to the point life is absolutely real, don’t you notice the whole world is happening right in front of your own eyes. Let’s just look at the empirical evidence which means proving something right with our five senses. I know that you can see people living their own lives, I know you can hear the voice of people who are around you, I know you can feel the touch of a handshake from a real person, I know you can taste delicious foods because food is real, I know that you can smell it when you are cooking food that is real. In conclusion, life is absolutely real, but your perception that life is not real is totally false, it’s distorted view of the world, you made your brain think that life is not real, but it was a delusion you made up in your own mind. Just the fact your asking this question I know that some part of you knows that life is real because your asking a real question to a real person. Just because you have a thought that life is not real does not mean it’s true, thoughts are just thoughts, thoughts are not real, thoughts are not reality, so you can let go of this negative perception you have in your mind, You need to replace those negatives thoughts with the world is real because I can feel it , see it, hear it, small it, and taste it.You can easily overcome this by releasing this negative false perception you have that the world is not real?? You are absolutely wrong the world is very real you can ask anyone you know? You must stop thinking that bad thought and replace it with a positive thought . You should write down everything that you are grateful for because you will finally realize that the world is real because you have so much to be grateful for? If your working with co-workers and you see your family and friends, this is more proof that life is very real. You can see the moon, the sun, the stars and all of that is very real. You can see the clouds and feel the wind on your skin which is very real. You must stop having these false thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts that can make you feel happier.

What do you think other people notice about you first?

Unless I’m wearing bold colors, I don’t think I’m a particularly noticeable person. I’m about 6′ tall, athletic but not in exceptional shape, and decent-looking but not a head-turner.But that’s just the physical stuff. Put me on the phone with someone and the first thing you’d notice is my calm. One of my on-campus jobs involves calling alumni for 3+ hours a week. As such, I get to regularly study conversation dynamics from a purely oral perspective. From training, we’re taught to build rapport and transition as quickly and smoothly as possible into the ‘ask’ for contributions. Rapport building never felt naturally for me, when I knew in the back of my mind that I was simply trying to prime the alum for an ask. I constantly felt rushed, impatient and eager to move from point A to point B. Build rapport. Get money. Get out.This year, I’ve tried to anchor myself in the conversation when I’m speaking with someone. While building rapport, I’m mostly off script and not actively looking for an entry to transition into the ‘ask’. I’m in no rush to get anywhere. And I think the alumni notice and appreciate it. In the past two weeks, I’ve had 4–5 meaningful conversations with alumni - strangers, if not for the fact, that they once attended the college I now go to. I used to be lucky if I had 1 a week, but now it’s become a regular thing.That’s the interpersonal stuff. Pass me on the street and you might never notice I’m there, but sit down, have a conversation with me, and I promise I’ll try my best to be fully there. I’m in no rush.

How do you stop thinking about a girl you can't be with? I don't need a diagnosis, I need instructions on how to stop thinking about her frequently.

Very good answers provided below.I want to contribute a little bit with some NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) tricks that are aimed at interrupting your thoughts.How do I know this shit works? Because I've been there and done that. And the girl is my ex-gf whom I've been with 4 years, not just a random chick. Now I think about her less and less.First of all!Identify which kind of thoughts you are having. There are 3 kinds of thoughts:Visual: it means you "see" her in your mind.Auditory: it means you "hear" something in your mind. Usually it's a sentence you repeat to yourself, something like "Oohh, she's so beautiful and flawless".Kinesthetic: it means you "feel" something in your body. A sensation which is not immediately connected to any kind of image or sound. This one is tricky.You are not bound to just one kind of thought, you can experience all three. For me, it's usually the first and second kind.After you've identified your thought, you're going to do a specific exercise to make the thought go away:If the thought is Visual: you're picturing her in your mind. There are 2 steps:Step 1: Mentally draw a BIG ASS RED CIRCLE on that image, then draw a BIG ASS RED CROSS on top of the circle. Like this. Step 2: Mentally THROW the whole thing away, as if it was a frisbee, and see it disappearing in the distance. Then, step back into reality.If the thought is Auditory: you're thinking about a sentence: "Oohh she's so beautiful". Again, 2 steps:Step 1: As soon as you start that sentence, END it in the beginning. Mentally say to yourself "STOP, I CANCEL THIS!". It goes like this: "Ohh, she's s..STOP!...".Step 2: Immediatly after, mentally start counting backwards from 1000 and subtracting 7 each time. Do at least 10 iterations, like this: 1000... 993... 986... 979... 972... 965... 958... 951... 944... 937... 930. Then, step back into reality.If the thought is Kinesthetic: This is rarer and more tricky, because usually a feeling, an emotion, is related to another stimulus, even if unconscious. Anyway, if you find yourself in this situation, ACTIVELY concentrate on a different feeling. It could be your breathing pace, or the feeling of your butt sitting on the chair, or your hand holding the pen... The point is to shift your focus from that specific part of your body to another one.Do this stuff EVERY TIME you start thinking about her and you'll notice that, sooner than later, you'll think about her less and less.

Do most guys actually notice piercings on a girl?

Noooooo! Don't pierce your eyes!! LOL!

Pierced ears do look pretty, they frame your face. Guys do notice, but I don't think girls care that we notice! It's nice to be able to buy earrings for a girl, too.
I do know one shy girl who didn't get her ears pierced until her late 20's, but once she was wearing pierced earrings she became bolder, started wearing makeup and painting her nails, and dressed up the time. It was amazing. It was like she suddenly had permission to be pretty.
Of the most beautiful women I know, half of them got their ears pierced long after the crowd did. You're in great company.
Go on! Get your ears pierced!

How does a schizophrenic feel or think?

Like anyone else does. lThinking varies, person to person, but the only real difference I can think of, in personal experience from when I remember being 'normal', is that my memory has declined and I can't hold a thought for as long as I could, for the most part. Schizophrenics are still people, like anyone else. The affliction doesn't define them.

Have you ever noticed the cross looks like an upside sword?

In a play I saw recently the main actor took a cross and simulated sword fighting by turning the cross upside down when talking about the kind of messiah the Jews were looking for(a war hero who would slay their enemies). I had never noticed that before, and thought it was kind of interesting that the cross resembles an upside down sword especially if one were struck in the earth.

Anyway yeah, um...ever noticed that? ;)