Do You Or Anyone You Know Have Osteochondromatosis

Osteochondroma Question?

I'm 15-So I have an *osteochondroma in the middle (key word middle ;) ) of my femur- Because of the placement my doctor told me that usually people get more of these tumors all over their body. He didn't find any by feeling my arms legs and head after and before the surgery but should i be worried about more tumors forming/growing else where on my body? I'd ask my doctor or physical therapist but i got out of physical therapy a while ago and its expensive to schedule an appointment with my CHOP doctor. Also, I know it could be genetic- if I have kids are they going to have these/this tumor?

Yeah so thanks. I know some of you are probably rolling your eyes because i should just be grateful i got out easy but it just stresses me out- I was really lucky-shouldn'tt have been able to use my leg because of the size and placement of it- and i had a great chance that it was cancer- and also that after the surgery that a would split my femur in a kajillio pieces. I'm just waiting for my luck to run out- you know? Thats like story of my life- HA! and I'm only 15. Can't wait to see how the rest of my life plays out- anywayyy :)

*Osteochondroma- Cartilage and bone tumor all in one great big fantastic and in my case painful mass :D

Has anyone had a child have an Osteochondroma removed? My child is three years old and has one above her ankl

not a child, but when I was 20 I had one removed from my knee while I was in the service. nothing to it, since it is just basically a bony outgrowth in a place that it's not supposed to be, but I suppose you already know that. Anyway, it's not a big deal, basically some bone scraping and then healing easily and quickly. they used arthroscopic surgery on my knee, so there wasn't even a "line" scar, just a couple of dimples from where the tiny little instruments on long probes were inserted. it will be fine.

I have osteochondroma on my left knee?

I have ostechondroma and im 21. I got one in each knee removed i believe i was 12 and 14. I can not remember if they actually bothered me or not but i felt safer just getting them out. I have had one in my ankle this whole time which does not bother me at all so im keeping it in. Get it out you are done growing and you will feel much better especially if it is causing pain. There are not any serious risks.

What are the symptoms of osteochondroma?

An osteochondroma is a kindhearted (noncancerous) tumor that creates amid youth or immaturity. It is an unusual development that structures on the surface of a bone close to the development plate.As a rule, singular osteochondromas don't cause any side effects, or side effects may emerge long after tumors create. Osteochondroma is frequently analyzed in patients matured 10 to 30 years.Symptoms of an osteochondroma include:An effortless knock close to the joints. The knee and shoulder are regularly included.Torment with action. An osteochondroma can be situated under a ligament (the intense, stringy tissue that interfaces muscle to bone). When it is, the ligament may move and "snap" over the hard tumor, causing torment.Deadness or shivering. An osteochondroma can be situated close to a nerve, for example, behind the knee. On the off chance that the tumor puts weight on a nerve, there might be deadness and shivering in the related appendage.Changes in blood stream. A tumor that pushes on a vein may cause intermittent changes in blood stream. This can cause loss of heartbeat or changes in shade of the appendage. Changes in blood stream coming about because of an osteochondroma are uncommon.Now and again, damage can cause the stalk of a pedunculated osteochondroma to break. This will cause prompt agony and swelling in the zone of the tumor.

I have an osteochondroma. Should I be worried?

My knee/leg started hurting again tonight after I bent it when I was playing with my dog. It seems to be about where my doctor pointed out where the osteochondroma was. My leg now feels sore and the muscles are really tense right near the bottom of my femur/top of my knee on the outside of my right leg (which was where the osteochondroma is). This is about the same spot I had the intense pain before. At least this pain isn't as bad.

When I initially felt the pain i felt almost like something went snap in the vicinity of my knee joint/end of my femur.

I'm not supposed to go back to see the surgeon until april or may when I get another set of x-rays, but if this happens again I might go back sooner. Or at least go talk to my family doctor about it.

It seemed like my knee was fine since november except for one night. I got orthotics in november too and they seemed to help with some of the problems with the area, but now the pain is back.

Osteochondroma question?

I'm 15-So I have an *osteochondroma in the middle (key word middle ;) ) of my femur- Because of the placement my doctor told me that usually people get more of these tumors all over their body. He didn't find any by feeling my arms legs and head after and before the surgery but should i be worried about more tumors forming/growing else where on my body? I'd ask my doctor or physical therapist but i got out of physical therapy a while ago and its expensive to schedule an appointment with my CHOP doctor. Also, I know it could be genetic- if I have kids are they going to have these/this tumor?

Yeah so thanks. I know some of you are probably rolling your eyes because i should just be grateful i got out easy but it just stresses me out- I was really lucky-shouldn'tt have been able to use my leg because of the size and placement of it- and i had a great chance that it was cancer- and also that after the surgery that a would split my femur in a kajillio pieces. I'm just waiting for my luck to run out- you know? Thats like story of my life- HA! and I'm only 15. Can't wait to see how the rest of my life plays out- anywayyy :)

*Osteochondroma- Cartilage and bone tumor all in one great big fantastic and in my case painful mass :D

Are there any natural cures for osteochondroma?

What is a “natural cure”? Cure occurring by itself?Any form of external attempt to cure is an intervention (treatment) - whatever the name and is not natural.So as such - answer is no.

Does leg osteochondroma surgery have after effects on your reproductive system? (getting an erection)?

I have recently had surgery on my left leg for osteochondroma. It was not cancerous and i am able to walk now. I now have a problem that i did not have before. I cannot sustain an erection. My erection is now signifigantly weaker and does not last a minute at all. This makes it horribly difficult for me to get to a climax, as far as it does not achieve real stiffness and keeps going down

What kind of surgery would be appropriate for osteochondroma on the subtalar joint?

This particular tumour which has a tendency to grow In tubular bone more often in the distal femur & proximal tibia, very very rare to see them in carpal or tarsal bones(except In calcaneum), these tumours grow as pedunculated with a cartilaginous cap not visible on X-ray, so the actual tumour will be bigger than what is the picture on X-ray.These tumours can cause symptoms when mechanical irritation surrounding muscle or tendon or bursitis, they can cause growth disturbances In adolescents, so when in doubt rule out juxtacortical chondroma, myositis ossificans( these tumours don't blend In like osteochondroma).Treatment depends on the age of the patient and younger children are made to wait to see the full potential of the tumour, to avoid growth arrest when osteochondroma is near to physis, mature nome recurrence of potential is less considerably, malignant transformation of this is very very rare.In this condition my choice when the patient is mature and the presence of the tumour is hampering the quality of life making him unable to bear weight, with his permission first try the simple excision and support by screws if needed, experienced surgeon availability is a good choice to make it by arthroscopically fusion would be kept as the last resort of treatment as the joint would be motion less once that is performed, good results have been obtained when planned fusion with en bloc tumour removal and graft insertion with charnley(any other) compression system is used, patient should be explained range of motion In a plane( involving sub talar joint would be completely compromised, but remaining might marginally be present which alone wouldn't be of much help either.