Do You Support Non-capital Punishment

Do you support capital punishment?give reasons to your answere?

I support it. Here's why:

-it serves due justice (the punishment fits the crime), and serving due justice is the NO.1 job of a court of law
-it shows that we are tough on crime
-it gets bang for the taxpayers buck
-criminals given the DP have a 0% recidivism rate
-It holds people responcible for the horrible content of their character. This fulfills what MLKJ always wanted: judge not by the color of your skin, but by the content of your character. The characterof these criminals warrants death
-It holds the criminal responcible for his actions
-appeals and **** aside, it's cheaper then prison
-it decreases the prison population, which saves even more taxpayers money
-Because the death penalty is the punishment given by a neutrel judge, there is no vengance in it. Therefore, there is no moral objection to be had with the death penalty.
-The death penalty defends human rights by establishing a mentality that "we will not tolerate any violation of any innocent person's human right's

Why do Republicans support capital punishment, but not abortion?

I think the proper question should be, "Why would a person who opposes abortion, favor capital punishment?"The answer is simple. Capital punishment is reserved for those who have committed crimes categorized as capital - in the past, that included rape, kidnapping and murder. Now, capital punishment is limted to certain types of murder. Generally speaking, a trial to determine guilt is required, and a trial to determine if a death sentence is warranted is also required. The average time it takes from sentencing to execution, because of appeals is more than a DECADE! Now, let us look at abortion: A woman becomes pregnant. She knows that in less than nine months, barring any unforeseen circumstances, she will give birth to a child, a human being. It will not be an Oreo cookie, or a ping pong paddle, or a locomotive; it will be a child. Yet, if she chooses not to be pregnant - (NOTE: she does not have to choose not to give birth, or choose not to raise a child; she only has to choose not to be pregnant) - she can terminate the pregnancy. At that point, whatever is going on in her womb - gamete, zygote, fetus, embryo, call it what you will - ceases to exist, and NO CHILD WILL BE BORN. IT HAS BEEN DEPRIVED OF THE RIGHT TO LIFE. There has been no Court proceeding. If the pregnant woman is a minor, there need be no discussion with her parents. There need be no discussion with the co-creator - the Dad. The woman can unilaterally, with no explanation, no due process, no compensation, no grievance, take away that child's right to life, and as of today, no power in the United States can stop her. This is called a "woman's choice" and "reproductive rights".

Do you support capital punishment, why or why not?

I don’t and not because of sympathy for murderers.Since it it is human nature to make mistakes every human institution is gets it wrong some of the time. The capital punishment system is no exception and there is no remedy for its worst mistakes.Here in the US we have a reasonable alternative. Life without parole is available for the worst crimes and it has two distinct advantages over capital punishment. It costs far less (even accounting for the cost of lifetime imprisonment) and, of course, if someone in prison is found to be innocent he can be set free.Most criminologists believe that, for people lacking a conscience, the best deterrent is the fear of being caught. And, on average, murder rates are higher in states that implement capital punishment than in those that don’t.Many families of murder victims do not support capital punishment and they are leaders in campaigns to abolish it. Some oppose it for moral reasons, while other oppose it because of the prolonged pain that it causes families like theirs.Last, but certainly not least, the system can make tragic mistakes. As of now, 156 wrongly convicted people on death row have been exonerated. We’ll never know for sure how many people have been executed for crimes they didn’t commit. DNA evidence, rarely available for testing in (less than 15% of the time) is not a cure-all for human fallibility.

Wat do you think about capital punishment?

When you look at the death penalty system in action, you realize that the only purpose it serves is revenge, it is seriously (and intrinsically) flawed in application and that there is a serious and continuing risk of executing innocent people. And, it costs much more than life in prison.

A couple of points in response to previous answers. First, and for Maze, homicide rates (not the same as the number of homicides) are higher in states and regions with the death penalty than in those without it.

Secondly, for Yeah Me, families of homicide victims are far from unanimous on the death penatly. In fact, it was the testimony of families that was key to the New Jersey legislature's vote to abolish the death penalty. I suggest taking a look at and at for statements on the death penalty by families.

Source on homicide rates:
To see the correlation (or lack of it) between having the death penalty and homicide rates, visit

Does the catholic church support capital punishment?

No, they don't.

The Roman Catholic Church believes that life is sacred "from the moment of conception to the time of natural death," and that life may not be taken between the two extremes.