Do You Think He Is Just Friendly

Does he like me or is he just being friendly?

I've liked this guy for months and until recently I didn't think he wasn't interested in me. Last week, however, I saw him three times and he acted in a way he never has before. He kept making conversation for one thing...something he didn't really do before. He went on about how he had worked out for hours the day before and he proceeded to show me his bicep...I took is as his way of trying to impress me. I had made cookies and brought them into work that day...he ate like 5 and two days later when he came in, before he left he asked me if I had brought cookies again but I said no and that I was gonna bring cupcakes the next day and he should come in and get one and he said ok. Also that same day he asked me if we had any more jobs for him for the week or for the near future...he never had asked anyone in the office this. We always laugh when we're together too. We are both pretty shy so we do a lot of smiling and eye contact. Are these signs that he is possibly interested?

Is he interested or just friendly?

I just started working with this guy and the first day I met him he was very friendly and joking around with me. On the days he isn't there, he leaves me notes with funny drawings and jokes, but he always writes a heart and his name at the end of the note. He even took the time to make a huge picture on the wall of sticky notes. And when I see him, he always likes talking to me for a long period of time and likes showing me stuff on his computer and talks about his car. Recently, he needed me to cover for him one day, so instead of the normal email, he sent me an email, found me on facebook, and gave me his number on facebook. He told me to send him a text, which I did, yet he didn't text back. It might have been b/c it was really late at night. I asked him if he got it and he said "sure did!". What do you think? My friend thinks he's interested, but I'm not sure if he's just being a friendly person b/c it's too early to tell.

Do you think he is a pedophile or just a friendly man?

Hi! I'm Anna and I'm 16. I do a lot of community theater shows and there is this one guy...

So it started last year when I met him. He is a 54 year old man who keeps up a lot with musical theater productions around the area. I had the lead in the musical Aida and he met me after the show telling me how wonderful I was etc. After that he friended me on facebook and chatted me for a while about what shows I was going to do next. None of this seemed too strange.

Then, I auditioned for an my first adult musical this year and got a role as well as ensemble (only role available because I'm not 18 yet.) He chatted me on facebook and said "I am SO SO SO glad to be working with you" we kept chatting and he would send me long messages about how great adult theater is and how I can stick by his side until I meet new people.

I also notice that whenever I post a new profile pic he comments and tells me "stunning" or "so very beautiful" lol. Also, all of his pictures on facebook are with young girls (no boys at all!) that are around 13-21.

Thoughts? I mean, he could really just be a friendly guy..but I've never met a 54 year old man like this

My crush is now single!Was he just being friendly?

My crush is new to my school and he is a year older.He always stares at me when i see him , but not in a bad way probably because we both dress scene\skater. He has had a girlfriend in the grade ahead of me since september and yesterday i was walking down the stiars to go to the bus he was kissing her then turned to look at me and he had like guilt in his eyes. So Last night my school had 4 basketball games in a row and it was like from 4 to 11. I was sitting with a bunch of guy friends when he walked in with two friends that are girls he kept looking at me. Five minutes later he got of the bleachers and walked out the door. I was with some girl-friends later when he walked back in at like 7 and one of my friends knows him well so we started talkeng to him for about a hour. He commented on my shirt and when he asked our names i was the only one he remembered, and he said it was because i was right in front of him he still kept looking at me. Then his friend came up behind him and asked him why he broke up with his girlfriend and i was thinking omg hes single finally! and he just said he has his reasons. When he had to go he gave my friend a hug because she always wants one from guys then he looked at me and left. Also later that night me and one of the same friends were walking to the school dance to hang out for a little bit when him and 3 other people where outside and he watched me the whole time. So do you think he was just being friendly? or maybe he likes me?

Can a guy REALLY be "just friends" with a girl?

I am a girl, and I have a lot more friends that are guys than girls. My boyfriends have always hated this, and are always convinced that my guy friends are INTERESTED in me in other ways - they claim they "know how guys are". My guy friends don't flirt overtly or make passes at me, and I feel they respect the fact that I am in a relationship. Do guys keep girl friends around "just in case"? Or can they really just be platonic friends with girls? What do you think?

Can guys be just friends with girls they find attractive?

It depends on what you mean by “just friends”. If you mean in the sense of, can a guy maintain a friendly relationship with an attractive woman without actively pursuing her, then the answer is yes. But typically a guy only reluctantly gets there—after he’s clear he has no chance with her anyway.Now if you’re asking, can a guy be just friends with an attractive woman without wanting to pursue her for at least a casual physical relationship, the answer is no. You can blame human nature for that.Attractive women who want to have social but platonic relationships with men usually have a tacit understanding that a certain amount of uninvited ogling and/or flirtation comes with that package. For this reason, many attractive women legitimately decline all male friendships. For those that do not choose that route, it is either because they enjoy the attention, or they have decided they value the friendships enough to tolerate—while still rejecting—their male friends’ amorous intentions.On the other hand, there is a very small percentage of women who have plenty of male friends and none of their male friends ever show any interest in them. Frankly these women tend to be extremely low on the attractiveness scale. It’s a bit of a double-edged sword: you don’t have to deal with unwanted attention from men, but you don’t get the opportunity to deal with wanted attention either.In short, men generally desire all of their attractive female friends. Their female friends are aware of this, but usually overlook it for the sake of other benefits of having those friendships. Out of appreciation for the women’s willingness to maintain the friendships in spite of their lack of interest, many men keep a lid on openly expressing their desires for their female friends. On the other hand, in rare instances, men truly have no romantic interest at all in some of their female friends. This is usually an unspoken indicator that those particular female friends are very unattractive.

My boyfriend wants to just be friends. What should I do?

I would say this is nothing abnormal or a exceptional situation that you are facing. People who have been in long term relationship always do face a similar situation if not the same at some point of time. Its an old saying if a bird leaves the cage and doesn't come back it was either never meant for it or it just wanted to break loose of the confinement. There is a strong bond between you both from what I sense as you have said "We obviously love each other ....... we've tried before and we always got back together"But I feel you guys didn't do anything much to address for the reasons you broke up every-time. Things became normal after some time and you guys moved on back to your old routine. This is the time when you have to introspect yourself that do you really want, carry on like this or because there is a lot of unpredictability in your future take a step to call it off. Secondly you have got into a comfort zone and created a  cocoon for yourself which you have to break free off. You have got too much influenced/dependent on your boyfriend emotionally/physically.If you know no one likes you, then you would also know why no one likes you just try to address that and move one with opportunities/a new boyfriend. World has these in abundance its just that you have to get out and explore.I would just suggest give your self and you boyfriend a break by being just friends. See if he really does feel the void created by your absence in his life or you just don't mean to him much.

I friendzoned a guy because I didn't want anything more than a friendship. Now he rarely wants to talk to me. I feel I lost a really good friend. That's all I need at this time in my life. Why is it that some guys have to be in a relationship in order to be friends with a girl?

Here's the problem with friendzoning someone, and this usually applies, from what I've seen, to females the most; people seem to think that the other person isn't entitled to their feelings.Lets say I've been friends with a woman for 2 years and I developed a crush on her. I tell her and get rejected. I am well entitled to feel some kind of way about that and putting some distance between us, at least for a little while.I mean why would I want to continue being around someone who just broke my heart? The feelings didnt just magically go away. And I definitely don't want to hear her talk about that cute guy at work or school. Or have her tell me how great, or worst, how bad a date went.You gave that guy a shot but not me? We've known each other for years now so we wouldn't have to go through that awkward “getting to know each other” stage.And its bad enough hearing how well your last date went after you reject me, but worst still would be hearing how bad it went. Why? Because if WE had went out I know the date would have been good because when we go out as friends its good. We laugh and joke and have a good time. I already have things in common with you and already know how to make you smile, but yet and still, you didn't give me a shot.You have every right to date whomever you want, but just like you, the other person has every right to feel some kind of way about the rejection and putting distance between you two.I'm not entitled to your loving just like you're not entitled to my friendship.