Do You Think He Will Go Away How Long

How long does it take for a Hickey to go away?

Trashy is not the word., slutty, tramp, etc all go with hickey. If your under 13 you may be let away with this mistake, Just please learn from it..!! It will heal like a bruise however long it takes for you, usually 4-5 days...

How long does a goose egg take to go away?

When should I worry about a goose egg on my 9 month old son's forehead. He is pulling himself up to a standing position now but hasn't got the hang of staying up yet. This past weekend three separate times, he hit his head in just about the same place. Each time he screamed bloody-murder but was calmed with in less than 10 mins. And went back to happily playing right after that, each time. My wife and I checked his forehead for any visible cuts of broken skin, we checked his pupils for any variation in dilation, and he was not sleepy after the falls. We, however, did not put any ice on his forehead after the falls. (honestly, didn't think about doing it)
Now it is about 6 days later and his considerable sized goose egg is still there, it is right at the hair line in the front of his forehead, high above his right eyebrow. He doesn't seem to have any pain in it or be aware of it at all. It is semi-soft to the touch but no bruising or discoloring has occured.

Will my TMJ go away on its own? Approx how long?

TMJ problems do not go away but can be controlled. The use of a mouthguard/bruxing splint is generally where a dentist will start with treatment of this problem. I am not sure why they sent you to an oral surgeon first, you may want to call the dentist and speak with him personally about this. Did they take a panorex x-ray to check the TMJ joints? If they did, was there something evident on the x-ray that concerned him enough to send you to an oral surgeon? The act of clenching and grinding of the teeth really affects the TMJ. Everyone does this in their sleep to some extent, some more than others. This action of clenching and grinding is called Bruxing. The mouthguard keeps the teeth from coming together and allows the muscles to relax thus no bruxing. A lot of great info can be found online. I personally have tried a few different kinds of mouthguards and the NTI is my personal favourite as there is a daytime and nighttime device. I tend to clench a lot during the day. Hope this helps. Oh and place warm compresses on your jaw joints this helps along with the Advil too. You can take a wet washcloth and wring it out and place in the microwave for 15-20 seconds. Just make sure it isn't too hot when you place it on your face. :) Good luck!

Do you think that a person can know when they are going to die?

I had a tutor 5-6 years ago. He taught science and retired. He lost his son,he got killed. He was a remarkable person. He helped me overcome my anxiety,my fear of failure . He believed in me and genuinely praised me (I've never been praised, not even by my parents).Three days before he died was our last lesson. We only chated actually ,he asked: what will you do if you fail? I answered :move on and keep trying. And then told me he was really happy that I was his last student. He always told me a quote from the Odyssey “what's important is the journey, not the destination “.My parents went there the next day (my mother worked there ) he told her ,that now I am capable of living a fulfiling life and that I will definitely find my way and become the best person I can. Also he told her to tell me goodbye ,that's when my mom and I knew he wouldn't have long. She also witnessed him holding the bible while sleeping,crying and praying a lot.Next day I experienced my first death in my adolescent life. When my mother called me to tell me that the person that helped me overcome my depression and anxiety died.I felt my knees cut in half. The air suddenly became very heavy and I couldn't breathe. I cried my heart out for hours . I never really knew that death was so sudden and awkward,how a human could just stop existing. Nothing prepares you for it.So ,as far as i know,yes people know when they will die,at least a week before.P.S. I forgot to mention that he wasn't very religious,that's why my mom realise it when he was praying and holding the bible.

How long does it usually take for ganglion cysts to go away?

Hello, I personally had a ganglion cyst on my right hand. It got bigger and bigger filling with fluid. This was pressing down on a nerve and was so very painful that I could not sleep. I finally went to a doctor that treats this condition. He told me there are two ways to reduce the size of the cyst. 1) Smack it REALLY hard with a heavy book and the fluid will go to other areas inside my hand. Unfortunately this method results in reoccurances of the ganglion cyst reoccurring. 2) Have it surgically cut out and the fluid drained. The fluid is extremely thick and can not easily be sucked out via needle. I asked what causes these to form in the first place and was told that tiny hairline fractures from an injury ( in my case a car door slamming on my hand as a young child caused the fracture). And yes, my parents did neglect me.

How long does it take for the mud tax to go away and what makes it go away?

If you are talking about a municipal utility district tax then it will depend on the specific district but I expect you will find the tax will never go away.

We lived in one for 25 years and it never went away.

How long after a dog is neutered do his testicles go away?

Neutering a dog involves removing his Testicles- so he definately does not have them anymore.
What you can see is the Scrotum- the bit of skin where the Testicles used to be.
It will take a while before the scrotum starts to shrivel up (its been a while since I've had a dog neutered so I cant quite remember) maybe a week to a couple of months. There will be a little 'tag' left between your dogs legs where the scrotum shrivels up.
If there is any sign of infection (redness, inflation of the area, etc) you should consult your vet straight away.

Years ago, when vets neutered dogs they would remove the scrotum and the testicles, now they just remove the testicles, and leave the scrotum intact.

How long does it takes for CORNS on FEET to go away.?

Ok, do not bust !!!! first of all soak your feet in a medicated foot solution to soften the corns, second, dry well and place a medicated corn removal solution on them while you are sleeping, your skin repairs its self at night. Also, wear shoes that are not tight fitting so your feet can breath. keep doing this untill it is well. maybe 2-3 weeks. Then go get a pedicure to remove the dead skin.For the shoes, you don't need them tight just because you work out, the support is in the ankle and sole for the shoe. Good luck.