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Do looks really matter in life? Do good looking people have an advantage?

Yes, looks matter.Don't tell me that you have not been bullied in school/college/office because of how fat/skinny/nerdy you look?Don't tell me that you were not made to stand in the back rows during stage performances in school, while a few beautiful faces were always there at the first rows?Don't tell me that you weren't judged by how you look,  Fat : you must be eating your siblings’ food as well. Skinny : Don't your parents give you any food to eat? Fair : How much makeup have you applied?/how many visits of parlor do you make in a month? Dark : start applying sunscreen, fairness creams, blah blah blah…Don't tell me your first crush was not because of how cute/sexy he/she looks?Don't tell me when you imagine your future partner the first question that pop up inside your head isn't 'I really wonder how he/she will look like? 'Don't tell me that the person you loved the most didn't chose someone else who was more impressive than you in terms of looks?Don’t tell me that you don’t click on ‘Read More’ whenever you see a picture of someone good looking on Quora answers?Don’t tell me you don’t follow hot/cute girls/boys on Instagram and admire how perfect they look?Don’t tell me that you have not been rejected because of your looks?Don’t tell me that this little kid is famous because of his talent and not looks :Don’t tell me this girl did something extra-ordinary and became an overnight star because of that and not because of her looks and wink and expressions? :And girls don’t tell me your heart doesn’t skips a beat everytime he smiles ? :Don’t tell me that good looking people don’t have any advantage !Looks do matter in the society we live in and this is one of the bitter truths that we need to digest.Good looks matter but it is a good heart that makes all the difference :)-Unnati :)