Do You Think I Am Entitled To Any More Help

Why do people on welfare think that they're entitled to MY money?

Did your parents pay for the entire cost of building each school you attended? Did they pay for each road & sidewalk you walk on?Entirely on their own?Did you?What the hell are YOU doing using MY SIDEWALK? My road? My school?How dare you think you have a right to use these things before you were even old enough to work and help pay for these things that benefit all of society.Don’t you DARE call MY police force or MY fire department!Do you have kids? Well, don’t die and leave them behind. Why should I give a moment of my time, let alone MY money to help them. Screw them, let them starve and stay cold.It’s MY money.IF that’s the way you think, and you are really that narrow minded and lack THAT much empathy, I am truly grateful that I will never have to actually ever interact with you in real life.Public “works” benefit everyone. Providing assistance to a child now, insures a healthier future for our society. You will have to interact with these people. They will be your future gas station attendants, future doctors, nurses, scientists, and traffic cops, judges, etc. .At some point, today, you will use some of the basic welfare that your government has already provided to you, assuming you live in an industrialized country of any kind.Do you have running water? Your taxes pay for the sanitation, filtration, & delivery of the water. You pay for usage and access, but not for the pipes or the water filtration department or the government entities that insure quality control. Not in FULL.Taxes are a shared responsibility of all of the public for the benefit of all of the public. If you can guarantee that you will never use another road, or community hospital, or public school or a single government service of ANY kind and you will never be interacting with the rest of us, then, maybe, then you can refuse to share your hard earned “wealth” with the rest of us. You would also need to prove that you will never become disabled, unemployed, homeless, or injured/ill without insurance.I suspect you will find that to be impossible to do.

Why are COPS such nasty, miserable people who feel entitled?

Many of the COPS I've run across, mostly male. Then again, mostly males are to blame for many things lol. They are just such jaded, miserable, nasty people that feel like they know it all, should be treated with the utmost respect like they're above it all, and like everyone should cater down to them. Many times I went out in traffic, happy, and I witness some A'hole cop swerve through traffic going 30miles over the limit, with no turn signal, happens all the time. I'm sure they're not getting calls all of those times. :-/

They act very condescending and what not when they deal with a person, and it's just annoying.

They think they're God, and that you should treat them as such.

What the f*ck are we living in Nazi Germany?

These morons aren't worthy of respect most of the time, they're not Bill Gates.

They're just REGULAR state/govt workers. They're nothing. It's just a job.

If they want respect, they should act like model citizens, not scumbag pigs.


Why do people feel they are entitled to government handouts?

Why is it that so many people, especially supporters of the stimulus package, feel that everyone who is experiencing a rough time is entitled to a government handout?

It is pathetic that so many Americans have become that lazy that they no longer want to work, but want to collect welfare and government "gimmes". And please, I'm not talking about the truly needy or disabled or vets or anyone who has legitimate reasons. I'm talking about the many who can work, but feel they don't have to, who feel the government owes them a handout.

Am I entitled to more information on my ex-husband's new girlfriend?

Get over yourself!!!

You have absolutely NO LEG to stand on and NO EVIDENCE that there is an issue with this woman. Who he dates is NONE of your business and likewise if you were dating someone. All you need to know is that your children come home in one piece and he isn't doing drugs or obviously abusing them while in his care. Who he takes them around and what he does with them in his care have nothing to do with YOU.

It would be nice if you could meet and know the person around your child, and THAT I can understand and respect but it is in NO WAY mandatory information!!!

My ex has dated several people who have been around my daughter. I never even asked him about them. The most recent girlfriend HE offered information about and even suggested I meet her, which meant a lot to meet the woman around my child.

Grow up, you are not together any longer and have no rights to know what the other person is doing, who they are spending their time with, and unless the children are obviously being abused or neglected in their care then you have NO RIGHT to that information either...

Move on with your life and stop being spiteful.

A 4 year old may not like this woman but unless she tells you or shows signs that she is being hurt then it could just be a child's reaction to their Mommy & Daddy moving on outside of the marriage.

Currently separated from navy husband, what am I entitled to? Please help :-(?

I wanted to add that hes paying me the difference between BAH with and without dependents ($250 a month) He lives out in town with another woman. I do not live in base housing either. I asked him why he hadn't sent Dec. BAH money and he told me "ill send it when I send it" Im not being a leach like some of you have suggested but Im not getting any more screwed over then I already have.
I did see someone in legal and they told me I was entitled to 1/3 of his pay, but when I tried to asked my ex about this he said I couldn't have that only the BAH difference... But military legal wasn't much help :-(
Thanks so much for those of you who suggested I get a job! That's such a good idea!

Do you Think it''s Rude to tell Adoptees to be Grateful?

Incredibly rude, yes. No one has ever told me that I ought to be grateful that my parents had sex. No one has ever told me that I ought to be grateful that my mother didn't have an abortion (and MY mother actually HAD a choice, since I was conceived after Roe v. Wade). No one has ever told me that I ought to be grateful to have been raised by my abusive parents because, well, look at the alternative. I don't understand why anyone should tell adoptees something they wouldn't tell anyone else on Earth. I'd like to know, do these people go around being grateful for others' sexual choices all the time? Cuz, um, I sure don't.

I don't think ANYONE should be grateful that a tragedy happened - and the separation of natural family IS a tragedy. It would be especially heinous, to my mind, for adoptive parents to be grateful...because why would anyone be grateful for others' anguish?

It does shock me when this is said by someone hoping to adopt. Especially someone who said that they've decided NOT to adopt (via PM, which I can copy here if you'd like) because they just can't handle the thought of their little adoptling having feelings outside of the pre-approved "gratefulness" line of feelings they think they can prescribe to their children...and then turns around and says they DO in fact plan to adopt because they'll be "saving" an unfortunate soul (thereby insuring said gratefulness). Split personalities? Mental illness? Hmmm...

I don't wonder at all how they'll treat their adoptee. They've already told us.

ETA: To those who tell adoptees to be you say that to every person who is grieving over the loss of a loved one? Or is it just adoptees?