Do You Think I Can Be Less Ugly In The Future

Ugly at 15, prettier in the future?

you're probably not ugly at all really, 15, 16 I didn't like those ages so much.
I thought I was chubby and just ugh
I am 18 now and well XD I got some curves and my zits are gone completely I am more outgoing and my whole self has just changed, you just learn and change a lot during teenage years.
plus you think you are ugly well then you will be ugly, because your thoughts are focused on that all the time and that is all you are going to see even though others tell you, you are very pretty.
It's all in Attitude as well.
I know that can be hard, but it gets easier to change your attitude and it all starts with looking in the mirror and complimenting yourself on what you DO love and think is pretty.
sounds all cheesy, but tis true.
Don't beat yourself up like that it isn't healthy and will just cause more problems to think of yourself like that. I do understand though.
LISTEN to when people give you compliments and think Yeah I know. you super Gorgeous, unique Girl! plus your body and everything still changes really! I look at pictures when I was 16 and I look different then I do at 18.

How can I tell my future husband I have an ugly vagina?

There are two answers in my head: the one I want to write, and the one I would want to be told if I were the Asker.What I want to write is what George Sawyer wrote (George Sawyer's answer to How can I tell my future husband I have an ugly vagina?): that there is so much variety in how vulvas appear that to call one beautiful and another one ugly isn’t very meaningful. I also want to reassure you that your future husband will love you and will love your genitals because they are part of you.But the answer I want to read acknowledges that body dysmorphia and insecurity don’t work in such a rational way. If between now and when you start to have sex with a partner these very correct, reasonable arguments haven’t sunk in with you and you still feel ashamed of how your vulva looks, then I think that you need to take that hurt and fear seriously. Tell your partner that you desire him and you want to be intimate with him, but that you want to discuss how your genitals look with him first because you feel self-conscious about them. Tell him what worries you, and that you might want to spend time going slowly with him so that you feel safe with him.That said, I know that “confidence is attractive” and that this advice can backfire. I myself have body dysmorphia over my small breast size (and a very round body otherwise), and I once described my breasts to my husband as “fat adolescent boy boobs.” He winced, looked a bit disgusted, and conceded that after I had said that, he did start to see my breasts as less attractive while before he had thought they were just fine. So I’m not telling you to disparage yourself and I certainly don’t want you to call yourself ugly. But if while on the path to body confidence you meet someone special, I wouldn’t put off having sex with him just because you hadn’t achieved peace about your vulva. I would opt for calm, non-self-hating truthfulness about your vulnerability instead and see how he responds.In the end I hope you’ll realize that your body is perfect as it is, because it is how you — the sacred person — physically interact with the world. “Ugly” isn’t so much a wrong term to use as it is beside the point. Your vulva is yours, and anyone who loves you will find it lovely for that reason.

Do you think in the future humans will be able to make ugly people attractive?

If everyone was considered to be attractive, then the standard would change. Hence, it will never work and instead raise the standard. So I don't think it'll eventually happen, because then there would be levels.It would have to be selective, like it is now because plastic surgery is expensive, so people that want it need to be able to afford it.However, there would be a line to be treading on because everyone has different views on what is and isn't attractive. Let me list a few.MolesHaving curvesBeing skinnyHaving blonde, brown, black, or red hairBeing tallBeing shortPeople all have different perceptions, so you can't be absolute on what's attractive. I might be attractive to some people, but I've heard others say “Ew,” when they get near me.

I don't want my future child to look like me because I am very ugly. What can we do to get a child who doesn't look like us but still our own?

I’m honestly amazed that no one has already said what I am about to say - do people not understand where children come from? Anyway, if you find yourself ugly and do not want your child to look like you, I can suggest one thing not to do, and one thing to do, and science will back me up.Don’t get yourself cloned. This is probably pretty easy, since unless you find a particularly dodgy and unethical geneticist somewhere like North Korea, nobody would even take you seriously if you told them you wanted to be cloned. But being cloned is your best chance of having a kid that looks just like you, so don’t do that.Do find someone to be the kid’s other parent who you get along with really well and like on a lot of levels, but who looks nothing like you. Someone from a different ethnic group in a different country on a different continent might be a good start. Different facial features, hair, skin tone, and so on.I have a totally different hair type and color, and a totally different skin color, than my wife.Our kids have totally different hair types and colors, and totally different skin colors, than either of us.

Do you look UGLY in the morning?

Me and my husband have discussed this recently... I have had a rough time since my father passed away & there are days that I never put the "pretty" on, which is unlike me. After days I moaned that I was repulsive, and he said, "WHAT?" "Shut up, you are beautiful!" To which I said, whatever! My glasses on... my freckles showing... dark circles under my eyes... my lips with barely any color & my lashes non-existent. I was putting on my make-up & he was arguing that I didn't even need that... my answer was that it is ugly when I CAN look like THIS! Explaining how much different I looked with a little "application".

Basically to sum up what I learned from the conversation... that I see myself as the "glammed up" girl... and he just sees the girl. The ones who love us see us when we are swimming... sleeping... and the worst of all... your future husband will probably see you in labor with his child... something through all of that and true love only sees the girl they fell in love with. I think men who love you will remember that first night you blew them away.... and spending the night with you will bring a whole new mind blowing experience for them, so their sheer gratitude blinds them from any dried drool or eye crusties you have in the morning.

NO ONE looks the same... and I bet you aren't as bad as you think... like me, you are probably just more plain & prefer the version that includes the makeup. Most guys will tell you they prefer the no make-up girl with the messy ponytail (you will hear that A LOT!) I think they feel more like they can touch you with out messing anything up! Kiss you without wearing your lip color themselves... touch your hair without you flinching or worrying he will mess it up. So, relax.... the right guy is going to think you are the cat's pajamas when you feel hideous. He will roll his eyes at you when call yourself ugly.

Why do ugly people have kids?

Have you ever considered that maybe there's more to life than looks/physical appearance? Actually in many cases, two ugly parents can produce a good-looking child. I have seen very attractive kids as well as celebrities who have parents that don't look so great. You can't just assume that ugly people procreate to only result in ugly offspring.

Tu es beau~

Why do some ugly men with no money or future get good looking girls?

This is the case for very very few men. Maybe less than 1%. But there are three things it takes to get a woman (keeping her is a different story). Size and physical masculinity - tall height, strength, power -, social status - wealth, success, importance, celebrity, popularity, etc -, and ego - swagger, confidence, pride, hubris, arrogance, cockiness, etc. Most straight women - 96% - want a tall man. Usually anything under six feet/183 cm, is unattractive. Most women want a successful and financially independent man who will be a strong provider for them (and more so, future children she might have). And even more than the other two, almost all straight women want a man with high confidence. I have no clue why, but ego is the strongest of these three requirements. 4% of women are willing to date short men or men shorter than her. And most women are willing to date men who are not popular, successful, or rich, since few men in society are. But pretty much no woman is willing to date a man without ego. And what's crazy is, having very high confidence is also the “easiest” of these for men to obtain, although very few men in society are confident and have self ego.So these men who are under six feet tall and have little to no money compensate in this by having extremely strong egos. They have a lot of self confidence. That is sometimes enough to make up for their shortness, lack of wealth, or physical ugliness with a few select amount of women on rare occasions. And men under six feet tall can also develop ego if he doesn't have any, unlike tallness. Men who have no jobs or income and happen to be broke can develop ego far easier than instant wealth such as winning the lottery. Ego/pride is the strongest compensator in attracting women, even more so than money or physical size or looks.

I will look ugly in braces?!?

I need braces really badly. My teeth are really big, crooked and I have buck teeth, and I have a small jaw! its already bad that its kinda hard to close my mouth because my mouth is so small, but teeth so big, and if i have braces then its gonna be very hard to close my mouth! and it will look really weird cuz i have super crooked teeth (and really bad buck teeth with a big gap) and i dont wanna look uglier. im scared!