Do You Think I Have A Legit Reason To Write A Complaint Regarding My Neighbors

What Can I Do About Neighbors Harassing Me?

Sounds like your basically trying to live a daily life to me. Perhaps they should turn down their hearing aids. And they should know better than to expect parents of a child to make that child be silent, that is not good for the child, children should be allowed to be children (respectfully ofcourse, no yelling, screaming and the such and out of control). This is a different day and age as when they grew up...." children should be seen and not heard" is extinct anymore. And you can't tell me they don't have or never had small children and grandchildren. As for the patio it the track? Might I suggest spraying some WD-40 on the track for ease in sliding. You never did elaborate on why the thing is so loud. Good luck. Make her / him some cookies and try to be nice, don't drop down to their level.

How do i politely write a letter to my neighbor about her trash?

I live in a apartment complex and my neighbor that lives across from us constantly leaves her trash in front of her door just sitting there for days at a time until she finally throws it in the dumpster. A few nights ago we were having guests over and my husband knocked on her door and told her politely that we were having company and offered to take out her trash bags for her because it just looked tacky. She actually told my husband to go ahead and take it to the dumpster for her. You would think she would get the hint and take it herself! We just moved in a couple of months ago and don't want to have problems with neighbors but i don't like to pay good money to see somebodys trash sitting everyday. I was thinking of writing her a nice letter first and if she doesn't comply then contacting management. Or should i just go ahead and complain to management? How should i word a polite letter to her about this? Thanks in advance! :)

Why are so many renters inconsiderate of their neighbors?

You absolutely dont have to live like this and technically,it's not your job to tell the idiots to keep the noise down. There should be a manager or an owner. Complain to one or both of them and make it in writing. The idea behind the written complaint is just in case nothing is done about the noise, you may have to move, but just the possibility of being taken to court should spur the owners/manager to notify the offending tenants that they are violating the noise ordinance, not to mention the safety of their own children. I've been both the renter and the owner and I know your peace of mind is valuable. I wish you more than luck with this.

If you call the cops on your neighbors, multiple times for legitimate reasons and they know you are the one who called, should you fear for your safety?

Currently I have two neighbors in the middle of Resident War I. I kid you not, I get a call from one neighbor or the other complaining about the other one every single day. (I am the Property Manager)I have sent several warnings to both apartments and the police has been called. All I am going to say is I am having trouble sympathizing with the downstairs neighbor.The upstairs neighbor called me the other day and said that in the morning her brand new car had two flat tires. Two! She asked if we had cameras because she thought it was just strange that she had not one but two flat tires, and she didn’t want to be negative but she was seriously wondering if her neighbors had anything to do with it. Her comment told me that there was more going on then just the constant finger pointing. She seemed a little frightened and was not sure what lengths her neighbors would take to get her to move out.It was out of my reach. I could not blame the downstairs neighbors, I had no right to question them; and I had no proof for the upstairs neighbor, I could not help her.Upstairs neighbor has left voicemails saying that her neighbors were aggressively knocking on her door and that she did not feel safe opening. The next day downstairs couple would call and say they tried to amend all issues by visiting her but that upstairs girl refused to open. I am stuck in this resident war but I am keeping note of everything and I can assure all of you that this war will safely end soon. There will be no Resident War II.If you fear for your safety, let both the Property Manager and police that you phoned know this. Say it out loud, write it down and send to the leasing office. Also, if you are calling the cops tell them that you want your identity to stay anonymous.

Neighbor's loud cough--enough to complain to management?

I understand he may have a respiratory illness although he smokes which concerns me, but he coughs continuously for hours at a time-- it sounds like he's throwing up. He does it thru the night sometimes too-- in fact-- that's why I am awake now.... It's a very loud hacking cough and he does not hold back or seem to like covering his mouth....he sounds like he is making a cough sound like in a horror movie... it didn't get to me at first but it's been 3 months and I want to move but can't afford it and I love my apartment --- if he would only hold back.... I can't hear a peep out of my other neighbors, just the other day one had a party and I could hear it when I was outside but when I got in I couldn't so how loud could he be coughing if I can't hear a party in my apartment but I can hear him cough---I can't hear him talk or do much else?!

What can the police really do during a noise complaint?

This depends on the ordinances in your jurisdiction. Where I worked, the noise ordinance hours were from 2300 hours to 0700 hours - that meant that if I, as a police officer, heard disturbing noise emanating beyond the property lines of a given residence, I could unilaterally issue a citation to the offender without the need for a complaintant (attention apartment dwellers - your property lines are literally your walls, so mind your music). The logic is that, given these hours are when the vast majority of the populace is trying to sleep, I can act in the interest of the city at large in enforcing the noise ordinance.However, during all other hours, in order for me to issue a citation I have to have an individual victim - that is, someone who will sign a citation and have their name attached to an official police report, saying that their peace was disturbed by the activity of the offending party. I can then issue the citation and give the offender a court date. However, it seldom came to this, because:Your name and contact information are included in the police report, and your signature is on the ticket. Since the offender is probably a neighbor, they're going to know exactly who cost them a trip to court - so don't expect a Christmas card this year. By signing the ticket, you are in effect agreeing to testify in court as the plaintiff in the case. Judges work when you probably do - in the middle of weekdays. Are you miffed enough about the dubstep session next door to take time away from work to testify about it in court?I usually highlighted these facts when someone raised a righteous finger in the air and declared that they were PRESSING CHARGES (I think some people just loved hearing themselves say this phrase - it must be something about the hissing you have to do to get 'pressing' out). Some people thought I was just trying to shirk a report, but I'm not wasting the prosecutor's time on a one-off incident if the victim isn't going to cooperate in six months when this thing gets a court date. I mean, can you remember anything you were angry about six months ago?Thus, if it's the dead of night and the noise is obnoxious, the officer may issue a ticket themselves, especially if they've already been to that location for noise already. However, you can sign a complaint for peace disturbance at any time, given you're willing to forfeit cordial relations with your neighbors and answer a subpoena to testify in court.

Need help writing a letter to neighbor about broken fence?

The neighbor that lives on the opposite side of my property has a seriously dilapidated fence that spans over 400 feet crossing. Not onlly my property, but also my next door neighbors as well there are sections missing and fallen over, missing pickets and nails sticking out.
I have repaired it several times myself, However a recent storm has knocked down 25% of the fence on my next door neighbors side.
It needs repair/replacement, but since it isn't my fence I'm not the one who's going to do it.
Now, legally my neighbor doesn't have to do anything and I completely understand that. I also understand that in this economy many people can't afford to pay for such a costly repair. All I would like to know is if my dear neighbor has any intention of repairing the fence. I wouldn't expect him to if he was disabled or unemployed, and I am not going to hold him accountable because realistically I can't. I'm more or less looking to send him a very friendly letter asking him about it, sort of to show him that it's bothering me a little.
I was hoping that some of you could help me find the right words. I do not wish to be confrontational, and I would like him to know that if he is incapable of fixing it for whatever reason, I completely understand.
I'm not the type to knock on doors because that could be perceived as threatening, plus I have never seen or met him.
Thank you for any help!

Outdoor barking dog from the mexican neighbors keep waking me up in the middle fo the night?

the dog only gets out when it escapes and runs around down the street.

or is walked once in a blue moon and they act like its a big chore. Its a fat family.

Also yeah its there in the freezing cold and rain all night poor thing, or fog, frost, they never bring it inside.

so yeah it barks at everythng or the plain air. poor dog . I think they leave it tied up 24/7.
They are mad because I put bushes to block thier view from staring at me all the time or house.
they stopped saying hi, and act all angry at me and get obnoxious.

sadly other neighbors are letting thier dogs bark now to get back at them.

I can talk to them. I'm afraid to pound on the door to be honest even though they deserve to be woke up too.

If I complain they might just get nasty with me considering they blocked my driveway for a while til I had them ticketed.

I had a flat tire when I parked in front of thier house once so I park on my side now. oh and theya re so dumb they park on thier sidewalk and backwar