Do You Think I Have Adhd

Help, I think I have ADHD?

I'd like to recommend a book that was given to me by my closest friend, who knows me as well as my own family, titled, Healing ADD, by Daniel G. Amen, MD. I was always a very conscientious student, perfectionistic actually, and have had a successful life in some ways; worked my way through college, raised two fabulous kids, and have done well for 30 years as an elementary teacher. Yet I have had some of the same experiences as you. My friend saw me in this book. It describes six different types of Attention Deifict Disorder. You know, human beings are all quite complex, and the better we can understand ourselves, the better we can make our lives. I am not embarrassed in the least to say that I have some shortcomings, because I know we all do; I am just relieved when I can put a name, of sorts, on some of my behaviors that don't seem to jibe with what others seem to be doing, or expect of me. I am learning how to work with myself; to recognize my strong points as well as find the areas where I need to "tweak". You probably are a very fun person who is enjoying life; at the same time, you're liable to make some impulsive choices, as I have, that can impact your life, and maybe the lives of others, in a very big way. Read this book, or explore some others, so you can find out more about yourself. Learn how to cherish all the good that is in you while you are also discovering areas that may be hurting you but that you really do have the power to finesse. Good luck!

Do you think i have ADHD?

Get checked? By who? I can tell you your future right now if you go to a doctor or psychiatrist. They will diagnose you with ADHD and put you on meds. That's what they are trained to do and forced to do. The drugs will numb you to the world and you will have major or minor side effects, either of which you don't want. Later in life you will realize you don't want to take the meds anymore because they are harmful and destructive to your mind, body, and soul.

Here is your solution. Realize today that having this gift of imagination and dreaming is something most people will never have or experience. You are among the elite and gifted. Do you know how many millionaires and geniuses would be considered to have ADHD by ignorant doctors? Here's just a few: Einstein, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Abraham Lincoln, Walt Disney, etc.

Our school system today is backwards and flat out doesn't work for most people. Ask yourself is it natural to sit in a chair and listen to lectures all day long? I think not! What are some activities you love doing outside of school? What is your passion? What could you spend hours doing and it seems like time just stops? You are young and searching for your path and truth in life. NEVER allow an "adult" tell you what you can or can not be! Including me! Do your own research and self discovery, and find out what feels right for you =)

What should I do if I think I have ADHD?

First and foremost, without looking them up on the internet, write down your symptoms, remembering that everyone at some point has each symptom of ADD/ADHD; it is the culmination of all of the symptoms for a long duration of time at the same time. THEN, write down a history of contributing factors if you can recall them; stress, diet, hereditary factors (do either side of your parents family tree have the history of ADD/ADHD), technology distractions, caffeine.Now, as an 8th grader, doing your research prior to going to a Counselor or your parents will show the adults that you truly have a concern and not just an excuse. (Trust me on this one) I am 46, I was diagnosed when I was 20, I knew all through my school years that I had something wrong starting back in elementary school. I was called lazy, stayed grounded most of my school years, literally 6 weeks at a time…. This was before cell phones and internet, so no tv, telephone, or radio. (Don’t roll your eyes at me) lolGo to your parents, go to your counselor at school, ask to be tested. If your parents are against medication, which many are and you truly want to help, it may be something as simple as diet. Or listening to studying music while you do homework, getting in to an exercise regimen, setting a timer and doing your homework in timed blast sessions (Supposedly that works, but I can’t verify that.)A pediatrician and/or a psychiatrist can assess you.Best of luck. Sorry for the novel. I hope this helps.

ADHD?! I'm 14!! I think I have it!?

I'm 14 and I think I have ADHD. I've always been very talkative, loud, and hyper. I can never sit still. As I'm typing this I'm shaking and twitching my feet. I have random outburst And like muscle spasms. My mom thinks my brother had ADD. So could I possibly have ADHD? I've tried getting tested when I was 12. I can't focus on anything for a long perio of time. I'm very unorganized, annoying, and a procrastinator. I can't do simple task with out gettin distracted. I have to have people tell me what to do one step at a time. I can't even concentrate in math at all. What should I do!? Do you think I have ADHD!?

Do i have ADHD?!?!?!?!?

Aw, the way you explained yourself, you had me in stitches! I am not laughing at you personally, I am laughing about your actions. You sound like a lovely person. When people don't understand about ADHD, then they are bound to think neg about this person. It't not your fault, believe that.

I agree, it sounds like you have ADHD. Get your mom/dad to take you to doctor and have you tested for ADHD and get help. I will tell you something else, they mite offer you tablets, some tablets may not work for you and others do, while others do, it does have side effects, extreme bad behaviour but mite help with concentration.

Good luck

Avoid fizzy drinks, avoid eating lots of sweets, not too much crisps, eat more fruit and vegs and juices.

I am talking of an experience with my son who's been through.

Do I have ADHD?

I do this, too. The truth is, I often lose track of pages I opened long ago and then when I'm closing all tabs to shut down the browser, I find old topics I was researching and think, "Darn it, I didn't even look at that page! And how did I get from aardvarks to public pooping in China?" Ha ha - yeah, it has something to do with Quora but I can't blame it all on them.(Note: There's an infinitesimal possibility that I might have ADHD)Oh, to answer the last part of your question, what do you mean by hurting you? Are you wasting time? Likely. Are you learning something new? Likely. Is it something that's useful to you and the world? Eh, maybe not. Will it make you a richer and more well-rounded person? Also, maybe not if you count what you're missing out on while you're chasing down butterflies. Is there a more effective way to learn and cross reference things you are learning? I'm sure of it. But trying to lead you there would be like the blind leading the blind. Maybe someone else can address this question. In all seriousness, I'm a horrible researcher and would like to be better at processing information than I am. Most of the random information I chase (butterflies), ends up flitting away. If I don't write it down anywhere or truly digest it, what use is it, really?

How do I tell my mom that I think I have ADHD?

I have been doing a lot of research on ADHD because someone told me that I might have it. Most of the things that they say online really relate to the kinds of things I do. I have also asked questions on here about my "symptoms" and most people said that I probably do have ADHD.

I want to tell my mom so I can go see a doctor, but I don't know how to tell her. It would be weird if I just said "Hey mom I have ADHD!".

Does anyone have a way that I could tell my mom without it being weird or awkward. I'm 16 BTW.

I think I have ADHD, but my parents do not listen to me. What should I do?

It sounds like you are a very smart kid, dealing with attention issues and still doing well in school. I have a son who is a gifted child with ADHD, so I know some things about it. He is 12, younger than I guess you to be, and he also has dyslexia which adds more difficulty to his school experience. I'm going to describe steps someone could take  in the United States because that is the health care environment I'm familiar with. First, look online for self tests that identifiy  ADHD symptoms. You may or may not have enough of them to be diagnosed. Remember, everyone has trouble sometimes with staying focused on uninteresting tasks. If several tests point to your attention problems possibly being serious enough to be ADHD, bring the results to your parents. The next step would be getting tested by a professional, ideally an educational psychologist who specializes in learning disabilities. This can be very expensive but does not have to be. (I paid $1200 for my son's most recent testing, but could have paid as little as $90 if I had been willing to wait 3 months for an appointment with a particular provider.) Many insurance policies cover the tests with only a small copayment. There are also public mental health agencies that may offer lower cost testing to people with a financial hardship.If professional testing reveals a diagnosis, the psychologist should also offer suggestions to help you succeed in school in spite of the challenges of a learning disability. Of course, it appears that you have already found techniques that work for you! You might have the opportunity to try one (or more) of the prescription medications available to help with focus. The social symptoms you describe don't sound related to ADHD, in my completely unprofessional opinion. Maybe you are just dealing with common social awkwardness that often comes with adolescence. If you suspect some other issue such as Asperger's, you could ask the psychologist about this as well.Finally, try not to worry about difficulties you might have in the future. College does present more academic and organizational challenges than high school, but a good guidance counselor at your current school likely has ideas they could share with you, about how to succeed with these increased demands.  My guess is that someone like you, who works hard and takes the initiative to seek solutions to their problems, will be very successful in whatever you decide to pursue!