Do You Think I Should Be Worried About Depersonalizetion Disorder

I think I have depersonalization disorder??

I started noticing it when I was pre-teen, like 10 or 11, I knew everything was real and that it was happening but I didn't feel like I was experiencing it like I used to. I felt like it was a dream I had no control over, even though I knew I could control my actions I didn't feel like I could. This slowly progressed to get worse, some days I would wake up and know that this thing just got spontaneously worse, and then I would give myself an anxiety attack over it. The worsening of my symptoms usually but not always coincided with me being sick or taking antibiotics. Last summer I had surgery to remove my gallbladder due to gallstones (rare since I was 13 at the time and not obese) and was prescribed vicodin afterwards. Ever since finishing the vicodin and laying around the house for month worrying about healing I've gotten immensely worse in some aspects of it, but more used to the others.

Depersonalization Disorder?

With the symptons of this, I'm 97% sure, that this is a problem I have.
I'm turning 14 this year, and that would mean it started in 2007, around October, when I was 12.
It makes you feel, Unreal, depressed, unsure, Uncomfortable, and a little dreamy, and you feel like you've died.
My only advice, would be to do things, that are Adrenaline Pumping, and make you feel Alive, and Mad!

What the hell is depersonalization disorder?

I think you're probably fine!

When we use drugs like pot or psychedelics, we can become very aware of our body. You were feeling how each individual joint in your arms works, maybe even feeling the individual tendons and muscles moving. This happens to a lot of people while high. It's where the cliche of starring at your hand in amazement comes from.

You don't have to use drugs to gain that level of awareness of your body. Some people obtain that kind of awareness through meditation, Tai Chi, and yoga. Once you have had that kind of awareness, whether high or not, you can have it again by concentrating. The problem is that you're freaking yourself out because you think you may have a disease, so you're focusing on it. When you concentrate hard enough, you can feel the sensation again. Since you can have this awareness of any part of your body, this is why you now feel it in your tongue sometimes. You're concentrating on your tongue because of something you read, so sometimes you can become very aware of your tongue muscle, how it feels when its completely at rest (numb and limp) or how it feels when it's moving. I bet that if you started focusing on your legs, you would find that eventually you get the same feeling in them that you had in your arms.

Anyway, the point is that it's not dangerous. Having this level of awareness of your body is strange and a little scary at first, but it can actually be beneficial. Consider looking in to Tai Chi or yoga. It channels the awareness of your body and how it functions into ensuring proper balance and health. Tai Chi can be pretty trippy when you're really in tune with the flow of energy through your body and with how every muscle and every joint is working.

Relax, you'll be okay!

How common is depersonalization disorder? i suffer from anxiety and depression but now i am worrying?

Don't worry too much. Daydreaming is a form of depersonalization, and any of us can do that. When depersonalization is strong, severe, persistent or recurring, it's not normal.

Depersonalization disorder is thought to be caused by severe traumatic lifetime events including childhood sexual, physical, and emotional abuse; accidents, war, and torture. Your marijuana use may aggravate your condition.

I see depersonalization as a defense mechanism, I know it is for me. It's a way to hide from reality until it can be dealt with. It is not psychosis, not even close. This disorder is often comorbid with anxiety disorders, panic disorders, clinical depression and bipolar disorder. It goes hand in hand with dissociation and derealization,just as you thought. But don't panic. You don't have to live on the edge of panic anymore.

Healing is basically an inside job, and it's hellishly painful. You don't have to do it alone, get a counselor. It will cut your pain and healing time in half. Stay away from negative people, unfamiliar environments and threatening relationships. You need to work on building trust and feeling safe and grounded - centered. Keep friends and family around you and talk

Don't worry it's common to wonder if you're going crazy, or have brain damage,fear of losing control, feel you are working below your ability, and interpersonal troubles since we are disconnected emotionally from the people we care about. We can have short attention, short term memory problems and spatial-temporal reasoning (have trouble with multi-step problems like trying to find solutions to: mathematics, art, games, architecture, engineering and everyday life).

Recovery is just a day at a time. We need comfort, love if you have that, vitamin B-Complex, a multivitamin, intense physical or emotional stimulation, contact with God to know He cares, and to learn to relax and clear the mind. Racing thoughts are disturbing and it takes time to calm them down; prayer and meditation. Prayer is talking to God, meditation is listening for the answer. Ask Him for help in the morning and thank Him at night. Let go of negative thoughts and replace them with positive thought. Think of what you do have, not what you don'[t have.

Can smoking marijuana cause depersonalization disorder/depression. And also make anxiety worse?

Cannabis has been known to worsen anxiety in those suffering from mental disorders. The first study in my sources says "Weekly or more frequent cannabis use in teenagers predicted an approximately twofold increase in risk for later depression and anxiety". The second study says "Frequent cannabis use is associated with increased AD in young adults independently of whether the person also uses other illicit drugs."

Cannabis has also been found to be a trigger for psychoses. 3rd study: "cannabis is an independent risk factor for schizophrenia."

4th study: "lifetime cannabis dependence is significantly associated with an increased risk of panic attacks."

As such, I would not recommend that anyone with any history of mental disorders would use cannabis.

Are these normal symptoms for depersonalization disorder?

People with dissociative identity disorder often describe an array of symptoms that can resemble those of other mental health disorders as well as those of many physical disorders.
Different groups of symptoms occur at different times.People with the disorder may feel detached from themselve(depersonalization) and experience familiar people and surroundings as if they were unfamiliar, strange, or unreal (derealization).

Depersonalization disorder is a mental disorder that distorts a person's sense of reality. It affects a person in a way that can be hard to articulate. This feeling of limited control can hamper motor skills and bring about speech impairment. Depersonalization disorder impairs the normal state of awareness and limits or alters one’s sense of identity, memory, consciousness, and feeling as if we are losing our Mind.

Depersonalization is the state of not feeling like us or feeling alienated from our own behavior. As a Depersonalization disorder’s patient, I ca say that I feel I been watching myself from outside of myself. It may feel like out of my body, but without seeing myself if that makes sense, I feel going mentally retarded or going crazy!
An out of body experience is literally seeing yourself a sleep, or if someone dissociates and they see themselves, depersonalization is similar but it's not that.

Some degree of relief is usually achieved with treatment. Complete recovery is possible for many people, especially those whose symptoms occur in connection with stresses that can be dealt with during treatment. Other people do not respond well to treatment, although they may gradually improve on their own.

A few people like me remain unresponsive to all treatments. Ant-anxiety drugs and antidepressants sometimes help, particularly for me having anxiety or depression.

How do I tell my parents I have depersonalization disorder?

I am 13. I have been getting the feeling of depersonalization for a long time now, but it has progressively gotten worse. I have experienced all the symptoms of depersonalization disorder, and I have taken online quizzes that state I have serious DPD.

I have also been experiencing anxiety attacks. They are occurring more often. I have horrible insomnia. I barely sleep. I commonly have a feeling of impending doom. I have panic attacks. I also think about death. A lot.

I also have experienced all the symptoms of depression. I slip from calm to sad seamlessly.

As you can tell, I need help. I have told a few friends about my predicament, and they suggest I tell my parents. I agree, but I just don't know how. They are great parents, but they usually don't believe when I complain about issues such as this, or play it off. They had me walk on a fractured ankle for three months telling me I was "just fine" until we went to see a doctor who found it was fractured.

My sister has been causing some issues recently, so I don't want to add to their stress levels. But, I fear my condition will worsen. I need psychiatric help. How do I talk to me parents? Please. I need help and guidance.