Do You Think I Should Give My Mum My I Pad

How do I convince my mum to give me my iPad password?

What i would do instead is restore the ipad and then you could put in your own password, locking your mom out instead. See how she likes it.

Can you run in a pad?

I'm going to do track and field in highschool. Do I need to wear a tampon? I hate pads because I always feel like I'm going to leak and it feels gross but I don't think my mom would let me wear a tampon. I don't want to have my friends buy them for me because I'm not the kind of girl who lies even about something like that, so what should I do? Thanks.

My mom hid my iPad? How do I find it?

My mom took away my ipad cuz she thinks its distracting me. Even though Im still allowed to use the computer. Now not only is my ipad a source of entertainment, but its also the only way I can keep in touch with friends. Also, I need my ipad when I do artwork because I save reference pictures and other drawings. (I do online schooling.) This entire situation is ridiculous and stupid. How do I find it?

My mom WON'T buy me pads.?

I tryed asking for pads AGAIN the other day and she just said "Just use mine." and she keeps on saying that. I'm getting soo annoyed! Also she has no more pads! so what am i supposed to do? (i'm on my third period) How can i get her to buy them for me? I also HATE pads i want to try tampons but the first time i got my period she said "we'll talk about tampons later" and she never talked about it. This is annoying me sooo much!

Question about buying sanitary pads?

When i have to buy my stuff i always go either to a food shop (when my mum buys them) or if i need some urgent then i go to the corner shop and just buy a small pack and a magazine or something.
Noone will think anything. If u dont wanna run into people u know then ry going in the early morning or late at night.
You ccould just give ur mum money when she goes food shopping and ask her to pick u some up.
Know what u wan tand where it is in the shop then just find them quickly.
Good Luck xx

Is it okay for parents to look through their child's phone to read their text messages and internet history? My parents do this and I’m 13. It makes me uncomfortable.

No. Parents should not go through private settings in a child's phone. Here is the kicker. Most parents think it is their right to surf their child's phone because they pay the bill and it is their home. Have I gone through any of my 4 children's phones? Yes. I'm not happy about this although I think what I found might defuse this argument in some families tonight. I have never read or discovered anything in any of their phones that I didn't already know or that surprised me. My shameless behavior was unnecessary and I knew this each time I did it. What I did was violate my kids privacy and worse breaking the trust we had built in each other. I was never caught but I knew what I had done.If you are a parent thinking of doing what I did, hear me first. Be prepared to find nothing. Unless you are going through the heartbreak of teenage drug use, bullying, pregnancy, drinking etc., you are not going to find anything in that phone that is worth the guilt you will feel. If your child was in trouble you would be doing more than reading text messages, tweets and Facebook posts. Their phone would be the last thing on your mind. Leave the phone alone and sit your child down and start talking! They will let you know just enough to ease your worried mind and your silly curiosity. Let your great kid have the earned privilege of privacy.

My mom won't give me my phone and I feel isolated from a lot of people. How do I get it?

Well I suggest you get with her and make a list of clear expectations about how and when you use it. You can make the point to her that your generation uses this as their primary method of socialization and that it’s hard to be involved without it.Then follow the rules. Agree to them. She agreed to them and so you get to keep the phone as long as you do. And agree to a set of consequences if you don’t. How long you go without the phone before you get another chance to prove you are mature enough (two months is too long).If there is a rule you think doesn’t work and you cannot get her to agree, mark the rule “for future negotiation” but follow it and return to it after you have established you will follow rules and that your use of the phone is not interfering with school work and home duties.Trust in this matter is established slowly but that appears to be the real issue; she wants you to to follow the rules and use it responsibly and keep getting the As. If you show her you can do that then I think and hope the problem will be resolved.