Do You Think It Will Spread Further In Ny

What do you think of the book "1900 Or The Last President" and its relation to donald trump?

The novels tell the tale of a wealthy aristocratic boy name baron trump (same name as donald trump son) who lives in 'Castle Trump' and is guided on his journey to Russia by a man named "Don."

The story begins with a scene from a panicked New York City in early November, describing a "state of uproar" after the election of an enormously opposed outsider candidate.

"The entire East Side is in a state of uproar," police officers shouted through the streets, warning city folk to stay indoors for the night. "Mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of anarchists and socialists, and threaten to plunder and despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged and oppressed them for so many years."

"The Fifth Avenue Hotel will be the first to feel the fury of the mob," the novel continues, citing an address in New York City where Trump Tower now stands. "Would the troops be in time to save it?"

will trump be the last us president? will trump be elected a 2nd term?

Do you think any U.S. city will ever surpass New York City as the largest in the country?

It would be unwise to say no American city will ever have more people than New York City but given the population growth of New York City vs other major cities it’s unlikely to happen any time soon. Many large cities are growing significantly faster but they are also much smaller. It is entirely possible if we look at metropolitan areas as a whole that the Greater Los Angeles area eventually surpasses the Greater New York area in population but it would take decades for that to happen. There are other major metro areas like Dallas, Houston, Seattle, and San Francisco growing a lot faster than New York but they are significantly smaller today and might not continue to grow at the same rate they are today.

How many terms do you think Donald Trump will serve, three or four?

One. There is no chance that 3/4 of the states would agree to amend to allow him more than 2. Personally, I think he is really starting to chafe at the strictures of the system which he did not have to abide by as a billionaire. I don’t think he will run again and would not rule out his stepping down before 2020.I think the latest missive as to Cohen is a major reach and not supported by law. As we saw with Chiarella, fraud means fraud, not paying someone to shut up about a matter that is otherwise completely legal. Justice dealt themselves a major negative blow in Chiarealla in terms of insider trading cases in the 1980s with that blunder. And courts are even more loathe to be involved in matters regarding elections and politics.

Does “manspreading” offend you?

Well, let's see. I'll start with echoing what User said. The main reason my knees aren't touching when I'm seated is because I actually have muscles in them and, combined with my external genitalia, makes it a position I would have to force and is extremely uncomfortable. I also can't sit with legs fully crossed or strike the Spock pose of holding my arms comfortably behind my back. I can barely touch my fingers behind my back much less grab my own wrist. I personally am against the whole thigh gap craze and would prefer all women to have enough leg muscle to not be so comfortable folded up like a contortionist while sitting.Moving on.Sitting with your legs across three seats isn't manspreading, it's just rude. As a man, if I was on public transit and saw any gender doing that, I would mansplain to them that they stop. (BTW, what people coming up with all these manwhatever words don't understand is we do it to each other, so we are just, excuse the term, dicks to everyone, your gender isn't the sole factor).Same with the sitting next to someone and just shoving them out of the way. We first attempt the polite primal approach, which other men understand for the most part, and we jostle a little and settle on a wordless compromise of half and half. There are those guys who think it makes them alphas to be jackasses in these situations, but again, they do it to other men too. You have to pull a silverback and just not give ground. Even they will mostly fold and give up half and half.For the walking down both sides of the sidewalk/aisle as a group. I've seen it and do what I explained above, don't give ground and 98% of the time they side step before there's a collision. I've actually had much bigger problems with groups of women in this situation. On multiple occasions I've come to a complete stop and women have just run smack into me, then give me looks and comments like its my fault. I don't blame the entire gender for it.TL;DRWe sometimes do things differently simply because we are physically different. Lumping a whole group of separate behaviors into a convenient one word package is lazy and disingenuous. Some guys are sexist, but a lot of the things that are claimed to be sexist we do to each other, so if you just have to hate at least do it for the right reason.Hope this has helped you understand me and my fellow cro mags a little better.

Why is healthcare not free in America?

There's no point asking Americans as they don't want to face the reality, which is they don't WANT it to be free. They would rather vote for politicians who love being bribed by the medical profession to keep it expensive - and so it is the most expensive in the world, as anyone who has ever bought travel insurance will know.

Plus public funding of anything is "socialist" according to them, and socialism is a dirty word over there.

Who do you think wrote the anonymous NY Times op ed letter?

I'm just waiting for the "villain" to make his shocking, loud, obnoxious revelation, like what always happens near the end in all the murder mystery movies; He steps forward and roars to the top of his lungs, "It was MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

Wouldn't it be something if several people started coming forward, taking credit for having wrote it, and then are later found out to have lied about writing it? I can just imagine the mayhem that would cause.

One possibility is that Trump could have arranged for someone to write it. It would be a perfect distraction from the rest of the mess going on. Trump knows how to rant and have a hissy fit. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that he was behind it. Did he tweet something about "..IF he even exists"? This could be an indication that it was planted, and he knew about it.

I don't think it really matters who wrote it, I'm just glad they did.

Is it hard to sell your own property in New York without brokers?

Owners who've sold their homes without a real-estate agent say it isn't difficult once you've mastered the basics. You need to price it correctly, make sure enough people know it's for sale, understand what paperwork is required, and be able to negotiate withpotential buyers.Yet many people start the process and give up. I know, because I did. In 1999, while planning to move to another state, I thought I could quickly sell my three-bedroom townhouse near Princeton, N.J., and save the 6% commission. I spread the word that my desirable end unit was for sale and soon had an offer at my asking price from a friend of a friend. He was a university professor, so I assumed the deal was solid. But a few weeks later, the professor didn't get the job he'd hoped for and said he couldn't purchase my home.With the move looming, I was under the gun to sell my house. Since no documents had been signed, I returned the professor's deposit. I then began passing out fliers in my neighborhood advertising my home. Unknowingly, I handed one to a real-estate agent. He told me he could sell my home swiftly for thousands of dollars more than I was asking. I hired him, and we raised the price of the house. The day after my house went on the market, a bidding war ensued, and I was offered even more than the new higher price. Instead of accepting an offer involving a bank mortgage, we chose one that would be paid all in cash, and I was glad to pay my agent his full commission.

Why do people think I'm from New York because of my accent but I've never even been to NY?

They may have watched too many TV shows set in NYC and they think you sound like them; or, maybe you’ve watched those shows and talk like those characters. Could be anything…

Do you think the New York Times is justified in calling $100,000 in Facebook advertisements during the 2016 presidential election a "Russian infestation?" Is this what people mean by "fake news?"

No, the New York Times is not justified in its assessment.George Soros, a man that maintains his Hungarian citizenship donated $22,109,933 personally in the 2016 election. Should this be considered a “Hungarian infestation”?Top Individual Contributors: All Federal ContributionsThe New York Times is still trying to figure out how the Democratic Party's “most qualified candidate” lost to a businessman/reality star who has never held office.Yes, this is what is referred to as “fake news”.Vladimir Putin responded to the United States’ mainstream media outlets by pointing out George Soros has both a Hungary and U.S. citizenship. As he donates to campaigns in Russia as well as most of the EU, should we call this “United States election interference” or “Hungary election interference.” The United States doesn't outlaw its citizens spending their money overseas and neither does Russia. It was a Russian individual who bought the commercials, not the Russian government therefore it isn't illegal in either the United States or Russia. This is as CNN so eloquently said, “a nothing burger.”If it was a country donating then it would be illegal. Every since China was caught donating millions to the Democratic Party the Republican party passed legislation to prevent foreign governments from interfering in our elections.1996 United States campaign finance controversy - WikipediaDemocratic super PAC hits jackpot with Chinese company stock 2018 election