Do You Think Its Mean That I Am Not Allowed Off Work On My Birthday In A Few Months

Can you get a job application a month befor your 16th birthday?

Actually some places will hire a 15 year old, so apply wherever you want. If you have to be 16 to work there they will delay your start date if you impress them at the interview. Some places only have online applications but if they have paper applications at the business you're interested in working at, then go in to get it and you may have the chance to meet the manager. Make sure you're dressed neatly and shake hands if you meet the manager. And try to go at a time when they aren't real busy - a fast food place at noon would not be good.

Today's my birthday, but no one remembered. Does this mean they don't care?

On my 30th birthday about six months ago…not one person from my immediate family called me. In fact, not one person from my family called me at all until I reminded them (very late in the day) that it was my 30th birthday (like 10pm—it’s almost time for bed—late).I felt pretty bad about that.I can understand how you might feel.I would not try to “stop the sadness.” Just feel what you’re feeling. There’s nothing wrong with that.Also, let your friends know it made you feel sad.I let my family know. I don't recommend saying to your friends what I said to my family since our situations are slightly different, but do tell them that you were sad no one remembered your birthday, and you wish that they would next time.I told my family that I would not bother calling them on their birthdays, if they couldn’t be bothered to remember mine.They didn’t like to hear that, but they couldn't argue with it. Again, I’m not saying you should take this same approach with your friends. I would be less bitter than I was with my family.Just let your friends know it upset you that they didn’t remember.In the case with my family, they were “repeat offenders” so I had lost my patience a bit. If this is the first time your friends have forgotten then I wouldn’t get too disappointed just yet. Give them another chance.

What does it mean when your husband forgets your birthday?

We have known each other for ten years and just got married last month. He forgets my birthday every year! I never forget his. I plan in advance to make his birthday extra special. This just hurts my feelings.

Do you think the pregnant woman should take a leave from her work until she gives birth?

For the discomforts? No. Almost all pregnant women have discomforts and still work. Some until the day they give birth. I mean if they are able to take off and can afford it then by all means go ahead, but that isn't really a medical reason not to work.

I don't know what you mean by risk of food/water poisoning and toxic waste hazards. So I can't really answer that. I guess if it was such a risk, why are they waiting to take off at 6 months? If it was such a risk, why didn't that person take off from the beginning?

And I don't see what being treated for STDs has anything to do with not working.

Should I be cool with my boyfriend leaving town on my birthday?

Hello. I've been dating my current BF for about 8 months. He grew up and went to college half way across the country and he ran track and field for his college's team.

My 25th birthday is coming up in about a month. It happens to be on the same Saturday as my BF's college's team's regional indoor track meet. He no longer runs for the school but wants to go back to see his teammates run, go out with his alumni buddies and see his family. He has said that he wouldn't mind if I came with him, but hasn't offered to pay for the ticket yet. He recently lost his job and doesn't have a lot of money to pay for a ticket for me. I know he has been bummed out about that and I don't want to keep him from seeing friends and family. Still, even though I get to see them all the time I think it would be kind of nice to have MY family and friends around for my b-day.

Should I just stay home and let him go to track meet? Should I pay for a ticket and go with him? Are either of us being jerks?

I had a huge fight with my mom before my birthday and she sent me presents?

I had a fight with my mom because of how she has been treating my younger sister (I am out of my parents house, my sister is not - she turned 18 last month) and because how she has been treating my dad. We think she is going thru menopause but we don't know. Over the last few months before my sister turned 18 I thought strongly about calling child protective services.

Anyway I called her out on the way she has been acting, and it blew up in my face.

I work with my dad and my mom went out and bought presents for me - because thats what she likes to do, pretend nothings wrong and buy whoever it is she pissed off, stuff- thats what she's been doing to my sister. Buying her stuff, then treating her like crap.

Heres my problem though, I mean technically these gifts are from my Dad and my mom because it was bought with my fathers money and they were the only gifts I received from them as a couple. But when I ask Dad who they were from she said "Well, she went out and got them" only because he told her to really.

I'm not trying to be ignorant here but I'm confused because things are not alright, and my mother and I are not on speaking terms BUT if i thank her for the gifts she will think that I have forgiven her and everything is fine. Thats how she is. I just don't want to accept gifts that are going to lead to her thinking her behavior that I previously have called her out on , is now ok because I just spoke to her to thank her.

Also - I'm not so shallow that all I want is whats in the gift bag - its the principal of the thing. Its probably nothing much because my birthday as an adult never has been I'm just really conflicted.

Can I watch a film that's rated 15 if I'm 3 months from being that age?

It depends on the context. In the cinema there might be some controls. If you look well over the limit they might not control your age but some cinemas always control, because looks can be deceiving.If you mean “should I”, as in “will I be traumatized by a movie rated 15” it depends on you. I’d say go ahead and find out.Ratings are just categories, and they don’t really mean that a movie that would have affected you in a way two days before your birthday will have a different effect on you two days after…

Why do nurses and doctors ask for your birthday in the hospital even if they already know it or have it in their notes?

As healthcare professionals, we are known to ask the same repetitive questions until your heads feel they may explode. We do this for a couple of reasons. One, we are required, by law and common practice. So every time we enter the room, give a medication, chart in our notes, we must ensure that the person we are speaking with (you, the patient) matches the chart/paperwork, the treatment/medication/procedure. The easiest way to do this sometimes is to say, "Okay Jessica, can you give me your name and date of birth please?"  Or we may check your wristband. Or, we use a scanner (like in the grocery store) to scan your ID bracelet before we administer medications. This ensures patient safety, first and foremost. Also, sometimes it is a bit of a test, or part of our neurological assessment. If out of the blue, you tell me your birthday is 1947 when the last six times I asked, you stated it was 1974, I will either assume that you are just being a pain in my butt, or perhaps you are suffering some new onset confusion that could be indicative of a greater issue, such as hypoxia (low oxygen levels) or stroke-like symptoms or intolerance to a medication. Your incorrect response will prompt me as a nurse to ask more questions -- "Do you know where you are? What month it is? Why are you here? Squeeze my hands, smile for me. Who's the president?" So on and so forth. It's all part of the fabulous experience that is healthcare!Best of health! Brooke, RN BSN. Cat Mom. Coffee Lover