Do You Think My Cat Is Trying To Tell Me Something Important

Do you think my cat was trying to tell me?

Last Friday, my cat Samson did something a bit unusual and now that I think back on the series of events, I think he might have been trying to communicate something to me. I'd like to know if you think so, and if your cat has ever done anything similar. Here's the story:

As I was preparing to leave for work, Samson starting scratching at the kitchen tile using a motion similar to burying something in his litter box. Samson is a really goofy cat and is always doing funny things, so I didn't really think much of it even though he'd never done this particular thing before. He did it several times, looking up at me each time. There was a crumb of something on the floor so I kind of thought he was just making a bad attempt to bat it around.

Fast forward to when I got home from work. I noticed Samson didn't eat much of his dinner. Then I noticed a small dead frog on the floor. I figured he must have gotten hold of the frog, which in turn upset his stomach and that's why he didn't feel like eating. Then I went upstairs and noticed a small amount of poop nearby, but outside of the litterbox. Samson was following me and watching me during this discovery. As I cleaned up the mess, he watched intently and then walked over to another spot where there was another tiny little smear of poo. I cleaned that up too and once it was gone, Samson went to go play with his sister.

It wasn't until later that I remembered the tile scratching from the morning. It got me thinking. Was he trying to tell me he had an accident outside his litterbox? He's never gone outside the litter box before. (well, except for when he goes in and forgets to turn around and the poop lands outside the box. but then he always kicks enough litter out of the box to cover it. LOL) He's quite fastidious about covering his poop.

So what do you think? Was he trying to tell me, or was it just a weird coincidence that he was scratching at the tile that morning? Has your cat ever done anything similar?

Has your cat ever tried to tell you something important?

Yes…… of the outside strays we fed two years ago kept coming up to my husband as he was unloading groceries from the car, and walking over to the nearby ferns, looking over his shoulder, coming back to him, then going back to the ferns. Eventually he got the message and walked over…….the other outside cat………we’d had her for over 20 years……..had been attacked by a stray dog and lay dying in the ferns. We of course rushed her to the vets’ but she passed after they gave her the relaxant. This was a very, very sad day……….and we were amazed that Jack had “told” him Brownie was in trouble. We’d never had this problem before , except that it did happen to another stray who lived in the backyard, just about a month before. And we never see stray dogs running around. But…………it happened. Sadly enough about 2–3 weeks later poor Jack (the one who told hubby about the attacked cat) was found, just on the ground, no marks, dead. We think he may have gotten into some poison. Thankfully I think whoever those dogs were have disappeared…….altho now we do have coyotes in our area so……..there’s always something. If only we could take them all into the house but we just can’t……….anyway, to me that was an amazing act as they just tolerated each other.

How do you know when your cat wants to tell you something, and be able to possibly understand him/her?

As someone living with 2 cats, I witnessed early on that they're creatures of habit. So, by pawing me at exact meal time, it was easy to deduce what was wanted. Sometime sthey're surprisingly humanlike in their communication. For instance, they already know I don't understand meows, so they demonstrate when they want to be petted by placing their heads beneath my hand. It works!

I think my cat wants me to get an abortion?

Why would you murder your baby because your cat thinks it's a good idea? For one thing I'm sure the cat does not even know what's going on. I'm sure your cat just knows something weird is going on with your body and acting strange.

Please read the websites listed below.

How far along are you? Say you are 7 weeks this is what your baby looks like right now:
Tell me that isn't a person. You can see its eyes, fingers, toes.

Now this is what it would look like if you kill your baby:

Please do not kill your baby. If you think you are not ready for a baby please put your baby up for adoption once he/she is born.

My cousin got pregnant at 17. Her mother and step-father encouraged her to get an abortion and she told them no. Now she has a beautiful 13 year old daughter and she doesn't regret one minute of her decision.

I know 4 people that have had abortions (one of them had 2) and all of them feel horrible about it now and regret it terribly.

Also doctors don't tell you that once you have an abortion your chances of having a healthy pregnancy and not miscarrying your future baby are very low.

Please, please do not kill your baby. Your baby has a beating and pumping heart. At just 18 days your baby's heart started beating. And as just 21 days it started pumping.

Please email me if you have any question.

Can cats tell if something bad is going to happen?

well, I don't want to freak you out
but yes, cats are usually pretty good at predicting things
for example, this cat was able to predict death for elderly folks in a nursing home:
however, that is no reason to freak out
your cat may be predicting something completely different such as a storm coming your way, or a big fight between your parents, or something of the like...
if I were you, I would stay calm
yet, I would also stay awake and watch your sister for a little while...just to be on the safe side (I'm sure your sister will be fine, but if you're worried then you won't be able to sleep anyway, so you might as well watch out for her and put your mind at ease)
try to relax, pull out a good book or watch a movie with your sister
everything will be fine, but to put your mind at ease you should stay awake for awhile and keep an eye out for her