Do You Think Our Current Generation Is Pathetic

What's wrong with this generation?

Teens are wasting a lot of time on the internet and are really dumb. I'm 15 and I don't have Facebook, Instagram, nothing. (Right now I'm using my cousins email) anyways I have so much fun without all that crap that gets them all paranoid about stuff and it's so annoying. I love reading and going to parks and I got to vintage coffee shops, it's so much fun!! I usually go alone since my friends think it's boring. But they could be doing better things. Like me, I just came back from the Grand Canyon and went rock climbing. I've done so many other things. But why don't other teens like it? Why would they rather stay inside?

Music: Why do most people from the previous generation hate and criticize the music of the current generation?

Lots of answers that touch on reasons, most of which revolve around older people always disliking the stuff younger people do, but that's not the whole story.I'm a musician, who grew up in the 80’s, but I do like and listen to modern music. I always have. Part of that is because my music taste has always been varied, and occasionally… eclectic. But I feel the same way about new music as I do about the music of my youth, and every generations music for that matter, and that's that it follows Sturgeon's law - Wikipedia : 90% of everything is crap.I recognized, when I was young, that most of the music on the radio wasn't very good. That sent me looking for other music, from other genres, and from other generations. It also kept me listening to new music as it came out. But I found the same problem every time I took a deep dive into a new genre or generation: mostly it wasn't very good, with a handful of artists who were very good, followed by a million copycats who just didn't understand what they were copying.Take away the nostalgia of what was playing in the background during memorable moments in my life, and what I'm left with is a very few good artists who did something worth listening to. Of course it varies a bit by each musical generation; some have more good artists and other have fewer, but overall it hangs around 90% crap and 10% good.So there are gems in modern music, but mostly it's unoriginal, parroting of something good someone else did, with all the things that made the original good made bland and lifeless. Even within a single artist's catalogue, as they try to recapture what they, themselves achieved on a previous song. It's inevitable.So a lot of people dislike what they hear in younger generations' music because the examples they have to work from are largely crap, and the examples of their own generation's music that they have in their heads are either the top 10% that was worth remembering, or they have a nostalgic attachment to it. We forget all the bad songs that we knew were bad at the time, and only remember the “best of,” or the ones attached to personal moments.I, for one, won't stop looking for the good music in new generations and movements. But I will tell you that Post Malone, Drake, and Cardi B are the crap you won't remember later, when you're 40, unless you have a personal nostalgic attachment to one of their songs. They are the fodder for “why did I listen to this crap when I was a kid?”

Is Jonas Brothers the Led Zeppelin of this generation?

you've got a lot of nerve asking this question where all the rock enthusiasts will jump at your throat and i am one of them...

MY GOD! HOW CAN YOU EVEN THINK OF THAT!?!? NO THERE IS NO TRACE OF TALENT IN THOSE LITTLE TWITS!!! sure they might go down in history but as a disney heart throb band for the worlds 8 year olds.


Why can't people accept that our generation is just modern?

I am tired of hearing people old people complain about how useless and weak our generation is.

Just because the older generation could walk crazy distances to work and back, doesn't mean we have to. We could, we just don't want to.
We love our technology, this isn't the stone age, we are entitled to it.
I may be a guy, but that doesn't mean I have to be able to carry a ton of bricks with one hand.
Not all of us are disrespectful and mannerless.
Just because some teens can't answer most of your geographical or general knowledge questions, it doesn't make them dumb.
Just because some members of our generation don't take their lives seriously, it doesn't mean the rest of us lack motivation.
Our morals and ethics are different from yours (yes some of us have them).
There is nothing wrong with not caring what other people think of us. It's not being self centered to not let social norms dictate to you.
Technology is the future, there's isn't anything wrong with being dependent on it.
We are not mentally weak.
Guys cry, there's nothing wrong with that.
We are more open minded. Just because you don't like something because you were taught it was wrong, doesn't mean we have to.

I think the youth deserves more credit then it is getting. We are different, but not pathetic and useless (at least some of us aren't.)
I am tired of getting crapped on by older people for what I believe, or what other members of my generation are getting up to.

Q: Why can't people accept that we are just modern and not closed minded.

Don't you find it depressing how pathetic our youth is now compared to WWII veterans and how they...?

Every generation says that. There is still plenty of promising young kids out there. Unfortunately there is also alot of selfish and spoiled children.
"Before you insult this generation, dont forget who raised it"
Im not to sure who said that but it conveys the point well.