Do You Think Pop Culture Will Continue

As rap starts getting more popular in todays culture do you think rock will die or never come back to light or do you think the next generation will bring it back?

RAP is the ultimate in mediocrity and that seems to be the direction that music is going to. SO, Yes, I think that, in popular culture, Hip-Hop, more than RAP will be the future of mainstream music. The style pops up in many things today including Pop and Country.Rock, Jazz, Country…as long as someone takes the time to learn how to play an instrument these other artforms will continue to exist but probably be more underground.

What do you think about today's pop culture?

It is rude , homophobic, and anti-woman but then it always was mostly anti-woman. It is sugary , squeaky clean, auto sing, lip sing, and too much anyone thin or British can do this. It is overly dull and boring. It has no one I could obsess on so far like Micheal Jackson or Kurt Cobain ….. I understand beefcake and cheesecake sell because more people are beefcake than opera singers or great songwriters and even more rare is someone who is both! I find it as a whole dull. But looking at the past is easier. I have only song fragments and acting improvisation fragments. Short stories and fragments but no novel. Ideas in sound not fully fleshed out. I am not even literate completely in sight reading and /or music theory. Pop culture is sheltered or not sheltered enough but thats a matter of opinion. Who should decide the hows and whys of censoring? Who should decide if big brother and sister should censor at all?

How should I go about keeping up with pop culture?

So, you’ve decided you want to keep up with American pop culture. There are lists for that.Look at the following:top grossing movies of the past 3–5 yearsOscar winners and nomineesNew York Times best seller listsBillboard Top 40 listsYou don’t have to read/watch/listen to everything, but it’s enough to give you a general sense of that people have been talking about. You can often find good synopses.Most social media sites have some kind of ‘trending topics’ section - Facebook, Twitter, Quora, YouTube, Reddit all have some version of this feature. This will tell you what people are talking about now, and you can often screen by topic.Now, let me dissuade you - ‘keeping up with pop culture’ is massively overrated. I had a fairly sheltered upbringing, I spent a lot of time overseas, I’ve invested a fair amount of time catching up on things to figure out what everyone’s talking about. 90% of the time it’s not worth it. If it’s something you’re going to care about, it’s going to penetrate to you without effort on your part, just through the normal process of socializing with like-minded people a.k.a. friendships.American pop culture doesn’t exist. That is to say, the media landscape is so fragmented that there’s no one thing that everyone finds relevant and can use as a shorthand for tribal identification. 40 years ago, ‘everyone’ saw Star Wars, it’s a cultural icon that everyone can relate to, everyone has an opinion of, everyone can recognize references to it. ‘Everyone’ listened to Michael Jackson, ‘everyone’ read Number the Stars in fourth grade, ‘everyone’ played Oregon Trail. There’s practically nothing like that anymore. Sure, there are things that seem important and ubiquitous in the corners of the Internet I frequent, and it’s easy to assume that everyone has heard of and is doing these things, but they’re not as popular as they seem.Case in point: the top-grossing film of 2015 was Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens. 88 million tickets, about 29% of the US population. Something can be ‘super popular’ when 2/3 of the people don’t care about it. So you spend this time familiarizing yourself with American pop culture, and you’re really not building common ground with as many people as you think you are. Popularity is a poor proxy for value or relevance, since many of these things are forgotten as quickly as they appear and give little lasting insight into how the people you meet in America tick.

How long do you think popular cultural icons like Superman and Spider Man will remain relevant to human civilization?

I think, in terms of generating interest from the general public, they’ve already shown that they’re more than capable of enduring and keeping the interest. The fact that Superman is involved in multi-million pound films such as Batman v Superman from this year, a full 78 years after he first debuted shows that much. And you’ve got Marvel characters who have been around for 50+ years still capturing a great deal of interest as well.All the franchises, be it Marvel’s, DC’s, James Bond’s or any other, show that they’re constantly evolving in order to feature relatable events or situations so I’d say it’s more a case that human civilization causes them to adapt to stay with the times and remain relevant and relatable and, basically, that can go on for as long as there are humans.

What are three ways that marketing affects popular culture or individual behavior?

1. Brand names make people loyal and they continue buying those products, even if they are more expensive, and if you aren't wearing or don't have those "expensive" things, than you are seen as being poor or just not accepted sometimes by certain social groups.

2. People are influenced by the product in their environment or adapt it to their environment. For the first example, what did people do when Starbucks didn't exist? They went to regular coffee shops and sat down but it wasn't really the cool thing to do. Now Starbucks is all over the place and its okay to go in, have coffee and sit in there for a few hours. For the second example, not all marketing products adapt well to their environment as an in-of-itself but rather, it is adapted to suit the people's needs. For example, McDonalds in America is a fast food place. People usually go through the drive thru, order, and their gone. Other people go in, sit down, eat, and then usually go after 20 minutes or so. In Asia, McDonalds is more like a social restaurant. People actually go in and have a meal and might spend an hour in there just socializing.

3. Business Targeting: Who is your audience and who do you want to reach? A sports site will likely make their advertisement directed towards older males, while a site for teenage girls will show advertisements that their viewers will most likely click on. So its effect on individual behavior is that trends may start for a certain age group and a certain gender.

Can rock mature as classical music has if it continues to be controversial?

No - rock as a genre is essentially done. There has been nothing recent in that genre that is of any significance whatsoever. We seem to be in a period of conspicuous non entities... a procession of commercially driven artists who survive, not on the quality of their music, but on the height of their celebrity. It is why the "legends" created in the sixties, seventies and early eighties are now so revered. Rock music, which was a pure and original form has splintered into many sub-genres, such as buzz, the various types of metal and grunge none of which is of any great long term importance.

The real cutting edge musicians are still looking for a new paradigm in art music. Only time will tell what they will find.

Why should I keep track of pop culture?

Don’t bother if it’s a chore! Hobbies are supposed to be entertaining and maybe something you get a bit of personal development out of. The internet has made it so that everyone can find their preferred niches.Personally I still keep track of pop music because it’s interesting to see what the kids are up to and it’s fascinating to watch the shift to streaming and promoting on social media and how it’s changing the whole industry. I have a ton of artists I like, and once in a while a new artist half my age will still connect with me for whatever reason, even if they’re singing a wholly standard love song I’ve basically heard a hundred times before. But I’ve dropped the rest of it. Other friends of mine have focused on literature, or games, or video series, or movies as we’ve gotten older. Go with what speaks to you.

What were the six trends in popular culture that emerged in the 1920s and continue to influence society today?

Jazz Music
Moving pictures
Infrastructure (art deco )
art/literature/music/dance /sports

Do Americans and American pop culture dominate the other country's culture? If yes, then will other cultures die out eventually?

American pop culture has a huge impact due because it is very neatly spread out and is known to bring newer trends to the country.Domination is a very subjective term. I can only speak for India,since that's the only country I've been in so far. American culture does have a huge impact on the Indian psyche. It does influence the choices of people. But the same time this is very nonuniform. There are pop songs of regional origins that have surpassed their foreign counterparts in popularity and occasionally, in quality. There have been instances when the Indian-made things are a blunt initiation of American pop culture. So,over all, I'd say that American culture has a significant presence but dominance is not necessarily the case.Coming to the second part of the question. American pop genre does produce some of the best songs but then again it is just a genre that has been existing since the near past. There had been a time when pop music was nonexistent , and other forms dominated the American tastes but wait, did those classical songs just vanish into this air? No right? Likewise, every period of few years sees the rise and fall of new things. Each of them counter-influence each other but that's doesn't imply one threatens the very existence of the lesser preferred genre.That being said, I'm of the opinion that American culture will continue to influence Indian psyche and it's music will continue to be adored by Indians. But even then, regionally produced things have their own charm and audience which is more than enough for it's survival. In simple words, take coffee and tea. Some like coffee, some like tea while some like both. The good taste of tea does not ruin the preferences of the coffee lovers. Green tea is the new vogue since a since a couple of months. But that doesn't imply that coffee lovers begin to stop taking coffee or coffee will no longer be available in shops as such.Thanks for the A2A.