Do You Think She Could Like Me Advice

Need advice on this girl I like. I think she might like me too. Could someone help me?

Alright here's some REAL advice from a actual girl. Of she likes you, sadly you have to do these thingsDress Nice, a little cologne won't hurtWalk up to her casually, but before think of what you'd say to start a conversation like ask what are your hobbies, and use words like “speaking of •blank• I do •something related to blank•”Act nice and genuine, if she drops something pick it up, if she give you something say thank you in a really nice way.Stand up for her, but not THAT much to where other people get suspicious (if your a younger age than I thought)Try to become friends, make up excuses to be with her, but do NOT pretend you don't like her if anyone asks just laugh it off and stuff like that or try to change the subjectTry to become friends! Sit next to her and make more excuses to be with her or to sit next to her like “I don't know anyone else here so might as well sit next to you”Be friends for a couple of days.. Maybe you could ask her for her email name or number or social media and a sly way to do this is to be like of you know she has a social media say “I have Snapchat, my names (name) what's yours?” So even if the whole thing doesn't work out you can keep in touch with her the whole summer.

Girl Advice: I think she like's me but she never text first?

I met this girl two months ago, when I barely knew her. We didn't even know each other's name or anything but everytime we passed by each other she would wave to me then I would wave to her. We didn't know each other but we was just waving and smiling at each other for a month, while walking down the hall pass each other.

Well, recently she gave me her number and we spoke through texts/fb. We barely have time in school to talk because I only see her after school and down the hallways while walking to class. Anyways, yesterday after school I was standing waiting for my ride and I could see her looking at me from the distance just staring at me. So, she walked by with her friends, smiled and waved at me and I waved back and stuff. (Thats how I know she likes me)

Well, we would talk over text for the past couple of days and we learned alot about each other. We're just getting to know each other and stuff which is fine but I'm the one always texting her first. After I text her we can talk for hours and hours but I'm always the one texting her i dunno if I should keep texting her first because she may find that to be annoying.

-I think she likes me, we can talk after I text her for hours, but she never text me first. Why is that? And I don't want to text her everyday to sound annoying, and I don't want to sound desperate.


Why do you think my ex called at 2am? Ladies opinions/advice is appreciated?

As a woman, I would guess it's because that's the time frame when people get lonely. The middle of the night. That, or she had some sort of thought process that she couldn't get over. Regardless, it means something for sure, especially is she wasn't drunk. If you like her, then call her. If you don't want to work it out or start fresh, then leave it alone. If you do want to talk, calling her should not be awkward where she insinuated this situation first. Good luck :)

Help I need some advice. This woman who is married likes me I think. What should I do?

I agree, don't date her.  I think its disrespectful for a woman to openly flirt with you through Facebook knowing very well that you can see her relationship status on her profile.  She doesn't care for her husband or you misinterpreting her intent.  Either way, it is bad because you shouldn't get emotionally involved. She may one day do the same to you even if you aren't married.  One can only predict future behavior by looking at past behavior.  Think about it!

Mixed signals, does she like me or not? (Please honest advice) ❤️?

I'm a girl & she's my first female crush. We met in school & from there on we have been texting non stop. She tells me that i'm beautiful all the time and we talked everyday over the phone. She even told me that she feels that i don't pay her enough attention and that she likes me. So i start paying her more attention & she starts to do things like try to get me jealous at school w/ other girls. That really hurt my feelings. One time a girl came up to us & asked if me and my crush were "talking" and she goes "no we're not" and that hurt me even more. so the girl who asked if we we're talking starts to pay me lots of attention & she grabs on me in the bathroom one day and my crush sees it and makes a surprised expression, So i go over to say hi to my crush but she seemed to be in a bad mood, its confusing bc i ask her if she's mad and she says why would i be mad? She never admits her feelings, maybe she really didnt care? So I hang out with her for the first time outside of school a few months later and shes asking me if me & the girl slept together, she even goes as far to say that she doesn't want me talking to her anymore and that we're so different. Later on that day she tells me shes in love with her best friend whos a guy and so i got upset and she tells me that we we're never serious and she could understand me being upset if (See the picture for more)

I think my cousin doesn't like me...?

My family and I are all very close except me and my cousin Caitlin. We were close when we were younger but now it seems like she doesn't even care when she visits us. She doesn't give me the time of day. I'm 15 and she is 21 so I figured that would be perfect because she could give me advice and stuff but when I ask her stuff she gives me one word answers. He mom is the nicest person you will ever meet but she just seems....nasty. Do you think she just doesn't like me or is it a college person thing?