Do You Think Sociologist Should Try To Reform Society Or Just Study It To Gain Knowledge.

Do you think that sociologists should try to reform society or to study it dispassionately?

It depends. On something like Sociology it is difficult to remain unbiased. I think while describing society they should remain entirely detached and de-tribalised but I also believe that suggesting reform or change is a part of Sociology.

If you were a sociologist would you make a stand against social inequalities?

Making a stand means imposing your standards...that is individual choice and nothing to do with study of science. Being a scientist means studying standards...

So if sociologists are human, they are entitled to have human opinions, actions and reactions.
Their study and understanding of social science allows them the ability to justify any stance that they take. Better a stand opinion based on knowledge than ignorance.

Why do you think welfare reforms have done little to reduce poverty?

Welfare reforms were originally established as an emergency relief for people, but have become a way of life instead for many. By having the mindset that others should be there for you to keep you afloat, then you depend on them and not yourself as a means of support, thereby reducing your desire to achieve through your own efforts.

Social Sciences: What is the difference between sociology and anthropology?

While scholars from the two fields increasingly collaborate with one another (and other fields) to answer large questions about humans, they each ask different questions from different perspectives. Sociology is the study of societies and their structures, whereas anthropology is the study of culture. Culture can be defined as collective meanings, beliefs, and behaviors, and how they manifest, change, and why. Anthropology has four subfields (archaeology, linguistic anthropology, biological anthropology, and cultural anthropology). Each subfield considers the concept of culture from different aspects. Anthropology uses different methods and methodologies than sociology, concentrating on generating qualitative ethnographies via participating and observing cultures of all sorts, and by conducting deep interviews. Researchers tend to invest years in their data-gathering process. Sociology tends to be more quantitative, drawing on larger data sets and survey-generated data, not trying to answer questions about meaning but rather trying to decipher grander patterns. Both fields can, however, employ quantitative and qualitative data to answer their respective questions. Both might apply their findings to solve humanitarian problems.

How can a student contribute to society?

As a student you can contribute in many ways. Because a good student is future of society, and I think he does has more Experience than present social worker Because he knows present condition. Therefore he can not take any useless decision. Because we are showing in our society there are many problem created by us and our society— like gender inequality, he > she, pollution problem, Employment, education, sanitation, development, smart country, village development, women empowerment, etc.As a student we will have to improve mentality and thinking of our elder .Good education for both girl and boy.Best health care center for village and city.Caste equality .Pollution free environment.Good society for women and girl student so that they can feel free. And they can get better education etc.I think family support must give for student so that he think good for society.society division due to cast/religion /politics etc.Remove regional disparities.(A GOOD STUDENT CAN NEVER SEE THIS CONDITION OF OUR SOCIETY)WHAT IS THIS-WHAT AND WHYWHY SHE IS GOING TO TAKE WATER ? THIS IS HAPPENING DUE TO NEGATIVE THINKING OF OUR SOCIETY . A GOOD BROTHER AND GOOD STUDENT SHOULD GIVE AWARE OUR PARENTS THIS IS NOT TIME OF WORKING THIS IS TIME OF STUDYING .These type of condition created by our elders.therefore we have to face this type of condition in our society.GOOD STUDENTS CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING THAT ARE GOING ON OUR SOCIETYGOOD STUDENT SHOULD GIVE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR SOCIETY THOSE ELDER WHO DOES NOT KNOW ABOUT ABOVE THING SO THAT THEY AWARE ABOUT THIS .duty of good students is that. they should learn about society and should tell their younger and give knowledge about society and elder also so that they understand importance of society and religion because they understand more than their elder.

What are the uses of sociology?

Sociology is not a tidy subject. Basically, it tries to answer the BIG questions in society. Sociology has uses in medicine, politics, law, urban organization, city development, homeland security, marketing, religion, etc. For instance, sociology studies WHY certain areas are more apt to have crime than others, WHY do African Americans tend to do worse on standardized testing than Caucasians, HOW do people deal with the emotional and financial impact of retirement, and how does having a criminal record affect future earning potential?

Although it shares some aspects with psychology, anthropology and social work, sociology is unique in the fact that it tries to explain the affects that institutions (like the government) have both on individuals. For instance, sociology can study whether affirmative action programs have had a positive impact on college obtainment among minorities. It also can work the other way - it tries to explain the impact that increasing voter apathy has on the government.

Sociology also uses a variety of research methods. Sometimes surveys are used - especially when the sociologists want to study a large group of people. For instance, if one wants to study whether people in Detroit are more likely to be mugged than people in Chicago, then a survey is used. Other times, sociologists use intensive interviews to study their subjects. An example of when interviewing would be appropriate is if a sociologist wants to study how a people cope with divorce or injury.

In my opinion, sociology is one of the most misunderstood and underestimated disciplines.

What are social reforms?

Social Reform: A reform movement is a kind of social movement that aims to make gradual change, or change in certain aspects of society, rather than rapid or fundamental changes. A reform movement is distinguished from more radical social movements such as revolutionary movements.Social Reform also means that a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals.Usually those goals being - Bringing down crime rate.- Bringing down poverty.- Increasing employement opportunities.- Increasing the overall economical and financial standard.