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Cloudy water? Fish hanging at the surface?

1. Get Rid of Cloudy, Foamy, or Smelly Water.
Start by thoroughly cleaning your fish's home.
2. Change Some Water Every Day.
Change some water every day. We recommend that you change 20% of the water. Changing more than 20% of the water in one day is risky to your fish.
By changing some of the water, you'll remove some of the dissolved waste and begin to starve the bacteria. But don't get impatient and change too much water, because that can harm the fish. Click here for more details about changing water.
You can put the water from your aquarium on the plants in your yard, so you won't be wasting water. Once the water clears, you can go back to changing water twice a week instead of everyday.
3. Reduce the Amount of Food.
Too much food often causes Cloudy Water, so reduce the amount of food and be sure your fish eat all the food that you feed them. Remove uneaten food after 10 minutes.
4. Add these Chemicals to Your Water.
● Aquarium Salt. The dose is on the box. ● Water Conditioner. The correct dose is on the bottle.
● Quick Cure. Add a half-dose as a preventative.
Do not add any other chemicals or medications to the water.
hope i helped.

Is there such thing as a Fish Doctor?

The best medicine for fish in an aquarium is prevention, self-motivated - self-taught education and experience (in time). After that if you still can't diagnose and treat ask for help in Betta forums. Flippersnfins has an online Emergency Room. There is a Dr. Barb there but I'm not sure how often she is available. There are others there though very helpful and flippersnfins has a huge database.

Fish that live in an appropriately sized aquarium (not too small) with a heater, if it's tropical (Betta's are) and a cycled tank (Nitrogen Cycle and fishless cycle) with the appropriate sized filter (my favorites are filters w/ adjustable flow rates)......don't get sick. This includes not overstocking the tank or choosing tankmates that are incompatible = stress = illness/injury or death.

There is an abundance of information out there on Google in how to identify & treat Betta problems.
There are also some medications to avoid specific to Betta's: Melafix, Pimafix, Bettafix and T.C. Tetracycline by API. (IMO)

You can ask for help in YA too. The problem is you may get 5 different answers for treatment and the beginner would have no way of knowing which are bad answers, which are good, or answers someone just Copy & Pasted from wiki or EHow with no personal experience to lend.

Bettatalk/diseases is a great start.

Still, bottom line is prevention.

****With time, experience, research (Google) and unfortunately for the fish Trial and Error we all become "Fish Doctors" of a sort after awhile.

Generally speaking, if it's publicly available it can be quoted without further permission. And the Internet is the definition of "publicly available" with very few exceptions.But attribution is important. Saying "forum X says..." is a sign of a bad reporter. The opinion quoted must include the source (in this case the individual contributor) and the context (the name of the forum). And in no case a few opinions should be portrayed as the opinion of the whole forum, the whole Internet or the whole group of people sharing the forum's interest.

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Interesting stocking ideas for 5.5 gallon fish tank?

because of fact the midsection piece fish i could recommend Boesemani Rainbowfish, that are undeniable as toddlers yet advance marvelous coloring as adults. they like planted tanks, so while you're making plans on stay flowers they could do relatively properly. you may desire to get 4 or 5 for a tank that length; possibly extra counting on what else you would be wanting to put in there. For a smaller fish, i could recommend the two a pair of dwarf gouramis or a pair of Bolivian ram cichlids. the two are colourful and get to be around 2-3 inches. the two certainly one of them have some thrilling behaviors besides, nonetheless i could could desire to declare that the rams could in all probability be extra exciting to observe. Platies and/or swordtails could be a great determination for some shade. Platies in specific are available in very virtually each and every shade decrease than the solar, and that they the two breed prolifically. you may desire to get 8 or so platies (2 men and six women human beings) and enable them to populate the tank for you with their fry. in case you supply cover for the toddlers to cover in, some will proceed to exist each and every time and mature. in case you will additionally like a school of smaller fish, Endler's livebearers are amazing and colourful devoid of being as loudly colored as their cousins the guppies. in addition they're going to reproduce properly, so in case you have cover you have some fry proceed to exist and in case you do not your fish could have a fry-buffet. For the cleansing team you may desire to get 3-4 otocinclus (otos) for algae administration and a few corydoras as backside feeders. you do not could desire to have the two, besides the shown fact that. you need to use an algae scraper and a gravel vacuum in case you may particularly not have those. As you have curiously been informed, you may additionally do an African cichlid setup with a fifty 5. besides the shown fact that i think of a tropical community tank could properly be extra suited for what you're searching for; much less maintenance and much less aggression, plus extra stocking ideas. good success!

Is there such a thing as a fish with zebra stripes?

Here are 3 types of fish that match your description. After each blurb, there is a link to a site for more info and at least one picture of the fish.

There's a fish called a zebra danio. They are about $2 and are very, very easy to take care of. I recommend these if you're looking for a cheap, easy fish. The others below are only for very experienced fish hobbyists.

Frontosas are very difficult to take care of, and cost about $20-$30 for a smaller one.

There's also a zebra pleco. They are pretty fragile, and if I recall, run about $40.

Why do people think fish cant suffer?

Here I go again wasting a perfectly good answer.

People who say "they're only fish" to justifiy treating them poorly are ignorant bastards. But people that ascribe human qualities like feelings and emotion to fish are just as ignorant. Granted they are well intentioned idiots, but idiots none the less. I don't feel that fish should be mistreated, flushed, or in any way treated as less important creatures than any other. But they shouldn't be credited with human attributes either.

I agree that fish should be kept in the best possible conditions, with good water quality, ample room and proper nutrition. But to keep a 180 gallon tank stocked with only 4 fish is just a waste of resources unless those fish are a very large species, very aggressive species or extraordinarly dirty fish. I can think of few fish that fall into these catagories that are commonly kept by aquarists.

As for them having a central nervous system, and therefore they feel pain; that depends upon what you mean by pain. Yes they do have a central nervous system, and yes they will react to unfavorable stimuli. But their nervous system is quite primitive comparitively. They can't feel pain and discomfort in the same way that you and I do, because they have a much lower density of pain receptors and most importantly they lack the portion of the brain responsible for perceiving pain, as pain. To them it is just an uncomortable sensation. If you don't have the ability to understand you don't have the ability to suffer. We see them as suffering, they don't. It is just another sensation that they react to.

They don't feel like they are suffocating in a tiny fish bowl, because they don't have the intellectual capacity to understand that they are in a tiny fish bowl. Psychological distress such as clostrophobia is a human fear and because we feel this, we think that all animals must also feel it. They don't, because they can't!

I don't mean to insult people, but they really should try to educate themselves on fish biology before they answer a question like this; instead of answering it based upon the misguided precept that because things are a certain way for humans they are necessarily the same way for all animals.

Yes a cat can have dry flakey skin. There can be many causes of this. Dry skin can be a sign that the cat has worms so please have a vet check that out. Other than that it could be a poor diet, a food allergy, if you are over bathing the cat especially with human shampoo, or if your heat is running constantly and drying everyone's skin.The first thing I’d check is for worms with a vet visit or examining the poop yourself for any worms as they are not microscopic. They don't shed with every bowel movement so you may have to check a few. If you do see worms, you can treat them with over-the-counter meds.If you don't find any worms, then look at the cat’s diet next. A poor diet can cause dry skin if it does not contain a good quantity and good source of essential fatty oils. If it has a lot of fillers, it could be causing an allergy. Try one of the higher end foods with limited ingredients and animal protein as its primary ingredient. Give that about 4–6 weeks to take effect. If that still doesn't work, try adding a fatty acid supplement.The advice in the other answer regarding regular grooming will also help. Stimulating the hair follicles will help the natural oils secrete and spread. The Kong Zoom Groom is a good example of a brush to use. And dont bathe your cat unless necessary.

Quora is a place which is build with the sole purpose for people to express their opinion on certain things and share their knowledge. The Quora answers ane meant to be good source of information.While there are answers which one might not like or is against one's beliefs, the developers have ensured that no one is laughed upon or frowned upon for their opinion. Quora provides a very polite way of disapproving someone's answer - a simple down vote. A particular answer with ample downvote have reduced visibility, while another with more upvote have increased visibility. This makes Quora a perfect harmonious, democratic platform while maintaining the fact that the unpopular one is not bullied much like in actual politics or in Facebook.Hence I wish to stand any sort of reactions - laughter or sad or anger.P.S. Thanks to Quora, even if you don't like this answer, you can just downvote but not laugh or cry at it.

“What do you think?” usually means “What’s your opinion of this?” It’s typically heard after someone has put forward a proposal, or perhaps has completed some task, and is looking for approval or agreement, e.g. A: “I think we should go online, check the wallpaper on two or three different sites, and choose the one that most closely resembles what we already have. What do you think?” B: “Hmm. That sounds reasonable.”“How do you think?” is, in my experience, a semi-sarcastic reply to someone who questions how something might be done. It means, “Isn’t the answer obvious?” e.g. A: “I think we should get some wallpaper that looks like what we already have.” B: “And how do you propose we find that wallpaper?” A: “How do you think? We go online and check sites.”This same sense of “Isn’t it obvious?” is found with other question words as well:(knock knock) A: “Who’s there?” B: “Who do you think? I texted you five minutes ago to say I was on my way over.”A: “What’s that in your back pocket?” B: “What do you think? What do men usually carry in their back pocket?”A: “I’ll be 34 years old tomorrow.” B: “So when were you born?” A: “When do you think? I’ve just told you I’ll be 34 tomorrow. Do the math.”A: “I don’t feel so good. I think it must be the leftover fish I ate last night.” B: “Why did you eat that?” A: “Why do you think? I was hungry and there wasn’t anything else.”