Do You Think That The Claim That Marijuana Causes Cancer Is False

Do you honestly think marijuana should be illegal?

In my honest opinion, I'm 100% for it being legalized. I will be honest though this is coming from a little bit of a biased person. I smoke a little bit and for me it has never had a negative impact on my life. I have the money to pay for it and my GPA went up from a 1.7 to a 3.9 after I started smoking. More likely than not that's just a coincidence because I have always been capable of good grades but I seemed to be more at peace with myself after I started. I would have no problem sitting down for a few hours listening to music and doing homework.

I just feel that everything in life that we do is looking for that "high". I mean think about it.... The feeling you have over a certain religion, or you get a new promotion and accomplish your life dream. Granted that high lasts longer, but who are people to tell you not to smoke? There are many things in life that are worse than smoking that are legal and yet the government and the people have this negative outlook on it because of all the propaganda they have heard.

Also, it would pretty much shut the drug cartel down overnight and would help our dragging economy immensely.

I'm open to everyone's opinion, but please back it up.

Should Marijuana Be Legal?

As far as I know, a lot of the dangers are false. There are studies to show it doesn't kill brain cells, cause cancer (the opposite might be true), make you lazy, make you addicted, kill you, etc.

There have been, however, quite a few studies that show cannabis linked to schizophrenia. Before anyone says that's not true, it has recently been linked. In my opinion, however, this is actually a big reason why it should be made legal.

The reason why it causes(triggers, leads to, they don't really know) schizophrenia is due to the THC and CBD ratio. THC can cause panic attacks and anxiety in a FEW people that scientists believe causes future psychosis. CBD on the other hand creates the opposite effect. It is an anti-psychotic chemical that isn't psychoactive (it doesn't make you high). The problem is that cannabis can't have high levels of both. So the more THC you have, the less CBD you have. "Skunk" weed has extremely high levels of THC and hardly any CBD.

The reason it should be legal is because your average drug dealer doesn't know **** about any of this. They just sell the strongest(high THC) stuff they can find. If legalized, the government would inform the people of this and make regulations that all pot have good levels of both THC and CBD.

This is another reason why it's smarter for cannabis to be legal (as if we needed any more).

Legalizing marijuana?

Marijuana in short is better for your body than tobacco or alcohol or even many prescription drugs even when they are taken in correct doses. Not to say it does not have it's downfalls, because it does. The main reasons for it's illegalization were racist beliefs and false statements. It does not in any way kill brain cells. It causes some memory loss during intoxication and you may have a hard time remembering things that occurred during intoxication. It has been used as a medicine since an ancient asian dynasty used it. In the United States early years it was used for making clothing, rope, and many other necessities

Does anyone actually believe that Wind Turbines cause cancer?

There are a lot of things that cause cancer. Some were just matters of statistical clustering, but it happened a couple of times near high-power electrical transmission lines. So, for a while, this was Big Deal.If we get a cluster near a wind farm….we’ll have another Big Deal.On the other hand, there seem to be a lot of people denying the slightest possibility that prolonged exposure to infrasonics can cause cancer, or even any other ailment. I’d suggest we get some proof of the assertion. This is a new issue. Prolonged exposure to infrasonics is new except in industrial settings—maybe—where other factors might have been involved.Be a shame if the wind industry had to hire the same lawyers Big Tobacco used.

Has anyone ever died from smoking marijuana?

While overdosing on THC from marijuana cigarettes is almost impossible, you are still smoking an unfiltered cigarette, with the same tars and carcinogens as a tobacco cigarette (and in all likelihood more so, because it is both unfiltered and unregulated.)So yes, I think it's fair to say people are dying due to smoking weed. Not from an OD but from cancer.In addition, if one really wants to make an issue of it, as Scott points out there are those who may suffer anaphylaxis and death due to allergy as is the case with any ingested or smoked substance. So it can't be said no deaths have occurred. Cancer doesnt kill quickly or with obvious causality, anaphylaxis is rare, birth defects in children may not be linked to their causes and so on, but all are potential costs real peope have to live with.In regard to long-term effects, marijuana use exploded in the 1960's and 70's, so we are only now really getting a large sample from which to observe what a lifetime of smoking can do to the body and mind. There are certainly anecdotal effects, and ones striking enough to have resulted in cultural stereotypes of "stoners." The usual stereotype is someone who is pretty brain impaired with slow slurred speech and significant disconnect from reality. And these stereotypes formed in the 70's and 80's from real world observation of the effects which suggest significant detrimental changes of the brain in young users with years of regular smoking. We really don't know what will happen to the brains and bodies of people who smoke for 40-50 years.There have been a handful of documented cases of cerebral infarction and heart failure as a probable result of smoking marijuana in both the very young and the elderly. And there have been a few studies, and it's reasonable that a number of deaths have resulted from accidents in which marijuana intoxication was a contributing factor.Smoke all you want, I don't care, but don't expect it to have no impact on you or your body. There is no form of intoxication which is free from risk.