Do You Think That The Type Of Music Helps Dictate What Kind Of Person You Are

Do you think your taste in music depends on your personality?

Of course! I love music from almost all genres (metal and rock’n’roll come first though), it actually speaks books about me. I am very curious, I have this tendency to always learn something new by my own will, I am always searching and researching some things that interest me only because of my curiosity. In short, I loved The Dillinger Escape Plan concert just like I liked Moloko concert many years ago. It doesn’t mean I’m promiscuous, no, I just have an ability to find that golden apple out of the bundles of other apples, that seem to be attractive at first sight.Another reason, well, I am ADHD, that means that I am ‘more than one person’, I don’t have a crazy stuff they show in the movies, but I just feel, that there are several layers.” Two heads are better than one” — is that the saying?

How much does a person's taste in music can tell about his/her personality?

Regarding one person in particular, you never know. But if you take groups of people with certain musical tastes you will find indeed significant differences in personality. There are numerous studies about that.

What kind of music do you play at a wedding?

I haven't been to a wedding or reception since I was very young, so I don't know what kind of music is normally played at the reception. What do you play during dinner? After dinner? I'm guessing stuff you can dance to for after dinner, right? But can you give me examples of normal songs for this? My problem is that I'm not really in to music much, but I do like modern rock bands like Fallout Boy, Linkin Park, Green Day, etc., but I don't think you can really dance to their songs, or that people even want to hear that at a wedding. My fiance likes older rock, like Rolling Stones and The Who; can you dance to their songs? My fiance and I don't really even know how to dance, come to think of it.

I really need help here! Thanks!

Does a person's musical taste influence who they are, or is it the person and who they already are that dictates their musical taste?

Jim Davis's answer to What decides your taste in music?For me it’s the latter. And I like to think it’s a combination of genetics and upbringing/environment; like any other aspect of cultural appreciation.I was raised in a relatively musical household. My Sister is a first soprano and my dad is a tenor. He also played the guitar, she played the flute. We grew up listening to a broad range of music; from Handel to The Beach Boys. I learned to appreciate music with a lack of stylistic bias. That helped me form my own opinions later in life once I was older and began to discover things on my own. I wasn’t taught “Country’ err die!!” or “METAL METAL METAL!!!” or “Peace, love and folk music!”. I was taught to see the music beyond the style. So in that sense my upbringing helped establish who I am; which helped inform my tastes in music.

Is it preferable to listen to music while practicing Hatha yoga and meditation in general, or it is better to practice in silence?

It really depends on the type of music you are listening too. If the music helps guide your mind into a relaxed state then it is better, otherwise silence is better.Here is an example of music that can help you relax:It also depends on the type of meditation your are doing. For example, if you are doing transcendental meditation silence is better. If you are doing mindfulness music can helpYou could also try listening to natural sounds for example the sound of a waves etc. to help you meditate.There is also music specially designed to help you relax that have binaural beats in them such as the one below:Feel free to check out the meditation audio here:

Should my parents control my music taste? Recently, they've banned all of my explicit music and that's near 25% of my downloads. Should they dictate what is suitable for me to listen to and what isn't?

It’s worked, hasn’t it? Their banning the explicit music makes you want it less, right?That’s sarcasm in case you are wondering.Look, what you’re going through I went through when I was a kid. Parents have been hating the music their kids listen to since our primate ancestors banged on rocks and tree stumps and discovered they liked the sound. But I’m sure their parents didn’t and banned them from doing it.SlipKnot - ca 1,000,000 BCThere are some key issues here though. Your age and where you live.I suspect you are underage and live with your parents. Since you need their money to buy the music and since you live under their roof you need to abide by their rules. You may think that is terrible but there’s actually good reason for this: It helps you develop independence you will need when you are an adult.Truth is your parents can’t control the music you like but they can limit your access to it. Now you can either throw a tantrum and fight with your parents (you’ll lose) or you can try to compromise with them. Here are some ideas.Make an agreement with your parents to get a part time job. You can then buy the music you want.Agree with your parents that you will not listen to the music they hate in their house. Listen to stuff that they find okay only. If you can’t do that then…Get an iPod or MP3 player with headphones. That way you can listen to whatever you want and they don’t have to hear it.The key point is to negotiate with your parents and try to work out a situation that abides by their rules while giving the freedom you need as a young person.If that doesn’t work rest assured that in the end you will be independent and living on your own at which time you can listen to whatever you want wherever you want.