Do You Think The End Of Western Society Would Be A Good Thing

Do you think the Western world is getting more and more morally corrupt?

Hmm, moral corruption. An interesting topic.I would suggest that we have a high level of moral corruption right now, where those in power become increasingly less beholden to the people that vote for them and more to those that pay them. That is a classic definition of corruption. The laws of the land (specifically the Citizens United rulings) made it even more legitimate for people to buy influence.Moral decline has been a complaint of conservatives in most societies in history. In Recency England, a lady who was seen walking or in an open carriage was a highly improper imp, while both men and women should wear gloves when out to avoid skin-on-skin contact with the hands - scandal! And as for a woman lifting her skirts to show her ankle.. well! That just wasn’t done. The fact that it started to become more and more acceptable was a sign of the moral decline of the country that was completely going to the dogs!People are always going to find something to moan about when society doesn’t line up to their expectations, and blame society’s woes on that.But it’s cyclical - sometimes over large periods. For 600 years (1200 to 1800) it was considered quite fashionable to show “decolletage” (cleavage). The Puritans at the time were decrying it, claiming that society was heading for immediate downfall (and probably the coming of the end times). The Victorian Era started the trend of decrying those habits until more recently. Maybe we can thank the Victorians for not bringing the world to an end!In the 1920s the outrage over the “flappers” with their drop-waist dresses (horror!), and the outrage in the 1960s with miniskirts (to quote from Absolutely Fabulous “I can raise hemlines so high that the world is your gynaecologist!”). And bra burning in the 1960s, too. The 1980s was the first time that workout gear became fashionable, to the horror of the conservatives.Even in the USA, you can see these cycles. Brothels used to be common and very accepted in society, especially in the frontier territories. Prostitution was not a crime in the USA until about 100 years ago. New Orleans created its first official Red Light District in 1897. It was only once the 20th Century got going that the “social reformers” decided to make it less desirable and eventually illegal.There are lots of other examples of people through history decrying current trends as a portent of the end of civilization. Even if it is, then I would question which is the cause and which is the effect?

What can islam contribute to modern western society?

this is posted in the ramadan (ramadam or dan?) section because R & S will just end up with a lot of hate answers.

so from a liberal point of view as in equality between all races, genders, religions

what can islam offer? & is the media a lying dirty rat about islam?

Name greatest taboos of Western society?

What dumb answers coming up for a good question!

I think the greatest taboo in the Western society is Death! Western people don't seem to accept it, accept the fact that death is inevitable and every one has to die one day. That's why the dead are kept away from sight in caskets, until they are buried. That's why western societies have morticians, so that they make the dead look "alive". The person who died, just completed the cycle of life and death, there is nothing anyone can do about it and so instead of running away from death, western people must look at it as a completion of a journey, not the abrupt end.

Besides death, I think breast-feeding is also a taboo in western society! Why is such beautiful act of nurturing by a mother be considered inappropriate? Does the west look at breasts just in a sexual way, so that women feel it is wrong to feed a baby with breast milk, something that he or she deserves rightfully? Will the baby not bond with the pump, rather than the mother? So sad.

Abstaining and staying virgin for a long time, say till marriage is also a taboo in the western society I think. I think it is okay if people stay virgins as long as they feel like it is okay to be one. Shows that they have self restraint and they aren't falling to peer-pressure.

Touching food one eats with bare hands is also a taboo I feel. That's why people spend time struggling with fork and knives, treating food as something untouchable. Ones own hands are sacred, what would be life without hands, why then people think their own hands do not deserve to touch their food, as long as hands are clean, I don't see a problem. I am a vegetarian and I feel feeding off dead animals' flesh is a bigger issue here.

Oh maybe being vegetarian or vegan is also a bit of a taboo, although things are changing now.

Lots of other taboos but think these are the greatest of all as per my perception of the Western society.

Western society collapse: Disturbing yet a huge relief?

The dream may have been reflecting your own desire to escape the rat race, which is a noble desire to say the least. I don't personnally believe your dream was a premonition that will affect the world at large, but I do believe society in it's current form will fall and has to fall because something has got to give, very few people in our society are truly happy, how can anyone be happy with all the pressure it brings us...our spirits are being slowly crushed...we don't even know our true selves anymore because of distractions like the seemingly omnipotent media, money seeking, the need for social acceptance in a judgemental and competive enviroment and love/sex needs, you name it.

I believe Western civilisation is on it's way out, it's just a matter of wether we collectively get through the collapse and create something better or end up in a nuclear wasteland eating rats, the latter is probably what scares you, I know it scares me.

Sweet dreams.

How bad is our society now days?

Actually, our society is nothing compared to what it has been like throughout history. In the western world, are living amongst one of the lowest crime rates ever recorded--and that includes all the protests and wars going on right now. Think about that.

Strangely, we're also a society that is OBSESSED with violence.

Do you think Western Civilization has peaked and we're on the decline?

Or do you think the best is yet to come for our society?

IMO, Western Civilization had its peak in the 1950s, and began to decline starting in the late 1960s.

History has shown that societal collapse begins when one of several things happen:

Destratification: During societal collapse the social institutions supporting such specialization are removed and people tend to become more generalized in their work and daily habits.

Decentralization: As power becomes decentralized people tend to be more self-regimented and have many more personal freedoms. In many instances of collapse there is a slackening of social rules and etiquette.

Depopulation: Societal collapse is almost always associated with a decline in population densities. In extreme cases, the collapse in population is so severe that the society disappears entirely. Depopulation is a major development in most western countries today.

All this is from a book by Joseph Tainter. These things applied to the collapse of Rome and I believe that they also apply to the collapse of Western Society.

I, myself, am liberal and support many of the things that "contribute to societal decline and collapse". It leaves me torn. I really don't know what's good for society anymore.