Do You Think The Trumped-up Racism Charge Against Zimmerman Is Actually Hurting Peoples Opinions

Why are so many people in the U.S.A. politically correct?

First, it's important to understand what that phrase really means, as it is subject to deliberate misinterpretation, and can be used, is often used, as a slur.“Politically correct “ simply means be respectful to those who, historically, have been the butt of ridicule, taunts, inequity, often disenfranchised, lacking any real political or financial power or resources.For instance, the best example of a total lack of awareness, a lack of basic simple respect, is the current “president”, mocking a disabled reporter in front of a cheering audience, categorizing women as mere objects, to be used and grabbed, along with a myriad of other revolting expressions, all evincing an utter lack of empathy, understanding, kindness and compassion.Often, the expression is vilified and claimed by those who rarely experience oppression, as a muzzle on “their” free speech, a blind hypocrisy that mostly effects white people.Personally, I'm not fond of the expression, it's quite old and out of date, and open to the charcterisation this question seems to suggest.As to why you think so many in the US are PC, i would say not enough, yet. But this administration is so full of greed avarice and every other miserable human quality, that there has arisen a backlash, a rising up, as people, especially young people, are awakened, become conscious, they now see more clearly, (thanks to social media and the internet), they see that vast Hideous Strength, those who are enacting laws that benefit only a few, a banal and vapid evil top 20%, (not 1%) who care little for anyone who doesn't look like them.Actually, the US is playing catch up to many other countries who are far more empathetic, (or politically correct) already.As usual, we are quite low on the list when it come to modern progressive thinking.

Is Joe Biden the best Democrat to match up against Trump in 2020?

No…Biden is setting himself up as an anti-populist candidate… which in essence turns into pro-establishment.It won’t work long-term, sure Biden can beat Trump but that doesn’t address the working concerns Americans have. At least Trump remedies the pain with anger… Biden will let it fester.Biden is perhaps the worst person in some ways to run because of this message, populism is taking off globally in both the right and left wing flavors and democracies need to embrace that and harness it to increase democracy (which the left wing populists like Sanders and Corybn represent).If Biden rejects that populism, it will backfire horribly in the long term. The Democrats will simply lose to the rising right wing and we will see more radicalization in the US against the establishment.The left wing needs to embrace the majority of people and address their concerns directly, you want someone of the people who can rail against the failings of the government that led the US to Trump… Biden won’t do that and if he runs it will not go well for the US.The return to sanity requires a populist message that isn’t built on hate, but built on building up lives, there is a reason Sanders can get ovations in Trump country, its because the hate isn’t the primary motivator for folks, its pain. The establishment Democrats just don’t get that.