Do You Think The West Would Have Been Settled As Quickly Without U.s. Government Incentives Like

1) Which of the following best expresses the intent to limit the power of government?

a) Giving American citizens the right to bear arms.
b) Exploring and settling territories west of the Mississippi River.
c) Dividing the federal government into three separate branches.
d) Guaranteeing due process of law as a Bill of Rights amendment

Do you think the West would have been settled as quickly without U.S. government incentives like the Homestead?

No I don't think so. I mean who would want to live out in the middle of no ware

Why was the desire to acquire new territories & settle the western lands such as a strong nat. impulseaft.1815

Americans were drawn to the idea of open territory and new unexplored land and all wanted to be the first to get a piece of it. Plus the government added incentives such as cheap land for working the soil, and jobs on building railways and such

What if America had never become independent from the British Empire?

Such interesting responses, and I’m guessing the title’s changed since some of the responses.First, some historical facts.The American Revolution began roughly in 1775 (before the authorship and presentation of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The United States, though declaring independence, did not officially gain independence until 1783. (The end of the war ) That should clear up some mistated information in the responses.Since the question is “had never become independent from the British Empire”, I shall assume we are all still singing “God Save The Queen”.Chances are Britain would be the World Power, with the manpower of the American Colony, natural resources, etc, chances are good WWI would have been much shorter and WWII might never have happened, as Germany would likely become part of the British Empire or shared with other victors of the West.If, as the Super Power, Britain had still abolished slavery in 1833, it would likely still have taken quite some time for the abolition to reach the American Colony. The freeing of slaves in the British Colonies took place over several years after it’s initial passage, which BTW excluded many of the colonies, possessions and territories of The British Empire.One need only look at the treatment by the British in their colonies, specifically India & South Africa, Australia, to guess how Native “American’s” would have fared in the American Colony.It seems doubtful that the westward expansion would have been done by the British subjects, as there would have been no real benefit to individuals to adventure and settle in land that they might never be their own, so a decided lack of incentive. Chances are good that the US SouthWest would have been settled primarily by the Spanish, as it already had a foothold in the area, and the Northwest by French Canada or Britain. Gold and other natural resources would have been claimed by Britain/Spain/France, so very few rich gold and silver miners.Alaska would likely belong to Russia, Hawaii to Japan or another colony of Britain.There seem to be so many interesting scenarios that thrill the imagination.