Do You Think There Is Any Animal Which Was Specially Created And Have Control Over Others Or Is It

Why do some people not consider humans to be animals?

The answer lies in the fact that we are unique. While we share many of the same biological processes as other mammals, we are the only species to have made any technological or cultural advancements whatsoever. We are also the only ones to question morality or existentialism. If we are indeed animals, then why should we care if what we do harms the earth? It is only by nature that we were inclined to do so in the first place. The same argument is made on the basis of procreation and sexuality, which many will wave off as beyond their control because in the end humans are “no different” from the animals. From an evolutionary standpoint, we have absolutely nothing to gain from aiding the disabled or the elderly. In any animal society weakness simply isn't tolerated, and you would be left for dead if you found yourself in that position. Our species is also unique in its ability to worship… anything. Wether you believe in god or you just devote yourself to mother earth, most people feel strongly about something, whereas animals are simply incapable of this higher level of thinking. Animals don't ask questions in any way shape or form. They are capable of understanding their surroundings, they are merely incapable of reflecting on them. Despite the obvious advantages given to us by these traits, no other creature has developed anything similar. we are incapable of breeding outside of our own gene pool, and the missing link remains unfound.Humans are only considered animals as a justification for evolution, which many don’t agree with.Those who don't agree would be creationists, who believe believe that humans were specially made by god to rule over animals. Their theory is not without its own evidence. The mitochondrian DNA of every living human is exactly the same, which is something passed down from your mother, who got it from her mother, no so on; suggesting we all come from the same ancestral mother, dubbed the mitochondrial Eve. By turning back the clock on various ethnicities, we can coclude that modern humans have been around for 6,000 to 7,000 years, which coincides with the creationism. We also know that as early as 5,000 years ago humans have been smelting metal and getting tattoos as evidenced by the discovery of a frozen natural mummy called Ötzi. The point being that if we are not descended from animals, how can we be animals ourselves?

What are some animals that are bred for special purposes?

There are many of them. Turbo cows that can produce more than 10000 l of milk per year. Pigs for pancreas medicine. You can design longer pigs to produce more T-bone steaks. Infertile male insects to combat malaria is another example. Others create animals for 'beauty' reasons like cats without fur. There several ways how to do that, by genetic engineering or by crossing several animal lines. It is not so easy as some genes are dominant and others not and genes are also interconnected, so if you want to have some certain characteristics you get some other, undesired ones, too. There are complex formulas for that and there are also international sperm banks where you can find what you need to make the formulas alive. Also animal dating exists.

Questions about transgenic animals and i need answers from an expert?

1. when u release a transgenic animal into the wild, it may have an advantage over the others depending on the habitat
for example: if u release a transgenic tiger modified in a way so it loses its trait of tiring out, it definitely would survive better

on the other hand, if u release one so that it resembles a lion(in appearance), it would be disadvantaged as it would can be easily spotted by its prey in its natural habitat

6. genetic engineering is a definite boon to mankind as it helps us build a better world on a slightly lower budget as the genetically modified animal may be more resistant to disease, grow larger ,
require less nutrition,etc.

7. some advantages are:
require less nutrition
grow larger
resistance to disease
behavior can be controlled genetically

disadvantages are:
one single gene may does not always control only one single trait
so, it might prove to be a disadvantage as the animal may end up with a shorter lifespan, etc

8. yes
some may be used as oddities while others may be used to help in farms to increase yield of meat ,etc.